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Kugawestie's MX5 SDV Build Thread - Now An Upgrade Thread

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Well, the winter project started today :d

I bought this whilst I was in Cyprus and organised the courier whilst I was in Cyprus as well :)

Delivered today



Into the back garden



Off with the Gearbox



We all love a parcel dont we




Ready to move into the garage tomorrow






I see you've unbolted the turbocharger already so the others can't guess what you're up to :cool:

Oops, sorry looks like i've let your secret out :oops:


Now now Mark - thats just not true. dont get everybody excited :d


Now now Mark - thats just not true. dont get everybody excited :d

Deny it all you like, but we know it's true :d


I am now the owner of three 1.8 engines in various states :oops: - my missus just rolled her eyes :laugh:


That's a bit of an extreme way to sort your stuck temperature sender :d


That's a bit of an extreme way to sort your stuck temperature sender :d

Nothing wrong with my temp sender Dom...


so come on...... what you up to then?


oh and I love the fact you're out in the dark :d


Nothing wrong with my temp sender Dom...

The one that was snapped off in the block?


The one that was snapped off in the block?

Damn - rumbled :d

Yes - very extreme - but I like things right


So if it's not the Turbo project (and I suspect the Guru has you banged to rights here, Gary) whyfore another 1.8 engine, and why one from Cyprus apart from the fact it was probably as cheap as chips from Spiros's garage in Limassol?

We want to know what you are up to!! Spill the beans!! :d


Ok guys - I will let you in - its not that exciting really!

Ever since the engine has been running, it has lost a bit of coolant. Not the end of the world but annoying. :angry:

Then the HG went - which is now all sorted, complete with a pressure tested head.

The engine is still losing coolant, and it is definitely not a hose leak. Water pump is new and sealed well, so that leaves the possibility of a crack in the block (in my opinion).

When I got the original kit including the engine, the head and block were already split. I do wonder if there was something behind this.


I have decided to swap the engine complete.

The engine and box came up very cheap (£82!), so I decided to buy it. It also gets me a spare gearbox should I ever need one :yes:

Phase One - clean and refurb the recently aquired engine ready to install. Clean the gearbox and put it in the shed.

Phase Two - Swap the engines over.

Phase Three - Replace the block on the engine that is in the car at present and will be removed in Phase Two. I already have another block for this. This will give me a rebuilt good spare engine by the time it is all done. :t-up:

I am also considering lightening the flywheel, and I must admit I am trying to find a cheap Eaton M45/MP45 Supercharger (Mini Cooper S) to see whether I can get one to fit in the engine bay :devil:

So there you have it......



Here is another offer!

I have a SC in garage that I intend to put on my ST170 at somestage, but too many other things to do so if you want to borrow to see if you can mock up an install, that way you can see before you go out and buy one?

Let me know if you are interested in borrowing?


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