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Silverstone 24Th September Trackday


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Glad you're all getting ready.

Q539 is still in bits - I'm doing bit of a re-wire behind the dash - and that 4age I bought nearly 10 years ago is still sat on a pallet in my shed - so I'll be in the E36 which is what I really should be in at this event anyway!

Some of you may have had an email from me - I'm going to try and organise a group shot and maybe a few words to send in to Westfield World

Looking forward to meeting you all


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This group shot is starting to become a tradition when theres a few of us about , we did the same at the Trackaction day last year ( or was it early this year ? ) at Oulton Park .

I'm definatley up for it Nick , and if we're really getting desperate I might even be persuaded to do the write up as well ( but we will have to pretty desperate for me to do it ! )


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For what it's worth, here's an extremely brief clip of conditions at Silverstone Arena Circuit yesterday, with the BMW Car Club.

I think I was one of the lucky ones who managed to at least 'sniff' the track, for a moment after the sighting laps as, after returning to the pits and after a succession of red flags, activity was suspended for an hour or so, before the decision was made to cancel the day, due to the difficult and persistant conditions.

A pity but, taking everyone in to consideration, probably the right decision, as you can see the amount of water being shifted by my CR28's and all-round visability was a complete b'std, although the application of a little Rain X helped a tad.

Regardless, it was good to see Steve H, Matt, Chris, Nathan, Adam and Justin (briefly), but the good news is that Silverstone Circuit agreed to give the club another day FOC, this side of Christmas, so we'll get to meet up again soon.



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Yes it was very very wet. A good decision. I think even though it dried out a bit later it would have been 3pm before the track was clear of standing water.

I felt sorry for the chap that left his keys at home and headed off to collect them.

My brother made a late call not to take the Westy and stayed up until 02:00 to get the Porsche ready.

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Yuk, still least they've offered you a replacement day.

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I'd been looking forward to trying out my new mods..

I hope I'm able to get the day off for when they reschedule it.. :-/

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I have a friend that couldn't make this but will hopefully make it when rescheduled. So once we get a date, if you get probs attending let me know and I'm sure Nick would let us make a swap


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I have a friend that couldn't make this but will hopefully make it when rescheduled. So once we get a date, if you get probs attending let me know and I'm sure Nick would let us make a swap


Yes, thats no problem - by all means get someone else if you cant make it, just remember to let me know before they arrive!

The new date looks like it maybe Nov 8th - the day after our Snett trackday - nothing is set though. I'll know for sure later this week.

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Thanks for all your hard work organising the day Nick , was a shame about the weather but looking forward to the new date

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Yep, tough day to run Nick but not much you can do about weather like that!

Looking forward to a possible double-header then :t-up:

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Yes, the weather is something we unfortunately cannot control, Oh and my car is another!

At least the raffle was entertaining!

Look forward to the next one, may still be limping along :d

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well 23rd it is not the 8th more time to recover!

Steve yes you should still be enjoying the fruits of the raffle!

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23rd suits me better TBH, start of the month looks pretty busy already.

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