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Kugawestie's MX5 SDV Build Thread - Now An Upgrade Thread

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Eagle eyed Mooch!

They are bits of silicone tube that are covering the windscreen pillar bolts ;)

Ahhh...that explains it. Is no where safe from Kuga's IVA prep! TBH any prang which involved me getting damaged by anything that side of the ECU plate, I wouldn't want to be involved in!


That'll be easier once I get my hands on the membership list. If your doorbell rings after May and you hear a roar outside, I'd advise you not to answer the door, or send out your in-laws. :laugh:

I am fully paid up sir - send your hungry beast elsewhere :p


Ahhh...that explains it. Is no where safe from Kuga's IVA prep!

It is helping to stop the cables rubbing against the bolt ends where they feed into the ECU - so it does serve a purpose

As for is anything safe from IVA prep - I bl**** hope not ;)


Eagle eyed Mooch!

They are bits of silicone tube that are covering the windscreen pillar bolts ;)

Thought you was going to say its some fancy pipe work for you're new DRS system ;)


The wheel bearing issue is sorted out now :yes:

I fitted some foam and vinyl around the ignition barrell


Then I fitted the rear carpet/bootbox cover trim, using rivnuts and black button head bolts



I still need to cover up the seat mounting bolts under the floor, and fit the brake fluid sticker. That is all that is left on the list.

This weekend will be a good clean up and polish out the scratches, so that the car looks as best as possible for the IVA test - I think first impressions go a long way :)


What a day to be outside - superb weather.

I rolled the car out and gave the bodywork some attention, she is more or less ready for IVA now











Looks tidy doesn't it :d

It's come a long way from those brake pipes!


Yes it has come a long way from that pile of bits for sure

I am not entirely happy with the bodywork, there are still some scratches to be seen, but not bad for the first attack :d


That looks really sorted, Gary, a very nice job.

You've also got a much nicer piece of trim for the back of the boot box. Mine hasn't got the little semi circles to cover the redundant seat belt points - I've been wondering how to cover these. Is that standard a WSC issue part? If it is, I want one!


Thanks Mooch

I guess it is a standard trim - it came with the initial collection from Craig


Looks good Gary :t-up: only a few days to go now :oops:


Looks good Gary :t-up: only a few days to go now :oops:

Thanks Mark :d

I think tomorrow will be spent walking round and round and round the car looking for anything missed!


Looks great Gary ,you've done yourself proud and without doubt the tester will recognise that. its a properly screwed together car.


Looks great Gary ,you've done yourself proud and without doubt the tester will recognise that. its a properly screwed together car.

I hope so mate, I want that big grin on my face Thursday afternoon


Screw up and Godzilla will eat you...or the IVA guy. He's hungry, not fussy. :laugh:

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