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Captain Colonial

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23 hours ago, tisme said:

Noticed another thingy - when posting a reply (or creating a new topic) there is often a long delay without anything apparently happening (no circling icons or waiting for a response messages) - I've been tempted to hit the submit button again as I wasn't sure if I had actually clicked on it correctly or what.

I notice a number of other people are having similar problems with double (or empty) replies or topics ......   

still seeing double entries in various posts - see post from Stephen http://forum.wscc.co.uk/forum/topic/122304-fitting-the-exhaust-manifold/

and also this one (reply from Robin) http://forum.wscc.co.uk/forum/topic/122274-rac-style-roll-bar/

I nearly got caught out this afternoon - went to post a reply to a topic and as I hit "Submit Reply" it changed to "Saving...." and dimmed the entry and sat there for about 30 seconds - it then changed back to "Submit Reply" again - I think if you hit the submit button whilst it's doing whatever it's doing for 30 seconds (because perhaps you think you didn't actually press the submit button correctly) and then hit it again it does a double submit for the same post. Most of the time the submit is pretty instant but I've had quite a few where it does this "saving" and resets the submit button (can't believe it's auto saving at just the same instant you press the submit button ???

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2 hours ago, Thrustyjust said:

Weird, I replied to a topic about umbrellas and clicked on reply to topic, it automatically put my previous post in before I typed anything :oops:

Mine been doing that too

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Not doing that for me - but I think there's a feature that "remembers" what you type into the reply box, so if you leave then come back to it, you don't have to retype it all again.

Perhaps it's inadvertently remembering the last post you made?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not sure if this is a fault, I noticed on my phone (not logged onto website, have to sign in every time so don't bother) you can find the information about a person by pressing on their avatar. Should this just be allowed when you are logged in. 

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1 hour ago, pre-lit steve said:

Not sure if this is a fault, I noticed on my phone (not logged onto website, have to sign in every time so don't bother) you can find the information about a person by pressing on their avatar. Should this just be allowed when you are logged in. 

Hmmm - I think it's OK to show basic info - but the link to the Member Map should not be there.

Will look into it

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  • 2 weeks later...

When you're searching in a particular forum, it defaults the results in 'Relevance' order.  If you then change the order in 'Date', the following error is shown


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It's not an error as such. It's called "flood control" to stop people "flooding" the system with searches. 

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It is an error if you consider that you've just successfully searched, but now are changing the order of the results.  If you could somehow start the search and have the results displayed in the order you want, then that could be a workaround.  But that option is not available either.

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Not a bug report as such, but the old calendar data wasn't/couldn't be rolled over to the new calendar, one of the things missing now is the old list of magazine submission deadlines, any chance of getting this back up, please?

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26 minutes ago, Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - WSCC AO Rep said:

Not a bug report as such, but the old calendar data wasn't/couldn't be rolled over to the new calendar, one of the things missing now is the old list of magazine submission deadlines, any chance of getting this back up, please?

It was me who put them in manually every year, I'm afraid.  I'll go do this year's now.

You lot will miss me when I'm gone. ;)


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I know, I'd checked my Outlook calendar for last year, and it had you as the origin!

If I'd had the list of dates, I'd have done them myself. Just thought I'd give anyone who knew a nudge!! :p :laugh:

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It's usually in the front of the Winter issue underneath all the drivel I've turned out.  Didn't have it to hand, but did have an ads rate document from PO with the deadlines in PDF.

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I've just tried to created event entries for the Black Country Area meet.


I tried to use the repeat function but have had issues.

when I first use the repeat and set the repeat to month there is no day selection so I can't set Sunday.

If I go back in and edit there is then a day selection, trouble is it has no effect, the repeat is just based on the date.


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Yeah, I managed to loose all the calendar events I'd created doing similar, note if you edit or delete the first of the series, it just does the same to the rest of the series!

Its a shame there seems to be no way of setting "first xxxday of the month", but then there wasn't before...

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