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Picked up my car!


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More bad news....so the engine has not been built well, wrong bolts, bored out too big for the pistons, needs new pistons and rings etc, head needs skimming..... What started as a 5.5k bargain could have a 3-4k bill now. I'm completely gutted. I think the guys at NMS think I'm going to top myself! Oh also need new hoses throughout as mine all brittle and cracking, so new electrics, distribruter, engine rebuild, new carbs, new ignition, new water temp gage needed, new bonnet clips needed....on the plus side my battery is fine I'm told! And cars very pretty to look at.......

I'm so far into this now I don't think I can do anything but crack on and look for the silver linings! Just waiting for quote for engine repairs now.....

Would everyone agree itsvat the best place, nobody seems to have a bad word to say about NMS, and they seem very tryst worthy and put upmwith me calling each day for updates....

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  • Stevemarsh


  • Captain Colonial


  • Mark (smokey mow)


  • bioman


OK, this is all bad and all pretty overwhelming stuff, for which I'm sure we're all feeling for you..

The primary questions that have to be answered first are:

> Did you buy it from a dealer?

> If so, was there any warranty, written or implied?

If yes, then you need to be in touch with them right away and explain NMS's findings and demand your money back.

If it was a private sale, again I'd be in touch with them and express your displeasure in full and ask what they're prepared to do about it.

Assuming the worst and you can't give the car back, I'd really consider getting it back home and doing an engine swap instead of spending that much to rebuild the old one.  This is absolutely nothing against NMS who are great people and will make a superb job of anything they touch, but please, first get the estimate, come back in here and tell us the damage, and let the old, wise and emotionally detached people in here give you some advice as to your next step.

I know it hurts, but slow down, take a deep breath, and think logically rather than rushing with an emotional decision in an effort to quickly get the car back on the road.

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Thank you,

I'm waiting for the estimate from NMS today and I guess I go from there. My worry with going for different engine is I may have the same problem again. If they rebuild the engine at least I know exactly what's what. Unfortunately as alway, it comes down to cost.  I'll let you know what the quote is.

Thanks for you advice.


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Oh man, sorry to hear about that, terrible news!

As the Captain said, I would take a little while to digest everything and work out the best route from there. Engine swap doesn't sound like a terrible idea actually, if you can get one you know the history of...

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So did you buy from a garage or was it a private sale?

am guessing it was a private sale?

And I can 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th that your car is at the best possible garage you could hope for...

This all seems such a shame and an unlucky start to your ownership this does not normally happen till atleast 3 weeks in..... ha ha only joking and I really hope it turns out for the best..

I suppose atleast once all this is done you should have a spot on motor.

best of luck mate and welcome :)

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It was from a specialist lotus dealer, they have been in the loop and talking the whole way through with me, when it was just the ignition and distribution they offered freely £500 towards that fix. I've made some impulse poor decisions along the way, ie when we were waiting for the new distribruter so NMS could even start the car I wanted them to fit new webber 45s as the ones on the car were rusty and could have had issues, so I decided rather than spend 2 hours or so labour time I figured may as well spend a little more on new ones so I knew they would be all ok and better for NMS to get the most from my car. But everyone including NMS did say before they fitted them that it might be worth getting the car started first of all to make sure there were no further problems.......I thought what's the chance of engine problems when all th paperwork said the engine had been rebuilt by a company call Dave Wood Racing only 1000 miles ago....so part of the bill so far is me not thinking and rushing in!! The dealer I purchased from gave me a 30 day warrantee, and has offered to take the car and replace the engine...but a little concerned that they is still no real guarantee to the history of the engine and how long that would last and possible same issues after a few months. The dealers is always happy to discuss things with me, and really he would have had no idea what's inside the engine if this was just a part ex for them to move on. So im not blaming them as they have been given a bad deal along with me. They have made it clear that they will offer me more than the £500, I just need to get the final quote and then put it all on an email to them and request a sensible offer of contribution that we are both happy with. Ultimatey they offered to replace the engine which s all I can really ask for, so their offer of money at my request, seems very fair. Also the cost of changing an engine for the trade is really only their time and not much money, so really it may have only cost them £600-£700.

Im also a little weird that, I really want to put THIS car right, and make it perfect then if I sell it on after a while, I can, knowing that it is a really good buy for someone to enjoy.

I think what made this all worse is I've taken 2 weeks off work, before my wife and I have our first baby in October and we had planned to take the car to the coast and have a great time with, where istead I'm just sat in waiting for phone calls of news! I called NMS at 10am to chase the quote, and they were going to chase it and call me back, it's only been an hour and a half, but seems like forever when your waiting. I know how busy they are at NMS so 2 hours goes quick for them.  Im sure they will call back later, if not I'll call just before 5 to chase.

I'll keep you updated and thanks for your support.

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Well, that's much better news.  It sounds like you may be dealing with people who are not entirely cowboys and may not leave you entirely in the cold.

Dave Wood Racing appears to be a motorcycle specialist!  Not good...

I'd consider giving the dealer a chance IF they collect the car, replace the engine and give a six-month warranty on the engine itself.

Keep us informed and we'll help all we can, the things we are not short on are opinions and experience!

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Well, that's much better news.  It sounds like you may be dealing with people who are not entirely cowboys and may not leave you entirely in the cold.

Dave Wood Racing appears to be a motorcycle specialist!  Not good...

I'd consider giving the dealer a chance IF they collect the car, replace the engine and give a six-month warranty on the engine itself.

Keep us informed and we'll help all we can, the things we are not short on are opinions and experience!

Thank you,

Everyone is so helpfull, looking forward to meeting you all soon

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Even in the absence of a written express guarantee, a car bought from a dealer must be in a condition that it is fit for its intended purpose. This car patently isn't, so the dealer is legally obliged to help you out. Sounds like replacing the engine is the way to go.

Or, if you wanted NMS to upgrade the engine, then maybe they would pay something towards the cost of NMS sorting it out?

Personally, the present engine sounds to be so bad I'd be looking to change it anyway, at the dealer's expense.

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Not wanting to panic you but having only had the car 2 weeks and had gearbox and engine isues I would be looking at returning the car for a full refund since it is clearly not fit for purpose. What other things are waiting to go wrong in the weeks ahead once the engine is sorted?

There are normally a fair few excellent cars for sale, it a good time of year to buy price wise.


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I would wait for a quote from NMS before making decisions, they will tell you what their opinion of the car is.

What you then need to do is look at what you want, to build a standard Pinto engine is probably £600 parts plus labour. To do an uprated one is considerably more. a dealer will probably be happy to contribute to a standard level but as you say they may well want it back to do the job themselves. If Troy does the job it will be good and looking on the up side you will have a car that works well and will give you lots of joy.

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Rightly or wrongly I've decided to get NMS to make the car perfect as it should have been, I think that's the only way to get it all as I want it.

I have sent the estimate for all the work to the dealer I purchased the car and have suggested a sensible offer for them to contribute towards it.

One question, the rear axle is a little rusty, is it worth having it sandblasted and re painted or fit a new one? Or not worry about a little rust? Also would like to upgrade the shocks, NMS have suggested avo? Would you agree?

Thanks again!


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Protech are as good as Avo and cheaper
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Think i'd be holding fire until i had a firm offer/decision from the supplying dealer tbh     :suspect:

Pretty obvious that what's been supplied isn't fit for purpose and it might end up a very expensive first westfield      :oops:      :down:

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Sorry about the trouble you have had If you do stick with it the westy will reward you in spades.

However i am sure in this case (second hand cars) the law says that you have to give the origonal seller chance to fix the car. Quite plainly the car had some major faults before you got it and the onus is on the garage to fix it. But its the garage that holds all the cards here. They could say bring it back and we will fit a new engine (as this it there obligation) but if you get it fixed else where i.e. NHM the garage could quite easily (and rightly) wash there hands of it and offer you nothing, especially if its a hefty bill.

Dont go jumping in expecting the origonal garage to offer you money, hold on and wait until you have something in writing.

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