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Stu Faulkner

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Yeah fair when fair thought tonight's was much better

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Sheesh, I missed last weeks and if this weeks was better, then last weeks must have been the pits . I wont even watch the recorded last weeks. I mean, lets be honest, if I punctured my fuel tank in Newbury, right next door to the Mec garage, I would still have to wait weeks for a new one on a brand new car, which probably has zero spares currently, let alone 'fix' a plastic tank in the middle of Africa  ???

The drinks thing................. rubbish .........Like I always carry cling film in the car 

As for all this hand slapping in the studio............... really ?

Animals in the reverse cameras................. Oh..................perlease.................

Make Eddie out like he's Captain Slow with a glimmer of stupidity with the 'off road button'................ mmmmmmm

Oooh an off road bridge that can take a lorry.............. look worried  ???

I know these things are always set up, but these were not even thought out at all.

Its really not working 'yet' . If the BBC really wanted a car 'based' programme , then they should have completely re written the programme and started afresh. The old way had done its time anyway. Shame, as I went and had a shower and cuppa before the next program of planes on afterwards, which was so much more interesting . 

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Not watched any of them yet, got them series linked, so I am recording them, I just don't seem to feel any urge to sit down in front of the tv and put them on.

Hence I'll resist commenting on stuff I've not seen. I am though, somewhat gutted, that they had the opportunity, they had the budget and they had access to the talent - let's face it, love him or loath him, Evans has been the format King in the past, and yet they either haven't let him come up with the new start Top Gear 3.0 or he hasn't thought of anything, and from what people are saying it seems we have TG 2.2 what a wasted opportunity.

I just hope it doesn't drag the radio 2 breakfast show down, as I've really enjoyed that in the past.

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Sheesh, I missed last weeks and if this weeks was better, then last weeks must have been the pits . I wont even watch the recorded last weeks. I mean, lets be honest, if I punctured my fuel tank in Newbury, right next door to the Mec garage, I would still have to wait weeks for a new one on a brand new car, which probably has zero spares currently, let alone 'fix' a plastic tank in the middle of Africa  ???

The drinks thing................. rubbish .........Like I always carry cling film in the car 

As for all this hand slapping in the studio............... really ?

Animals in the reverse cameras................. Oh..................perlease.................

Make Eddie out like he's Captain Slow with a glimmer of stupidity with the 'off road button'................ mmmmmmm

Oooh an off road bridge that can take a lorry.............. look worried  ???

I know these things are always set up, but these were not even thought out at all.

Its really not working 'yet' . If the BBC really wanted a car 'based' programme , then they should have completely re written the programme and started afresh. The old way had done its time anyway. Shame, as I went and had a shower and cuppa before the next program of planes on afterwards, which was so much more interesting . 


Agreed and summed up very well.


Only other way of putting it is "That's another hours of my life I wasted !!!"

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Turned it off after the 4x4 drinks thing.

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Only watched ten minutes of last weeks show then switched to the Antiques roadshow which was more entertaining/interesting. Thought I would give it another chance but as soon as Chris Evans opened his mouth that was it . MotoGP was great as usual , dump Evans get Valentino.

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Sounds as if I missed the latest episode. Oh dear, what a shame! :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

We had a couple of friends round for a barbecue. The main course was a right old "meatfeast" cooked by yours truly on a hot charcoal barbie, and starters & pud by Mrs H. Rounded off with an excellent cheese board with, in my case, a couple of glasses of port.  :t-up:  :t-up:

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Why the heck does Evans have to SHOUT all the bl**dy time?

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This episode was worse than last week. I really want to like this new team but for the first time I can recall, I switched off...

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I actually enjoyed this weeks show much more than last week


however the extra show was not as good as last weeks (mainly down to very little Chris Harris)

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I hope you're right, but TV in general has moved on since programmes were given the luxury of a season or two to gel and find their feet.

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Watched extragear last night for the first time and I could see some of the presenters moving to the main show, compared to a lot of TV I actually enjoyed both programmes, still not as polished as the Old trio but hopefully they can develop there own style and not rely on the old format

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YouTube some of chris Harris stuff he really is good esp the group c road tests ...hopefully he will come through to do more stuff

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Some of you need to lighten up. :p:p:p:p:p:cry::cry::cry::p:p ..Its just TV...light entertainment... yes there are great big errors us petrol heads see but its just entertainment... I think thats why they have added Extra gear as that does at least have a bit more real content. Although either i'm emotionally retarded but i struggle to believe some gingerbloke would get teary about a car. Maybe he was teary that he hadn't invested in one! more likely... Its on a convenient time of day for me..the wife is bathing the kids and I can sit in peace with a beer :). Programs like 5th gear which have had less "light entertainment" and more content have simply not done as well as they have not had the showmanship which Clarkson had. No one though GingerT was any good when he started breakfast radio after Wogan but after he stopped trying so hard and being a to$$er he became good. Some of the issue is I'd have a beer with Clarkson but GT I'd struggle with really.. Matt le Plonk i think is funny and not taking himself to seriously...

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Some of you need to lighten up. :p :p :p :p :p:cry: :cry: :cry::p :p ..Its just TV...light entertainment... yes there are great big errors us petrol heads see but its just entertainment... I think thats why they have added Extra gear as that does at least have a bit more real content. Although either i'm emotionally retarded but i struggle to believe some gingerbloke would get teary about a car. Maybe he was teary that he hadn't invested in one! more likely... Its on a convenient time of day for me..the wife is bathing the kids and I can sit in peace with a beer :). Programs like 5th gear which have had less "light entertainment" and more content have simply not done as well as they have not had the showmanship which Clarkson had. No one though GingerT was any good when he started breakfast radio after Wogan but after he stopped trying so hard and being a ****** he became good. Some of the issue is I'd have a beer with Clarkson but GT I'd struggle with really.. Matt le Plonk i think is funny and not taking himself to seriously...

Thats the thing............................... its not entertaining entertainment  :rolleyes:

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