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    Mark (smokey mow)

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 16/10/15 in all areas

  1. As some of you will know, when we last saw her at Stoneleigh, Clare Ironside from A-Plan Insurance was expecting her first child. I was very pleased to get a phone call from her on Wednesday, checking up on all of us but also telling me she'd had a little girl, Keira, back in July. Clare kindly sent a couple of photos of her new daughter for us all to enjoy, the first at one week old and the second just a couple of weeks ago (click on photo to make bigger). So on behalf of us all, many congrats to Clare and family on your beautiful baby girl - we hope to see her at a show in the future.
    7 points
  2. Copy of my letter: Dear Cheryl As per my conversation with John, please can you ensure the below letter reaches the Chairman of the Speed Events Committee? Thank you. Dear Sir I am writing to raise a formal objection to the change to the ROPS regulations for 2016, specifically the change to the accepted roll bar dimensions. This decision eliminates many perfectly acceptable and safe vehicles from participating with no reasonable rationale why a T45 steel, fully welded roll over bar in 38mm x 3mm is any less safe than a bolted hoop in 45mm x 1.5mm. This decision has forced two competitors so far to retire from the sport and many others are negatively affected. Please review the following two forum threads to give you a base idea of the scale of impact: http://www.uphillracers.com/showthread.php/rops-road-going-specialist-production-11471.html?p=116757#post116757 http://forum.wscc.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic/115180-new-msa-rops-regulations/page-12 There is also an online petition now live: https://www.change.org/p/motor-sport-association-msa-msa-rops-regulations-for-2016-creating-unnecessary-costs-and-a-negative-safety-impact I am writing to respectfully request that this change is rescinded to allow these competitors to maintain their passion and enthusiasm for the sport. Kind regards
    2 points
  3. tyre rule must of changed last year , I don't run in the lower class so never checked in the wscc rules . so it still gives you the option to run ditch finders if you wish. like you said most people decided to run the better tyre. surprise that ?. did the cost put them off [no]because they used them because the gain is cheaper than a engine upgrade for same advantage. so we are all on cheap tyres who is going to win .. the bloke with the best set up car normally and bigger wallet normally. with worse tyres traction control will rule. then watch everyone moan about that not the tyres . the facts are the 1c tyres were on the 1b list last year [same tyre no difference ] its road legal .its e marked . it was ok for last 5 years or so . if msa say it has to be emarked them whats the problem . what class can you now run a 1c tyre . as windy has pointed out there are exemptions and they have not followed them. well only one pre 1990 cars are ok. nice level playing field
    1 point
  4. You don't "have" to do anything. But the competitors that have been out competing for a year or more have run these tyres and set times on these tyres. Like most others, I'm not too bothered about trophies but I am bothered about knowing I'm improving and beating my own times, so why would I want to turn up to a venue and go 3 seconds slower, when I have a perfectly serviceable set of super soft tyres sat in the garage that could make me quicker? Don't go me wrong, I agree with your sentiment and it has a place in the future, but not to be implemented in an overnight ruling that eliminates a tyre without any consultation. You're making the point that you don't want to spend £500 on tyres - well I did spend £500 on tyres, just 8 months ago, so why should it be ok to make that worthless overnight? Fine if we're given due warning and it's set for 2017 maybe, then I won't reinvest in another set at the end of next year and move to whatever 1a or 1b tyre is suitable. But we weren't given due warning, and rightly so me and 76 (so far) other competitors say we'd rather be consulted and use the tyres we've got for at least another season.
    1 point
  5. new drivers normally run in the lower classes which run 1a tyres and 1b as you progress so not change for them. if you want to compete in higher class then you need better tyres. no one is stopping you buy cheaper tyres . [bit like buying a cheaper hp engine] tyres are by far the best investment for any driver to improve his times . but we are being stopped from using tyres that we have all ready invested in. but if we are forced to all run the same tyres then why not put us all in the same class . don't think for 1 min that the people winning now wont be winning in the future because of the tyres. but there will be more accidents more stoppages less driving time and less enjoyment in the sport . and in the end less people competing due to more cost and less time driving. good job they are getting everyone to fit cages, as the accident rate is going to be a lot higher on crap tyres.
    1 point
  6. An idea just dawned on me, is anyone going to the 750mc Birkett race meeting? There are often Westfield's running in this event with bolt in front cages. Might be an idea to take pictures of these cars and their scrutineering stickers as ammunition for the msa. The same applies to the strikers David.
    1 point
  7. I've sent Clare the link to this thread so she will see all your good wishes.
    1 point
  8. Great, over 50 signatures already and its been live for less than 5 hours. Really appreciate the support, thanks everyone, keep it going!
    1 point
  9. Chris - the photos will only work for you as they're on your own Computer Desktop! You'll need to upload them online first before including within your post.
    1 point
  10. I have signed the petition to show my support for the objection.
    1 point
  11. I have seen that before as have the Speed Series Organising Team but IMHO it is no better than we already have. It does not seem to cater for torque, does not cater for BECs, does not address syncro boxes, dog boxes or sequential boxes, does not cater for launch control or traction control etc. What we have is Ok apart from how we deal with list1C tyres
    1 point
  12. Totally agree with Scott on this. Although it's a kit car IMO some of the very early Westfield's are now also classics. Whilst I understand the urge of many builders to upgrade, fit modern engines and chase big power, the original ethos of these cars was to be light, simple and offer driving pleasure. If I was building your car I'd be tempted to go for something more in keeping with the age of the car and personally would be looking to install a tuned A-series engine mated to an MG box.
    1 point
  13. Also, while a modern engine might be understandingly tempting from a reliability viewpoint, I do wonder if it would have a greater resale value as a car true to its roots with a period engine, rather than an updated version. I'd only say this about a pre-lit, rather than a narrow SE or SEi. It may be worth more or it may not, but it's something worth considering. What you have, an unbuilt pre-lit, is so rare that when it's completed will be of high interest, so getting it right is important.
    1 point
  14. I've had a cherished number for over 20yrs and can't remember any of the original registrations.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
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