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  1. Captain Colonial

    Captain Colonial

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    Mark (smokey mow)

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/03/13 in all areas

  1. Every time I look, someone is banging on about saving the polar bears. That's fine, they should saved, I'm all in favour of it - even if they are so stupid that they won't eat anything but meat, thus starving if they were trapped in a green grocers. But everyone wants to save them by stopping global warming. By the time we pull our fingers out, and if we figure out how to do it, it will probably be too late and they'll be dead and gone. There's a far simpler solution: Ship them to the Antarctic. It's nice and cold and snowy down there, just the way they like it. The places is hip deep in penguins - there's millions of them, so they won't starve and frankly, penguins have been very lazy on the evolutionary side of things anyway. They've let themselves go, got fat and lazy, and even stopped flying even though they have wings. The little gits will start to evolve and fly again PDQ if they're being chased by polar bears. And the polar bears can watch the penguins and learn to slide on their stomachs to go faster and conserve energy, so evolving themselves. Penguins have got it coming to them IMO. So screw global warming and the cost of fixing it. Let's go dart all the polar bears, fly them to the Antarctic, turn on the cameras, set them free and watch what happens. It would be a hell of a lot faster and cheaper than saving the planet. Once they're not endangered any more, we can decide if we leave them there or move them back, or move the penguins that are left to the Arctic and let them have a go up north. Simples.
    1 point
  2. Bit of an oversight - sorry about that. I've enabled this for Paid Trial Members now.
    1 point
  3. Only watch Liverpool, have a hatred of United
    1 point
  4. If its got brakes fitted, stop faffing about and get the thing towed .
    1 point
  5. Most of all though folks enjoy yourselves! I certainly am, looking forward to having a proper go at it this year! Oh and if you find a Brummie, a Welshman and a Scotsman at the bar do not keep pace with the drinking, it just ends up been messy!
    1 point
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