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Showing content with the highest reputation on 17/01/13 in all areas

  1. Evenin' all Our next meeting is at the Fox and Grapes on 5 February starting around 7:30pm. I am hoping that we will have a good turnout because it will give us a really good chance to have influence over our programme for 2013. In addition to our regular first Tuesday of the month evening meetings at the Fox and Grapes, I am suggesting we continue with the following from 2012: A number of evening meetings at Skipton to meet the Lancashire and Manchester lads. Another meeting with the N Yorks Caterhams and East Yorkshire Westys at Low Catton. Our third meeting with the N Notts and Derby Westys via Glossop and the Snake at Hathersage These meetings could be headed ‘Meet the Neighbours’ and I’m happy for any further suggestions. What about a trip Northwards and/or to meet up with another club?? I’m also wondering about some family meetings for weekend lunchtimes - a bit of a blat then a drink and a sandwich at a local pub. Whaddaya think?? I’m also thinking about a Yorkshire ‘8’ as well as our Yorkshire Coast to Coast. These will both be held on a Saturday and Sunday starting and finishing at the Fox and Grapes. The Coast to Coast will be similar to last year although I might reverse the direction so anticlockwise westwards and clockwise eastwards. The Yorkshire ‘8’ could be as follows: Saturday – to York, Castle Howard, Helmsley, Bilsdale Moor, Stokesley and then across to Richmond, Leyburn, Coverdale, Kettlewell, Grassington and back to the Fox and Grapes. Sunday – to Pontefract, Barnsley, Stocksbridge, Ladybower Reservoir, Bakewell, Longnor, Buxton, Chapel-en-le-frith, Glossop, Woodhead Reservoir, Holmefirth, Huddersfield, Leeds and back to the Fox and Grapes. Your comments and suggestions will be gratefully received. Not that we needed to last year when the sun shone brightly from a cloudless sky but we can postpone the dates to be sure of good weather. Well that’s the ‘drivers’ satisfied’ I hope. Then there are the ‘racers’. I suggest we organise a trip to Harewood in May like last year to support our Speed Series competitors and then to the WSCC Blyton weekend which consists of a trackday on the Friday (hopefully dry this year!) and then the Speed Series double header on the Saturday and Sunday. That’s from the 12 – 14 July. I’m probably going to do a trackday at Oulton in March (as a present to me to celebrate becoming an OAP- OMG!!). Is there any more of you who fancy starting to do some trackdays?? I did two ‘beginners’ sessions in February and March last year with MSV at Cadwell which were really great and come recommended from an old f@rt like me (and his son). Let me have any further suggestions. And finally, what about the ‘polishers’? We’ve not had much interest in these events but I’m happy to keep plugging away so again, please let me have your suggestions. And then there are the odds and sods. Firstly there is the invitation to visit the factory which needs to be organised. It’ll need a day booked off work so what day would be best for you? I think our barn find funds will cover the cost of van hire and maybe fuel. We then have our Bring ‘n Buy in November. Is that the best month?? Please let me know. I also think we should line up some speakers. Nick and Luke Agar came a year or two ago and I guess might come again. We also had Wayne Barraclough (a local member) demonstrating how to set up the suspension of a Westfield and Damian Tracey from Daytuner talking abou tuning and rolling roads. I see Buzz is still an active member and I think he has organised some evening visits to Ginetta in the past. Shall we do that again? I also have some ideas about speakers but invite your comments first. Then there are the kit car shows such as Stoneleigh and Donnington – the list of stuff just goes on and on… The purpose of all of this is to get your little grey cells wizzing about and to stimulate us all into making 2013 another great year for the Yorkshire Area of the WSCC! Please let me have your thoughts. Rory's Dad
    1 point
  2. I have volunteered to act as self appointed speeds series correspondent I would therefore like to receive phone calls or emails from competitors to add some words to what entices us into sprinting and hill climbing. I am happy to look at writing stuff that newbies are interested in and also upgrades or frustration with cars, engines, events, the scoring system or whatever to make it an interesting read for all. It may be a bit biased towards BECs and older drivers but you will have to put up with that. i will see where it can be published such as on this website, by email or magazine etc. I am even happy to print articles that may be controversial or express a minority view so long as it help promote and improve our speed series. I would like to get something together in next 2 months so lets have it please Contact details are terry.everall@virgin.net 07767836234
    1 point
  3. have these two ever been seen together ..... i thought not ! i think bill has infultrated us http://content.clearchannel.com/cc-common/mlib/2013/01/2013_1357850529.jpg paul edden http://i663.photobucket.com/albums/uu352/GreenTop/SS%20Awards%202012/IMG_3793-1.jpg bill clinton
    1 point
  4. Beef, beef get you Graham... I'm a humble loggologist dont you know - belly pork for me and knuckle end of lamb..... I jest, I have eaten horse in France and many other meats across europe. There was a chinky shut down in northampton last week cos a diner discovered a micro chip in her "beef" and black bean sauce.... turned out it was from a Labrador called Charlie.... yuk
    1 point
  5. Can't be on for long there wasn't that much to see
    1 point
  6. Summer's on a tuesday this year
    1 point
  7. There is an idea that we might all meet at Blyton for the trackday and Sat/Sun sprint
    1 point
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