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Darve's Build Diary


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hmmm some food for thought there.

spent about an hour tonight starting to strip out the unrequired cables from the rear of the loom. pretty straightforward so far! what a sticky job though!

what do you guys do at the connectors re the unrequired cables. just cut as close as you can?

where most cables in the connector have been cut back, I'm tempted to replace with a smaller connector block.

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I just cut them off close to the connector and insulated them with tape

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I cut them off closely after trying unsuccessfully to remove the pins from the plugs. Others have done it though (for instance, reducing the two plugs at the front end down to one).

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I got loads of insulating tape if you want some, free.

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Mine were all either cut off at the connector or cut short and folded back on themselves before then sleeving the whole end with heat shrink.

Personally i've never got on well with insulation tape. I've never been able to stick it on well enough so it doesn't fall off again a few weeks later.

There was a couple of plugs which i replaced, and the rear loom i ended up completely re-making from scratch.

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spent some more time on the loom today. just a couple of hours.

I've taken the rear loom a far as I can. need the chassis to lay it on to cut to the correct length. I've now made a start on the front.

in other news, whilst out drinking to much last night, some b******* nicked my Westfield coat :( :( :(

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whoop whoop :) my coat has been returned. some b******* decided they just go home wearing it!

not much of an update really. some more of the loom has been stripped out and I've started to clean up the engine. it's sitting on Soot1e's engine stand (cheers pal) I'll upload some pics sts the weekend.

the remains of the Mazda is now ready to go and someone should be picking up on Saturday.

oh, and delivery date has been set as 21 June :d

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39 day to pick up date :t-up::down: I'm want it noooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww :p

went to the essex meet today - that just up'd my enthusiasm even more :d

thanks for the run out Mark :yes:

shame we couldn't entice the wife out for a run Bernie :laugh: she did say that it looked :cool: though!

The mazda shell has now gone - lets hope I didn't leave anything on I need :oops:

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thanks for the run out Mark :yes:

My pleasure :):t-up:
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39 day to pick up date :t-up::down: I'm want it noooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww :p

went to the essex meet today - that just up'd my enthusiasm even more :d

thanks for the run out Mark :yes:

shame we couldn't entice the wife out for a run Bernie :laugh: she did say that it looked :cool: though!

The mazda shell has now gone - lets hope I didn't leave anything on I need :oops:

Yes I know I look good :d

:( Oh, you mean the Westy

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  • 3 weeks later...

3 Weeks til pick up :)

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Not long now darve.

Hows that supercharger information coming along?

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  • 3 weeks later...

only a few day now :t-up:

garage has had a mega tidy up - Bernie, I know you'll be proud :laugh:

should be enough space and a nice build table with wheels to work on :yes:




Donor parts are in the boxes. Will cover them up when the drilling commences!

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Oh yes :yes: That looks better. Only 4 days to go :) Dave.

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