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Kugawestie's MX5 SDV Build Thread - Now An Upgrade Thread

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Time well spent here will pay massive dividends later in the car's life. Be methodical, take your time, think ahead, imagine having to trace them if there's a fault, and permanently label and record EVERYTHING.


Does all the wiring under the dash have to be wrapped for IVA do you know?


I have not seen anything in the build manuals about sealing the hole in the bulkhead around where the steering column goes through.

What happens here?


I have not seen anything in the build manuals about sealing the hole in the bulkhead around where the steering column goes through.

What happens here?

I siliconed round mine, though I'm sure I remember swing at least one car with some kind of grommet arrangement. Not sure if that was a factory supplied part though, it's not something I've ever seen listed. But plenty of little bits and bobs like that aren't, so can be worth asking.

Having said that, I've since used the membrane type blanking grommets for wiring looms that you can cut the opening out on yourself. With these, the membrane would be flexible enough to stretch around the column, and allow it to fit through at an angle. That's what I would use if doing it again.


I used one of these, it's possible with plenty of grease to stretch it over the UJ and then for it still to make a tight seal around the column shaft.

I've seen some cars where westfield fitted a splined end to the centre column rather than a UJ, on these it's possible to re-use the Mazda's fire wall gaitor.


I think I mentioned in an earlier post on the topic. I cut a circle of rubber from an old inner tube which was big enough to cover the hole in the bulkhead and a snug fit around the column. When siliconed in place it looks really neat.

Edited to add Llink to photo: http://s1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff468/Moochmuldoon/?action=view&current=IMGP1753-1.jpg

I think I mentioned in an earlier post on the topic. I cut a circle of rubber from an old inner tube which was big enough to cover the hole in the bulkhead and a snug fit around the column. When siliconed in place it looks really neat. Edited to add Llink to photo: http://s1237.photobucket.com/albums/ff468/Moochmuldoon/?action=view&current=IMGP1753-1.jpg

Thanks Mooch


No prob. Looking at Smokey's option, that's the one to go for if you can- I went the way I did because the column was in and I didn't want to take it all apart to get a grommet over the UJ! This option can go in with the column in place.


Done some more tidying on the loom tonight - the spaghetti pile is getting smaller - like a new year diet :laugh:



I decided that I now need to finalise the position of the secondary fuse box and the two relays. I am going to fit the main fusebox next to the battery mounted on the scuttle.

At present I have temporarily clamped the secondary fuse box here - is this a reasonable spot? Where have the other Mazda guys fitted theirs?


The two relays I have got clamped in the passenger area - I think I might try and get these onto the ECU mounting plate - is that a good position for them?


What do you think chaps ???


Thats where i put the relays on my one Gary .


That's where I put my MBE ecu's relays. If I'd been rewiring completely I'd have probably put the fuse boxes there too. I decided against it this time round though, too much loom chopping with the engine and stuff in place. ;)


I am not sure I have room to put the on the top of the scuttle plate, as in facing the scuttle, as I need to get my windscreen wiper assembly in as well.

Would they be ok mounted by the dash hoop on the cockpit side of the plate do you think?



Took this photo to show you what I did. Taken from drivers seat looking up and forwards into the scuttle - hopefully you can see how it all fits.

I put mine pretty much as the book showed it. I discarded the original bracket and bolted both directly onto the chassis so I got good earths, which I also use for the heated screen etc. Both flasher and the fuel pump relay face to the rear so I can access from the driver’s footwell. The fuse box is hung inverted from the right hand side of the steering column on tie wraps so I can get at the fuses or drop the box if needed.


Judging by the replies - anywhere you like then :t-up:


Judging by the replies - anywhere you like then :t-up:

Pretty much yes :d there's no specific place for it.

I remade the fuse box with something more discreet and made up a plate like the one for the ecu and installed it next to the steering column, some of the relay's are mounted on the reverse side and the rest on the front. (the switches are for my tacho BTW)



Pretty much yes :d there's no specific place for it.

I remade the fuse box with something more discreet and made up a plate like the one for the ecu and installed it next to the steering column, some of the relay's are mounted on the reverse side and the rest on the front. (the switches are for my tacho BTW)


That looks very neat, Mark. I found I was restricted by the length of the existing wires which really dictated where I could mount the various boxes. To get the relays and fuse box so close you must have extended parts of the loom to accommodate. I know you rebuilt the rear loom, did you do the same for the forward looms too?

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