Popular Post Ian Kinder (Bagpuss) - Joint Peak District AO Posted May 19, 2024 Popular Post Posted May 19, 2024 What does S2000+S2000 + 2 X Sport 250 equal? Let's ask someone good with numbers A cracking Euro road trip! @Si.Dalziel @Jim cunliffe& @Tim.Coles are joining me for this years pilgramage to the Alps. We're departing on the 27th June and spending 4 nights in Austria before heading over to new territory - The Dolmomites for 3 nights. We were 'blessed' with our first obstacle shortly after booking the train in January from Düsseldorf to Innsbruck and return, to be advised due to work on the lines, they can no longer transport us from Düsseldorf and we can now travel from Hamburg instead! Just great! We've now got a 328 mile blat from Rotterdam to Hamburg in less than 12 hours, which means it will need to be Autobahn- I just hope @Si.Dalziel & @Jim cunliffe behave at this point and don't try a rematch of which is the fastest - S2000 or Sport 250! They both won 'prizes' for their last attempt in Wales! We'll provide trip updates on the Westfield FB group and here too (as and when time allows). 7 3 Quote
Ian Kinder (Bagpuss) - Joint Peak District AO Posted July 11, 2024 Author Posted July 11, 2024 A little late, however we only found time to provide trip updates via FB whilst on our trip. A week prior to our departure, whilst I was in Germany on a business trip @Tim.Coles sent a message wanting to talk...........It sounded ominous. Tim needed to be in Paris on the Thu night that we were sailing from Hull and asked if he could travel a day later. Yes, for the Ferry but no chance for the train as they are now every two weeks for the route we wanted. Hence plan B was quickly hatched and Tim advised he'd hired a 'stunt' driver, his son William to pedal his car to Hamburg and Tim would fly from Paris to Hamburg to reposses his car. william's never driven his dad's car in EcoBoost form- what could possible go wrong............... Day 1 -Thu 27th June 2024- Home to Hull Here's what I need to take ready for loading. Trip sticker plate fitted. Car loaded up and ready to roll. As expected, everyone's eager to go and we set off from our respective homes earlier than expected. In fairness it's much better to be sat with car friends talking cars than sat at home on your own etc. Though the big boat won't sail any earlier etc. Here's the team's locations as I set off. William and I were meeting at Tagg Lane Dairy in the Peaks which has become our traditional start location and Jim and Si would meet us later on at the Cardingsheds. Given I'd publised our departure, several other members met us along the way which made for a great start to our trip. We were joined at Tagg Lane by @Jakejmagee and his lovely tiger and also @Stu Faulkner a previous Alps veteran. As per the rules, Ice Cream's were consumed @Greenstreak-Andy D As we set off from Tagg lane, we could see Jim and Si already at the Cardingsheds We had a dry and pleasant run there with just a police attended RTA to drive through. @Andy Walker had kindly agreed to meet us on Holmemoss and was standing by a large pot hole in a hi vix coat, to avoid us being damaged. A member of the LRN2 team had lost their sump a week earlier, so we didn't want to repeat. We even found a donor vehicle but the owner wouldn't part with his plate or his car for spares for our trip. We then had a seven car convoy to Hull with Andrew and Marcus Peeling off when they'd had enough. On arrival at the Pub in Hull for tea, we were met by @Geoffrey Carter (Buttercup) & shortly afterwards @AndrewBClarke (sorry, I don't appear to have a pic of your car!). For the 2nd year in a row the pub has been moody about taking orders before 5pm. So we left Andrew, Jake and Geoffrey to dine and we settled for a tesco sandwich on the way to the ferry as we prefered to get boarded and in the bar! I doubt we'll use this pub again. Car's all fueled up ready to board. The first beer of the trip. You see some 'interesting' sights on Ferries! These two fella's were handcuffed together for some reason! 1 Quote
Ian Kinder (Bagpuss) - Joint Peak District AO Posted July 12, 2024 Author Posted July 12, 2024 Day 2 - Fri 28th June 2024- Rotterdam to Hamburg Looks like it's going to be a warm one! Carb loading before we get off- @Jim cunliffe on his first coffee of the day. Waiting to crawl through passport control A little bit of traffic to avoid on our way out of Rotterdam. Given we've got 330 miles to cover to get to Hamburg instead of Duesseldorf, we've got no option but to take the Autobahn. Cars needed a drink. Soon across the border into Germany @Jim cunliffe neeeded a coffee. 1st Sticker of the trip aquired. As Tim's flight landed into Hamburg about 3pm, we advised him to head straight to the train station and check I'd identified the loading area correctly, given we've normally loaded at Duesseldorf previous. We weren't far away at a nearby Shell Station. Vpower Racing 100 Ron, again. It would be rude not too 😉 That's 799 km's covered since leaving home. Don't ask what the highest legal speed we saw on the Autobahn was, all I'm saying at this point is the two Honda's were way in front 😉 @Tim.Coles appeared as we arrived at the station in his business atire and quickly wrestled his car of his son William. A quick team photo. William the 'stand in stunt driver' was then sent home via train and plane to go and work on his Audi S4. We'd suggested joining us for a few days in the Alps at least, though given how 'light' @Tim.Coles travels, it's probably best he didn't! @Si.Dalziel and @Jim cunliffe clearly missed them memo on bringing a cool bag for the trip and didn't want to buy beer at the last Shell station and prefered to buy it just before boarding the train to ensure it's cold. They also ensured it was well shaken too 😉 The first burocracy of the trip occured, when we were asked for our V5's at check in for the train. This has never happened but we've always brough them with us as they are a legal requirement to drive in Europe./ I've always declared the weight of my car as 650kg's(It's actually 647kg) on the train paperwork, but my V5 shows 715kg which I suspect included me! Hence I was fined EUR35! We were then guided onto the station to drive onto the trains, given Hamburg is the end of the line. A fellow traveller filmed us going into the station too, I'll let you work out why they didn't manage to record the two Honda cars, but managed to record the Sport 250's. Cars safely loaded. Though as I don't have a roof, the Train Loaders insist on my entire cockpit being emtpy, so rather than hump it all onto the train @Si.Dalziel kindly allowed me to store in in the driver's footwell and seat, before he fastened down his toneau cover. First beer with Tim. Not sure why Si is drinking Rat Pi55. Each to his own, I guess. But if it helps him sleep on the overnight 'Tenko Express' it's worth a go. We'll wake up for breakfast just before we arrive in Innsbruck. 1 Quote
Ian Kinder (Bagpuss) - Joint Peak District AO Posted July 12, 2024 Author Posted July 12, 2024 Day 3 - Sat 29th June 2024 - Innsbruck to Pfunds, via Soelden Day light, noise and movement helped us wake bright and early! We're just a bit NW of Munich. The forecast ahead was looking great, too. Should we be worried? It's not Pulp Fiction, or is it ? When we left Hamburg, the cars were being towed behind us, but by some kind of overnight magic, they were now in front of us! One of the team's toneau cover was only affixed with Vecro as he plans to remove it after the trip and hence didn't wish to drill the body work. He's about to find out if it worked backwards and forwards! Waiting to unload the cars in Innsbruck. As well as the usual mix of tin tops and motor bikes there was a squad of Norwegian's including this McLaren on the top deck. Good to see @Jim cunliffe is well prepared for the Alps with his Merkin seat cover. His love for Mobile Toilet's was become more and more obvious. We briefly assemled in a loading bay, and got all are luggage sorted out, headset's repaired ready for a good day's pass blatting. We're only 30 mins away from the fun stuff. The first pass sticker aquired on the way to Soelden for the 007 Elements museum. Just by magic, I end up in exactly the same colour co-ordinated parking spot as last year 😉 Tickets bough and up we go. Outside the museum After a quick visit to the museum, we took the cable car back down and continued our blatting. The next pass was Timmelsjoch, but no sticker for this one as it was added to the route after the stickers were produced. More fuel and the mandatory ice cream. We arrived at our hotel to find the car park rather busier than last year, but we managed to squeeze in. A quick beer before check in. Cars all covered up for the night. 1 Quote
Ian Kinder (Bagpuss) - Joint Peak District AO Posted July 12, 2024 Author Posted July 12, 2024 Day 4 - Sun 30th June 2024- The Kaunertaler Pass https://www.kaunertaler-gletscher.at/ This is a private toll road to the top of a mountain. There's no point driving a light weight car if you don't keep your own weight down, so I woke early and went for a trot. The car's were moist and it was raining slightly, so perfect for running. Eskimo @Jim cunliffe had stuffed his nose into the hedge- Our hotel's down there, somewhere, and I can still hear snoring............ The sun's up and that's the direction we'll be heading. Bagpuss looks to have had a rough night! The team's nearly ready to roll. The results of a great run up the pass. Fresh cow dung! Time to wrap up, it's getting chilly. Team Honda awaiting the Sport 250 boys. More Vpower Racing. And an Ice Cream A brief leg stretch. A squad of German Morgans. Team Sport 250 lagging behind the Honda boys again................... A quick visit into a duty free zone in Switerland along a great road, for yet more Vpower Racing and a few beers. On arrival back at the hotel, there was even less space than the night before. However the helpful owner sent her 78 year old dad out and he took us on a journey round to the back of the hotel and we obtained our own private car park in the Garden! Our rooms opened out into the garden so ideal for loading/unloading each day! Why didn't we find this parking last year! Another great day nearly over. 1 Quote
Ian Kinder (Bagpuss) - Joint Peak District AO Posted July 12, 2024 Author Posted July 12, 2024 Day 5 - Mon 1st July 2024 - Stevlio and Umbrail Pass A moist start to the day. Let's not look at the Forecast. We've snook out of the hotel early, but still managed a full breakfast, even though it doesn't start till 7:30am. The early start was worth it, we only had one or two cars to deal with on the way up. We 'found' a biker from the USA who'd rented a bike in Germany and was going to join us for the run down the Umbrail pass. We didn't need fuel at the bottom of the Umbrail pass in Switzerland, so we drove back up it and down the other side of Stelvio into Bormio, Italy and took some fuel there. After a short coffee break for @Jim cunliffe we headed back up Stevlio and down the otherside in rather heavy rain back towards Austria. Another visit to our favorite duty free petrol shop. @Jim cunliffe Turbo Snail I let you draw your own conclusions as to how the Honda boys are parked up first and havn't got their bonnets off 😉 @Jim cunliffe even got a merkin seat in the hotel! 1 Quote
Ian Kinder (Bagpuss) - Joint Peak District AO Posted July 12, 2024 Author Posted July 12, 2024 Day 6 - Tue 2nd July 2024 - Bielerhoehe, Furkajoch, Hochtanberg, Flexen & Arlberg Passes Probably not the best place to stop for a 'wild wee' They were using a radar gun to catch motorists on entering the pass. It's 60kph all the way 🤦♂️ I Asked the nice lady officer if she'd have a selfie with me but politely decline. Who can blame her! They said we were slightly fast but they'd not flagged us down. We'll have to try harder. Luckily we'd got a Sport 250 leading us today. https://www.silvretta-bielerhoehe.at/de/Silvretta-Hochalpenstrasse The SilvretteStausee @Jim cunliffe has found another coffee A further sticker awarded. @Jim cunliffe was tempted to upgrafe to a Motability scooter with a merkin seat cover, but they wanted too much cash + the Sport 250. After buying some rather expensive OMV fuel from an unmanned service station. I took a 'wild wee' discretely down thr side of the garage as arrowed. Only to be on the receving end of a torrent of racist abuse from the owner from the windows arrowed. Apparently this happens six times a day and I should have rang the bell to use the toilet (no sign to advise as much). The Dirty Ingerlander wasn't tought any manners at school. Nothing is going to grow there now, apparently. I stopped mid wee and he continued the abuse from the other window. I've left a nice review on google maps for him. This fella blocked the pump for ages too. More Vpower Racing More stickers awarded. A final visit to the duty free petrol station in Switzerland before we move to the Dolomites in the morning. No 1.5 Pizza's each this year @Stu Faulkner 😂 1 Quote
Ian Kinder (Bagpuss) - Joint Peak District AO Posted July 13, 2024 Author Posted July 13, 2024 Day 7 - Wed 3rd July 2024- Pfunds, Austria to the Dolomites - via Passo Karer, Passo Sella and Passo Gardenaielerhoehe @Jim cunliffe all ready to roll and @Tim.Coles all ready to start '10 bag Jenga' 😂 @Si.Dalziel demonstrated his steering wheel remote start function also comes with a 'jump and grab the handbrake' function to avoid kissing the car in front. Nearly as close as some of 'Eskimo' @Jim cunliffe overtakes! About to leave the hotel. More dodgy weather forecast! Terrible traffic and views, as usual. A different flavour of 'motion lotion', no Shell in these parts of Italy- but still 100 RON 😎 A German Swinger box enthusiast having a test fit in @Jim cunliffe's car. A twelve year old fuel attendant had filled all our cars. He's finished school for the summer and spoke excelent English. It soon warmed up. A quick 'wild wee' stop on the Passo Karer to admire the mobile toilets struggle round hairpins 😉 The cars are thirsty again. @Jim cunliffe cautiously seeking a place for a 'wild wee' after my OMV Austrian experience. Still on the good stuff. We struggled to find high octane fuel in 2023, when two of the cars needed it (the 'boosted brothers' @Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman and @Stu Faulkner) However with some reseach and help from our Italian members @mTT97 & @LoneWolf I'd used various Q8 and AGIP apps to identify suitable stations and checked with Google Street View to ensure they weren't fibbing. This generally worked well, though we did find one station that should have had high octane and the pumps were taped up. Non of the cars on this trip needed high octane but they run better on it. We've arrived at our next hotel for 3 nights. More stickers aquired. It's going to be cosy in here, the 4th bed is arrowed. The bar didn't open until 6, so we had to check in and shower before our first beer! After Dinner we decided to inspect the Italian version of speed camera's which have been nicknamed 'Hedley hidey holes' after @HB46443 We doubt a single one we say actually had a camera in and many you could see straight through! Surely they'd be much easier to sabatage being so low? 1 Quote
Ian Kinder (Bagpuss) - Joint Peak District AO Posted July 13, 2024 Author Posted July 13, 2024 Day 8 -Thu 4th July 2024- Galleria Passo San Boldo I awoke early, so crept out of the 'snore cave' and headed out for a run, which was also to reccy the area for somewhere to eat in the evening. Despite it being early, there was still a lot of traffic on the roads and there was no footpath, so I was at risk fo being squished between vehicles and armcco or rock faces, so I took off down a side road and found a nice route along side this beautful reservoir. I ended up doing slightly more miles than expected and hence was out longer and I didn't want the others thinking I'd be late for breakfast etc, so I sent my live location in Whatsapp, so they could see I was heading back- I was rewarded with being filmed! The car's were slighlty damp and good to see @Jim cunliffe up and raring to go as always. I'd earned a peaky breakfast! The forecast was promising. Another McCoffee stop for @Jim cunliffe We'll try the cream coloured pump, what could possibly go wrong 😉 ]] It's just terrible when TomTom show's the roads ahead 😉 A bagpuss coloured Biker Chic, wanted to try my car on for size. She paid by fitting Pass stickers to our cars for us, (Just like being at Pagani 😉 !) We stopped on the way for a quick photo shoot Still only pizza 1.0 each @Stu Faulkner 'Boosted brothers' for life 1 Quote
Ian Kinder (Bagpuss) - Joint Peak District AO Posted July 13, 2024 Author Posted July 13, 2024 Day 9 - Fri 5th July 2024 - Passo Giau & The Three Peaks of Lavaredo Another peaky breakfast (well my third plate was cakes). Another pass blatted. Bambi for dinner! The three Peaks of Lavaredo, are heafty hike from the car park here, so we didn't bother! - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tre_Cime_di_Lavaredo Yet another Coffee for @Jim cunliffe Is this Doc Brown, of back to the Future fame? 1 Quote
Ian Kinder (Bagpuss) - Joint Peak District AO Posted July 13, 2024 Author Posted July 13, 2024 Day 10 - Sat 6th July 2024 - Großglockner Hochalpenstraße Pass and back to Innsbruck Since arriving at this hotel, we've only turned left out of the carpark and @Si.Dalziel was itching to drive the roads to the right, so as we left the hotel, he's dreams were made true. Heading for the blue bits Some stunning blue scenery More nice blue bits ahead Not exactly the widest roads, so it was good to have a local buffer in front of Tango Leader @Si.Dalziel Honda's leading the way as usual 😉 The signs aren't wrong, @Si.Dalziel may get freckles! Some more motion lotion. As we'd approached the pass, signs warned of cycle race and a road closure for 1.5 hours. Will we make it in time? We made it up to the top and down the opposite side just before the race started. So parked up and took in some lunch whilst the lycra clad loonies raced. It's hard enough pedalling our cars up and down these tight passes, never mind on a push bike. Total respect too them! The sausage of a wild boar More drive by 'Spray freckle booth' opportunities The Honda sang well over that pass Another round of drinks for the cars. Parked up ready for our pre train meal just 15 mins from the station in Innsbruck. Another excelent, light snack. Another glug for the cars and some sleeping juice purchased ready for boarding the 'Tenko Express' which will no doubt have been thoughtly pre-heated during this gloriously sunny day in Europe. Getting ready to load. Only the 2nd car on after all the bikes. There's not much room either side of the Porsche's wheels is there! Goodbye Austria, you've been great as always! Rather than stand on the platform waiting for the train, this year's new recruits came up with the great idea of taking in some sleeping juice in a bar in the station, which has the added bonus of making it harder for the train loading staff finding me to mither about my open car not being completely empty (I'd loaded all my belongs into Si's driver's seat and footwell any how!). There was a certain football match on as well and I endured watching the last 20 mins or so including mard-A*** time too. @Si.Dalziel assumed his normal seated location in readiness for his bedtime story........................ Here's a short update on well, er, my shorts! 1 Quote
Ian Kinder (Bagpuss) - Joint Peak District AO Posted July 13, 2024 Author Posted July 13, 2024 Day 11 - Sun 7th July 2024- Duesseldorf to Rotterdam Porka, needs some help and a rubber block to get off. I didn't. Checking the car over this weekend, shows otherwise 🤦♂️ A little bit of traffic to avoid getting to our first stop in the Netherlands. We didn't get very far, the OAP needed more Coffee! https://www.bevrijdendevleugels.nl/ Another drink for the cars, but no Ice Cream as the shop was shut on a Sunday😂 Back on the big boat. A BAC Mono has joined us The last beers, to celebrate an Epic trip. We scraped a lowly joint 3rd in the quiz! It's quite apt that the onboard entertainment is called 'No drama'. We've had none all trip😃 Luckily I can handle my drink and no photos/videos exist of me clowning about in international waters ............ 1 Quote
Ian Kinder (Bagpuss) - Joint Peak District AO Posted July 13, 2024 Author Posted July 13, 2024 Day 12 - Mon 8th July 2024 - Hulll to Home Might even get home dry! We're not the only ones with stickers earned Soon off the boat and into Hull morning chaos. 'Eskimo' @Jim cunliffe not managed to shake the BAC Mono off his tail yet.............. @Tim.Coles needed to head south to work in the Afternoon. @Si.Dalziel, @Jim cunliffe and I headed towards the Cardingsheds. Another drink for the cars and the team was splitting up further, change of plans. My vintage shorts- lots of history! Car emptied and cleaned off. Put back in the toybox. 3 Quote
Ian Kinder (Bagpuss) - Joint Peak District AO Posted July 15, 2024 Author Posted July 15, 2024 Did Carol and Rachel get the sum right? We think so! Are Sport 250's the faster car? Who cares, we all had a great driving focused trip! 1 Quote
Murraymint Posted July 17, 2024 Posted July 17, 2024 Looked a great run Ian, we were planning Austria this year but had to call off, so next year it will be... 1 Quote
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