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NASA LIES and other musings....


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10 hours ago, BLiNK Motorsport said:

Going to the moon now should be a piece of p*** compared to the 1960's so why haven't we been back with a manned mission...........................because there is no reason to as the fears of the American public over the space race with Russia (Which Russia were miles ahead of in the 1960's) no longer exists.


No other nation has been because they still know it is impossible with today's technology so don't bother!

Absolutely agree on the first point above - main reason they did it was political and a big part of that was Cold War willy waving, but the reason we don't go now is that there's absolutely no political will or money to do so - nothing else would stop us.

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We explore our oceans, atmosphere, land & skys daily to learn, we have an international space station in low earth orbit to learn yet we are satisfied with a few days in the history of mankind exploring our nearest satellite (the moon)..........................I don't think so!


Rather than using a low earth orbit space station why are we not building on the moon? Technology is so far advanced from the late 60's this should be simple compared to landing a man on the moon back then.  Then with international collaboration (like the International Space Station) it becomes even cheaper.


Have we really found out all we need to know about the moon in a couple of weeks?


...........and why won't NASA  (America) allow any other nation to land unmanned vehicles close to where their lunar landers supposedly landed?

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Have we really found out all we need to know about the moon in a couple of weeks? 

The moon has been studied for thousands of years. Technology allows us to go deeper and the moon rock and soil samples brought back were studied for YEARS, not just two weeks. I am sure they continue to be studied.

We KNOW that the moon is made up of exactly the same material as the Earth (conspiracy theorists jump in here...) even though it has evolved and behaves differently in the moons micro gravity. Thermal imaging, radio imaging etc etc help us to KNOW that it really is nothing more than a small, waterless, colourless gravity-less, solid core version our home planet. Until we decide to build on it I doubt there is any more worthwhile (IE spend money on) extensive research to be done. Much better to spend that money in other areas.

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1 hour ago, BLiNK Motorsport said:

.......and why won't NASA  (America) allow any other nation to land unmanned vehicles close to where their lunar landers supposedly landed?

Citation needed.

I really don't know where you got that false idea, but they have never refused to allow anyone to land unmanned landers near where the LEMs are (and they are there).  No one owns the Moon, and it's not the 15th century anymore, simply planting a flag doesn't make it your land, no trespassing, etc.  And how would you stop another country from doing so?  Answer: You couldn't possibly do so, they don't need your permission.

Do you know why no other country has landed a lander near the Apollo LEMs?  They don't need to because they know they are there.  If they (China or Russia) thought it was a hoax, don't you think they would have sent a lander to prove nothing was there?  They'd love nothing more than to humiliate the Americans to the rest of the world and show it was a lie, and would happily spend vast amounts to do so.

Not only that, but if you knew the LEMs existed, would you spend tens or hundreds of millions to send a lander to the Moon to a place that has already been explored and risk losing the lot by accidentally crashing into stuff left behind and looking like utter prats, or would you explore a new bit and claim the glory if you found new scientific value?

God almighty...!  Sorry, but I'm beginning to lose my patience when a relative of mine, a bonifide hero, gets repeatedly libelled as a liar and a fraud. I'm beginning to think that it would take sending every single non-believer to the Moon before they might consider accepting it, and I were rich enough, I'd make it happen.  Possibly round trip, possibly not.




You will all note, however, as throughly provoked and brassed off as I am, the thread remains open and unlocked.

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It seemed odd that there was a photo of the crash site and debris of that Mars lander from another satellite, and yet we have nothing orbiting the moon.  There's a strong risk that's  because we've been there, seen it and done it.

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3 minutes ago, Lawrie said:

It seemed odd that there was a photo of the crash site and debris of that Mars lander from another satellite, and yet we have nothing orbiting the moon.  There's a strong risk that's  because we've been there, seen it and done it.

We have TEN things orbiting the Moon:


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6 minutes ago, Scott Young - WSCC Chairman said:

We have TEN things orbiting the Moon:

They all seemed to be studying gravitational field, magnetic field and radiation, and it may be that one of them is still working. I.e. been there, seen it and done it

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In accordance with NASA preservation guidelines, the PT Scientists’ vehicles cannot land any closer than 1.24 miles (2 km) away, and it cannot get any closer than 200 meters from the Apollo site. This is a precious heritage site, and NASA would like it preserved for posterity

That's good of NASA - they want to preserve an area they have no intentions of going back to!

Scott - how do you actually know your relative went to the moon? (Verbal testament is well known to be extremely 'risky' in the evidence gathering of incidents)

You say 'nobody owns the moon' and I would like to think that is correct - on the same hand 'nobody owns the Earth either' but the Americans/Western Governments currently think they do by 'ordering' regime changes in the Middle east to suit their own Political/Economic ends - look at what they did to start a war in Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein on very tenuous links and breaching Article 51 of the security Council.

Interesting in the links you provide that NASA takes pictures of a NASA mission - considering there is a huge disbelief in the original photos taken on the Apollo missions why should anyone believe these; not exactly independent evidence!

I remember having to take my film out of my camera bag in the eighties to pass through airport x-ray machines and if you didn't they became fogged yet Apollo passed them through the radiation belts and subjected them to great heat and cold but produced glorious pictures from them without even using aviewfinder; just try putting some film in the oven at 220 deg and see what happens?

In respect to the Chinese/Russians proving America had lied; they can't - has it crossed your mind that the Western world would just call them liars?  BTW most Russians don't beleive America landed a man on the moon and that is why they are considering an investigation into it:


Russian official has has cast doubt on the first moon landings and demanded an investigation into what really happened after original NASA footage of the event disappeared.Vladimir Markin, a spokesman for the Russian government's Investigative Committee, says he wants an inquiry after the video from 1969 and a piece of lunar rock, which was brought back to earth, went missing. In an opinion piece in the Russian newspaper Izvestia, Mr Markin says that such an inquiry is vital to reveal new insights into the historical space journey.


How clumsy of NASA - the cleaner has disposed of historically significant evidence in the bin! - woops.

I believe the astronauts went into a low Earth orbit and returned to the Earth several days later - did they go to the moon, IMO (today - but i do change this opinion) no they didn't.. My own research into how corrupt the American governments/intelligence agencies have been with the public in the past is what makes me doubt it - they had every reason to fake it and had little technology/time to make it happen.

IF they did go to the Moon why is there film evidence to show that after 13 days of the mission they were still in Low Earth orbit when they should have been thousands of miles away?

Every time I look up at the Moon I would like to think we have explored there and I hope it can be proved in the future that we did.

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No no no. They did have the technology to go. They didn't have the technology to fake it!

i would love to see some footage that anyone has ever made that matches the 69 landing. We can maybe do it now with cgi but in the 60's not a hope!

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21 minutes ago, Chris King - Webmaster and Joint North East AO said:

No no no. They did have the technology to go. They didn't have the technology to fake it!

i would love to see some footage that anyone has ever made that matches the 69 landing. We can maybe do it now with cgi but in the 60's not a hope!

If you want to give me several billion dollars of the public purse I would love to try using late 1960's technology.

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Just remember to play nicely folks.

Rationally stated arguments that add to the debate, on which other side are perfectly acceptable and the reason that this thread is still going.

Insults, personal attacks, brazen attempts at baiting and the like are not acceptable. 

This ain't the school yard...

And remember, the first person to blame the Nazis automatically looses any debate, to that, specially for conspiracy theory debates, we also add the first person to use the word "sheeple" in the debate automatically looses.

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Here is the film of the 1969 landing:

There is no sound of any rocket booster on the video yet the voices are perfectly clear. They even state 'picking up some dust now' yet when we look at photographs of the lunar lander we see no evidence of the rocket booster firing, no skid marks from the feet of the lunar lander on the surface of the moon and certainly no dust on the feet of the landing module:



We can't even land a helicopter on the Earth 45 years on as well as that! (Yet we know the last time Neil Armstrong tested a 'mock up' of the lander on Earth he lost control and had to eject from it).

We got lovely clear footage from inside the lander on it's decent yet a couple of feet outside, once on the Moon the footage is grainy and horrible?

Too many 'smoking guns' IMO

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22 hours ago, BLiNK Motorsport said:

No other nation has been because they still know it is impossible with today's technology so don't bother!

Oh no, just as the final embers were dying down too.............................!!!!

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