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It kinda feels like we're back in the 1940's, sitting here on our little island whilst Germany runs Europe.

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Watch the uk become a science wasteland

Why, don't we do any commercially viable science anymore?

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I believe we do research science, but a lot of it was funded by EU funding.

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Just been watching https://woodfordfunds.com/blog/brexit-long-term-outlook/, nothing profound but I do prefer the more nuanced view that he paints than anything you will get from the media.


Yes but Woodford has a vested interest in not painting a a gloom and doom scenario as he won't want people to withdraw from funds he runs and reduce his income; I do however think he's probably giving a good, and hopefully accurate picture of the future. 

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I believe we do research science, but a lot of it was funded by EU funding.

I realised that from Dom's (interesting) previous posts on the subject. Was just curious as to how much of the vacuum could be filled by commercial interests. Or whether the UK specialised more in that level of research that's high enough/academic enough to be quite sepperate from being suitable for final applications.

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A member over on the Dark Side posted a link to a very interesting article. My view was that I neither want to leave nor to remain. It is too extreme a choice. Remaining in a very differently run EU - one that was properly democratic and accountable and preferably without a single currency (for now anyway) - would have been my choice. See what you think:


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Why, don't we do any commercially viable science anymore?

Rusty is right. We do a **** load of research science and bat well above our weight given the size of the coutry vs output. It is one of the uk biggest exports. Export is not the right word but I can't think the right one. By exiting the eu and IF we don't maintain access to Horizon 2020 we have just removed ourselves from one of the biggest and extensive research frameworks.

We are likely to still collaborate and be part of consortia but instead of getting money to pay the science we will have to pay the eu to be part of the consortia and still fund the science. (This is based on fact as my partner has just got a horizon 2020 with has a Swiss partner)

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Out of interest, who else other than the Swiss, from outside the EU, pay to be part of the framework?

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They left back in '85 and the EU didn't make it easy BUT they are a Danish colony so there were all sorts of caveats. We are no-one's colony. We are he 5th biggest economy IN THE WORLD.. We are a permanent member of the UN security council and a member of NATO. Our place in the WORLD is far more important in these days of GLOBALISATION. Never has geographical proximity bee more irrelevant thanks to the internet, jet travel and the like.

The trade deals the EU are trying to make with Canada, India and (I think) Australia which were ALL being held up by single nations for various reasons may now be open to us to pursue alone, as they will be with EVERY country in the world. I'm thinking India, China, the Middle East and pretty much wherever we like because within a reasonably short time we will be able to do these things for ourselves without the [insert name of EU member country here] holding everyone else in the EU to ransom.


As for Horizon202 and Doms doom and gloom... what did all you scientists do before 2014 when the programme started? What will you do when it ends in 2020. Lets have a dose of realism here.


Someone earlier mentioned Thatcher. She was 30 years ahead of the game. Remember the "No No No" quote? Revisit that and see what she was actually saying No No No to. It was the Federal EU superstate where we lose the ability to make our own laws and are forced in to accepting EU mandates. History has proved her correct on this one. 


Last point from me for now... The EU ministers this morning stated on the record that they now need to reform the EU because they know it has flaws. So did we pal.

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Good stuff Blatters ! reading that has made me feel good again about my voting to "leave"  :)


Unfortunate the wife voted "stay" thus automatically nulling my vote anyway  :t-up:

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I would really like to weigh in here, not to try and change anyone's mind, but just to have my say, counter misrepresentations and inaccuracies, and express my strong opinions.

However, as has been pointed out to me several times by others, as chairman I'm apparently not allowed a public opinion one way or the other on non-club matters in here. (It's things like this issue that sometimes make me long to retire.)

Be aware I'm still monitoring the thread, which better not deteriorate into an arena where people are singled out and the opinions of others are not respected - thank you.

Off for a much-needed drink.

PS: Apparently, the most Googled thing in the UK yesterday was, "What is the EU?". A pity those who voted and then searched that yesterday didn't do it six weeks ago.

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