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  1. Captain Colonial

    Captain Colonial

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  2. Mark (smokey mow)

    Mark (smokey mow)

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  4. Mark Redpath - WSCC Membership Secretary

    Mark Redpath - WSCC Membership Secretary


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/16 in all areas

  1. Some unscientific numbers here: Tallow is rendered cow or mutton fat, but for the sake of argument let's go with cows here.How much do cows weigh? Between 1,100kg for a male (bull) and 720kg for a female. So, on average, a cow weighs 910kg.The body fat content of an average cow is 25 percent. Therefore, the amount of fat in an average cow's body is 227.5kg.How many kilograms of this fat is contained in offcuts you could use to make tallow? About 40kg, according to a man at the James Elliott butcher in Islington.How much tallow is used in one note, according to the Bank of England? "A trace", which chemically means less than 100 parts per million, or 0.01 percent. A polymer consultant I called confirmed that the tallow present in a given polymer would be a fraction of a single percentage.New £5 notes weigh 0.7g, therefore there is roughly 0.00007 g of tallow present in one £5 note.How many fivers are in circulation now, and therefore will be around by May of 2017, when all the old paper ones have been phased out? 329 million notes.To work out how much tallow will be used in total in all of these fivers, we need to multiply 0.00007g by 329 million, which gives us 23,030g, or 23kg. And if you get about 40kg of tallow-worthy fat from the average cow, how many cows would you need to make every single £5 note in circulation?Just over one half a cow. How many cows do we slaughter in the UK each year? An estimated 26 million. There will be millions of banknotes contaminated by meat products from either the seller or buyer of said meat product who handled the note, plus heaven knows what else anyone's been touching, and I haven't seen or heard of anyone refusing to touch a banknote until they've been disinfected. People really are hypersensitive muppets sometimes.
    5 points
  2. Back to the restoration and a few small jobs were completed. First up was the gear lever and linkage. Thanks again go the John Danby Racing for the fabrication of the lever and gorgeous plating work. It's a simple push pull linkage connecting to the motorcycle gearbox. Next job was to fit the pedals. These originated from a Mk3 car so needed a small amount of fettling and shortening of the accelerator pedal so they would fit within my Mk2 chassis. The pedals were original parts and came from Johnny Walker's 1960's stock but when It came to fitting them I found they hadn't quite been finished. The bore for the pivot was undersized and needed reaming out to fit. The corresponding holes in the chassis also need to be done to remove the excess paint but I wont be able to do this until I remove the lower body. The master cylinders for the brakes are fitted in an unconventional position compared to most cars and when seated for driving are located under your knees. An adjustable linkage connects the pedal to a very crude balance bar for the mater cylinders. The components still need a clean up and plating but for the moment, they're just being fitted to check the fit and operation.
    2 points
  3. Just had my 100 extra copies of the magazine, have to say a superb read, well done to everyone who contributed, and as an extra surprise the 2017 calendar will also be enclosed... mark
    1 point
  4. Hi Julie. Meeting at the Texaco garage would be perfect as that's where I was planning on filling up. See you there at 09:00.
    1 point
  5. I didnt - I do now, and ive added another re-write rule to sort that too. Thanks.
    1 point
  6. No prizes for being the richest man in the grave yard.... I would say what ever car you invest in make it one you can enjoy. At lest then if it costs more then budget you can enjoy it for a few years before it value catches up with cost.
    1 point
  7. Talking of Aston Martin, a former colleague of mine, who passed away about 5 years ago in 1985 bought a DB5 for £2.5k, it needed a bit of work as the previous owner (his next door neighbour) had hit some debris in the road which had damaged the floor in the pedal area. He repaired it over a 3 year period then used to drive it periodically, I don't know what happened to the car after his death, maybe his widow still has it, but now they fetch £750k plus. The moral of this story; if you want to make a profit from it, sell before you die.
    1 point
  8. Well took the car back to Skoda today. Parked close to the showroom, so pointed out 'black seal' on showroom car and 'grey seal ' ( no ,not the one in the sea ) on my car. They knew 'exactly' what had caused that and the chrome hub centres to bubble , which was TFR from cleaning it at Skoda HQ , as was an ex employee , pre-reg style car . They didnt quibble about replacing the hub centres and the door seal, so they ordered them while I was there and await an email to then book it in. I said it maybe expected on a 50k mile car, but not a 5k mile 12 month old car. I guess I am not the first to have this issue, yet they still use this nasty chemicals to clean cars, as convenient and quick.
    1 point
  9. Old google links etc should now be fixed. I have written a custom re-write engine redirect to handle these and done a bit of testing on it.
    1 point
  10. Had a factory tour with Chris, followed by a half hour run in the factory SEiW demonstrator. On my return Richard asked where the front number plate had gone. A week later I ordered the kit, spent just under two years building it and it has now been on the road over 16 years and has nearly 26,000 miles on the clock, mostly enjoyable, but Welsh and Scottish weather both have the ability to test the mettle. Also, many friends have been made over the years by being a member of the WSCC. To paraphrase a great man. "Some people believe owning a Westfield is a matter of life and death, I am very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that." Must stop now, getting a bit emotional.
    1 point
  11. But this is the way of the world now with social media. It only takes one idiot, or one devoted person, which ever way you look at it to start a campaign and the bandwagon grows especially if there is a celebrity involved. The BOE is spineless and should have said there are a lot of more important things to worry over so we are not changing but hey ho easier to give in and spend money to do something that pleases a very small % of the people. All at the same time making vegans look even more loony to many. As for them wearing leather etc. I have a friend whose son is a rabid vegan, anti fox hunting anti battery hens, you name it he is anti, yet his Saab has a full leather interior, which he justifies by saying it was already in there so his choice made no difference. I have no issue with Vegans until their choice impacts on others which this with the bank notes has.
    1 point
  12. Or skip the restoration bit and build a lovely gardner Douglas with an ls motor. Might not appreciate but do hold value
    1 point
  13. i must just compliment you on on your choice of colour - you have excellent taste!! i recently had my car set up by Luke at Playskool. I don't have any figures, but Luke may be able to provide them.
    1 point
  14. If I had $100million in the bank, at the age of 31 I'd have been tempted to disappear to somewhere expensive for the rest of my life. But when they pay you $1million a day to turn up for work, I might have stayed a bit longer. As world champ, there's a gravy train, but for some the competitive edge has gone as they've done it. And strangely, he'd now be paid more to lose.
    1 point
  15. I applaud him. He seemed very sure of what he was doing and what better way to do it than at the top of your sport. Some people go on too long and fade away into a shadow of their former self.
    1 point
  16. Croft with Javelin. Rained on the way to the circuit, but that was it for the day.. by the time we'd been briefed and got the sighting laps out of the way the circuit was dry enough for slicks. One part of the track however stayed damp off line all day, Barcroft and Sunny in. The other problem was that there's been a Rallycross event last weekend I think.. so from the braking area of Clervaux right round to the chicane was dusty as hell! Plus that part of the track was heading into a low sun early on.. not the best. The day wasn't a sell out, so not much in the way of queues, and not too many rad flags. A 620R didn't do it's self any favours when it clattered into the Armco in the complex, and a BMW went off somewhere and bent a few panels, other than them I didn't see much in the way damaged cars. My car has developed a miss fire however.. It started at the last day I did at Knockhill. I was certain it was fuel related, so changed filters and all flexi pipes in case one was getting kinked. Need to do some more thinking on that one... Will get some videos up probably over the weekend.
    1 point
  17. And he'll know he's not likely to win it again! New Regs Hamilton will not likely let Rosberg in a 2nd time Other better drivers may also be in competitive cars
    1 point
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