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  1. Terry Everall

    Terry Everall

    Speed Series Organising Team

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  2. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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  3. Mark (smokey mow)

    Mark (smokey mow)

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  4. Paul Aspden

    Paul Aspden

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/16 in all areas

  1. Had a great day at Anglesey on Sunday watching the final round and some terrific driving as well as the usual paddock banter. Of particular note was the final run from Del, and the speech from Mr London. The speech was a reminder of what it takes to win a championship. and Del's run was storming, so good in fact that Jill needed an explanation as to why he was shaking so much! So, congratulations to our champion, it takes time and dedication, not to mention skill and talent to win, the cream is at the top again! As for the novices, there has been a year long battle and despite the oddities of Saturday, a worthy novice champion has emerged, well done Barney, we look froward to seeing you in experts for a few seasons to come. All the class champions in whatever car they run have had a challenge this year. Numbers may be down, but not the level of competition. To achieve any level of success in this championship you can be sure you are doing well. The drivers and cars throughout the speed series are some of the best in there classes. Our championship competitors likely hold the majority of class records, all as a result of the WSCC speed series, so congratulations one and all, not to mention the team of people who over the years have contributed there time and efforts to running the championship I've just had a text from last year's champion, he was at Anglesey yesterday, (he even drove the taxi) to ask me to post his congratulations to the new champion, and to Del for the storming T2 run that took the long standing target time/record from Craig Sampson in class H. We are all getting older, but some still get faster#
    5 points
  2. Oh good, so even faster broadband is being given to those who already have a pretty good service but those of us that live outside of a town will continue to make do with a mediocre service but still pay the same as everyone else.
    4 points
  3. Well, that's the first time I've been called a pit babe... Wonder if Sparco will do me a Nomex bikini for next season? I was also frustrated by the organisational issues that plagued the weekend, and came away pretty deflated. It's a shame because the paddock is usually a great place to be with you lot! Regarding the tyre warming thing... I found a few events that didn't clash with my calendar, enough to mean I would win the mini championship pretty easily, and Maurici was kind enough to let me use his car in return for some mechanical support. It wasn't as if he was going to let me go second was it I'd happily replicate the same arrangenent next season for any of you lot, but you'll have to be prepared to get beaten in your own car with cold tyres
    3 points
  4. Well it's all over now (thank goodness says Tel). I'd like to congratulate John & Barny as they are both deserving winners and worked hard for it so well done both - the back handers did help too ..................... joking of course .......... it was only John that paid :devil: :devil: But seriously, this was an eventful year with lots of "Wet" events so a wonder anybody got any points. Results are below, please check them and let me know of any anomolies (there have been one or two) and I will sort them ASAP. Experts Overall Results Novice Overall Results Just as an aside, the "J" class entrants have been separated to aid clarity as they are an "Invitation Class" and by no means lessenes their achievments - so well Done Matt Tiggs over and out
    3 points
  5. 2 nights in the carboast hotel in Skye and 2 nights in the smoo hotel . Lorna and i will get you in glencoe in the morning , we should go to Skye via the Glen elk ferry .
    3 points
  6. I can understand how Maurici feels after the poor organisation, communication & running of the event robbed me of my second timed run on Sunday. What a disappointing and frustrating way to end the weekend. It's a real shame he's so upset though, it does take some of the joy away, it's sad that it had to end that way. But as has been said by others, it's about the season, not just one event. But it was still a decent weekend with a nice bit of celebrating, a revisiting of my dinner or two and a lovely warm spot for an evening kip, so who am I to complain?? Just to clear up a couple of points though - I may not need to do this but as it's been published on the forum I feel compelled - I had three runs for T2 on Saturday, not five. The second two were at least 10 mins after the first as I'd already returned to the garage and got out of the car. The track was drying, but my last run took place before Maurici's timed run, so it was on the same track with potentially drier conditions for him, and the benefit of his own hired pit babe warming his tyres So in reality, pretty equal conditions. The benefit I had was getting a "sighting" lap, although not at much pace since I caught the car in front at Peel. While I do fully understand Maurici's frustration and I feel really upset that he's been caused so much anguish by this, as Nick has said, anything could have happened to me on my run - it was still down to me to drive that lap at that pace in those conditions. I don't doubt for a second that had Tim, Richie, Terry, Del, Garry, Matt, Dave etc etc had the opportunity to go after Maurici, they'd have put slicks on & they'd have gone much quicker, but LDMC only managed to give us 3 runs, so that was all we got. Really grateful to everyone for their kind comments and support, now and throughout the season, the advice has been free flowing & I've done my best to listen & apply as much of it as I can. You're a great bunch! I hope we get more competitors next year, I'm not sure what I will do yet and there's a chance I may not be out at all, but I hope to be if I can. See you all at the awards do!
    2 points
  7. Well done to John and Barny on this years success in Westfields. Great driving guys and lets see what you can do in 2017
    2 points
  8. My sincerest congratulations John on your achievement. So very well deserved and proof that perseverance wins the battle. A Very worthy Champion. Also congratulations to Barny, there is a history forming of newbies entering the SS and competing at the top level. We'll done lad. Hopefully see you all in 2017, 2017, how did that happen :-0
    2 points
  9. So 2 nights glencoe beechwood booked 28/29 2 nights Skye at skyehaven Portree 30/31 2 nights Durness Smoo cave 1/2 (licensed bar a big attraction, might have a lie in one day)! Got to check a couple more things to see if can fit in orkney but its slowly coming together.
    2 points
  10. Well done to all award winners and indeed participants. Just taking part is a step above most
    2 points
  11. Another sign at a Hospital that made me chuckle -----------
    2 points
  12. Are when you work for a large multinational and someone accidentally sends an email to 100k people. "this was sent to me in error" "i dont thikn i should have got this" "this wasnt for me" followed by "can everyone stop replying to all" "EVERYBODY STOP REPLYING TO ALL!" I replied to all once. Halcyon days.
    1 point
  13. Well after many many years of just dreaming, I'm finally joining the club :-) The deposit has been paid on a white classic special edition zetec. I've gone for the track day shocks, brake upgrade and wide track front suspension. Can't wait until December when hopefully I'll be collecting
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Do you live near guest? It might explain a few things
    1 point
  16. Deal! I'll take a beating from you any day And Maurici - you're still my brother from another foreign mother! :D
    1 point
  17. that would be amazing I pay for it.Regarding warm tyres... None of my TIMED (in practice it was not control) double drivings was allowed to run out untill the MSA guy checked my tyre temperature and aligned me where he thought was going to be a fair temperature. I'm already excited to se the nomex bikini... On Adam.
    1 point
  18. Thanks for the quick work Tel and Tiggs! Amazing to see the final results in the flesh! Time for a beer to celebrate!
    1 point
  19. Watch out for blue ones aswell lol
    1 point
  20. Thanks Barny. My own hired pitbabe Will be not very happy to Read this. Be sure to tell me in witch class you are next year, just in case I decide to enter again. You are my pending affair, and hopefully we can close this stupid stuff on the track. -really thought to remember that I saw you going 4 times to the start line(after your proper run), but I was so upset even after the second, so maybe I miss counted that- As I've said before, is not to lose that hurts, is the feeling of that something was not as it should. You was leading, and all was at your hand, but was too tight to rely in failures on the timmings. Aniway. I think I was the first in congratulate you and I still keep it. Let's take appart your last run on sunday... That I don't really understand what happened there. A red flag is a red flag... How can you miss it or they not remembered that was there? I really think that we should not tell anything to longton. Ive tried to leave them appart as i don't really think they are responsibles of this disaster. Is more the timing team that was not at the level that we should expect. (Please, make an effort to try to understand what I'm trying to say. I know that is far than perfect but Google translator is not helping today)
    1 point
  21. Big Andy - I put instructions on f/b too, shout up if you need more help. It's one of those - easy when you know how. Debbie had some good 'on the move' pictures. AndyR - glad you enjoyed it and you are welcome to 'tag' along anytime. I understand your situation so it will be good to see you when you can make it.
    1 point
  22. Congratulations to all the winners, another great year of competition.
    1 point
  23. It's a bike. Whatever colour you start with will end up black anyway...
    1 point
  24. every one wants them now! Sorry, only had one, and Jon had that one.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. I know Rothwell Sports Centre ... shall we all meet there at 7pm instead of the lay-by?
    1 point
  27. Pah, that looks bags of clearance compared to some cars I could mention!
    1 point
  28. Too late Tiggs - you didnt cash the cheque so Ive now cancelled it
    1 point
  29. Mine gives off the equivalent heat to a small nuclear reactor. There must be some way of monetising that....
    1 point
  30. There's a bit of confusion over the seat names, as said, I think it's the padded race seats the chaps interest in, but these are the main, Westfield supplied seats: Sports Seat Sports Turbo Seat FIA Vinyl Race seat, (different to the old padded race seat) The old Padded Race Seat The new style Padded Race Seat, now known as the Vinyl Race Seat And the same thing bare, known as the Uncovered Fibreglass Racing Seat Hope that helps clarify things a bit!
    1 point
  31. I was at my local hospital recently and saw a sign that read "This way to accidents and emergencies". Haven't people in hospital got enough trouble already without looking for further misfortune and misery?
    1 point
  32. I live on an estate with two entrance roads, there are really nasty shaped/proportioned sleeping policemen on one and slightly better profiled sleeping policemen on the other. Neither side is a problem. But, you've just got to be truthful to yourself about how you plan on using the car. There's no point telling your geo specialist that you need every last 1/100th of a second on track and that you live for the thrill of trackdays, if you only really do one or two and spend the rest of the year with the car practically as your daily driver. (And equally, there's no point telling them that you only ever use the car to drive to the pub on sunny Sunday lunchtimes, if in reality you drag on a trailer to every track in the country once a week). The heights and ssuspension settings can be tweaked to suit, you just need a little care around road "features" and a bit of thought in the build side of things to not add to possible problems. Don't forget, normally your front wheels will ride up and over any bumps and lift the sump up and away at the same time. That's why when crossing sleeping policemen, you want to hit them gently enough to not compress the front suspension too much, just let the car ride up and over them, the sump will clear fine. The ones to watch for are the pillow type. (The ones that are almost square when looked at from directly above), that come in a row across the road, with wheel gaps between each pillow, for emergency services vehicles to get through unhindered. DO NOT do what most people seem to do in their tin tops, and straddle the pillows with the car, so that your wheels go through the gaps. BAD things could happen!! With this type, run your wheels over the humps and keep your sump over one of the wheel gaps. (You might have to wait for a break in oncoming traffic). But these sorts of things are very rare, don't let it spoil your enjoyment.
    1 point
  33. Thanks for the photo Dave, now I'm terrified by the prospect of ever driving over a speed bump
    1 point
  34. I understand that John Hoyle set a new record for your taxi ride from Harrogate to Ty Croes........a bit over 2 hours???
    1 point
  35. Maurici We all feel your pain. Any of us who have competed in the Speed Series for any length of time have had our share of bad luck and occasionally when things work in our favour. It's worse when you feel like it wast fair and there's nowt you condo about it. What is more important though is that you are a well liked and valued competitor and we want to see you back in the speed series next year so please don't let this experience out you off.
    1 point
  36. I wired mine like this : Sensor wire Loom Dash/ Speedo Black white/ yellow Yellow (signal to speedo) Blue Black Black (earth point) Brown Green Green (live feed) Hope that helps.
    1 point
  37. I really enjoyed the first day of retirement and by the look on squadron leader Vans face I know he enjoyed his birthday present
    1 point
  38. hi ya all yes it was really good day out thanks julie hall and the rest i really enjoyed it i have got some pics as well but i dont know how to put them on grrrrrrrrrrr
    1 point
  39. I can tell you that Longton and the timing guys have already been discussing some of the issues they had to deal with. They are not coming up with excuses but it seems that there was inadequate communication between trackside marshalls etc and the timing controllers. So, when a car was caught or a car needed a rerun the correct info was not being provided to identify which cars were affected. What is important is that LDMC are taking action to improve things and prevent future problems of a similar nature. As Nick says sometimes motorsport can be a lottery and sometimes you win and other times you lose but please remember that the competition is over a full season and not just one weekend. Even Lewis Hamilton has to deal with a bit of bad luck sometimes
    1 point
  40. Maurici I have some sympathy with you interns of the constant timing issues we had with several reruns and similar problems due to faster cars catching up others which nested with the times. Both Gary Bunn and Barny Francis were lucky enough to benefit from this but the rest of us did not. The track conditions were changing and in th afternoon it dried so fats that later runs with the road going classes had the best conditions and beat the slick shod cars. I think the best way to deal with this is for John Wiliams to ask LDMC why the timing guys had such a big problem on both Daturday and Sunday. LDMC are a great club and always try to maximise the runs we have so they will be disappointed as well . The delay between the rerun notifications and the 15 or so cars that had a bulk rerun on Sunday was crazy.
    1 point
  41. I'm planning on being there assuming weather is good
    1 point
  42. Hope you all have a good time! And our congratulations to Russ and Beth too!
    1 point
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