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  1. The racing continues. This time at Pembrey on the 21st of August. It didn't start well. We stayed at a hotel near to the track and there was an enormous and loud wedding. Not a problem until the bar closed. Not the best nights sleep I have ever had. To top it all off, both my phone and my wife's phone did not wake us and we overslept, albeit only by about 1/2 an hour. Fuelled up with a cooked breakfast, we made our way to the track. The day was organised by the Vintage Sports Car Club and it was certainly different. The bloke next to us said there was a very expensive ("seven figures") Bugatti racing and I think that was one of many expensive cars. We were put in the main paddock with the vintage cars as there was no room left in the pits. Our fault for turning up late I suppose. So after we rushed to set up, I prepared for quali. I have not been to Pembrey for over two years so I had to remember the lines. Whilst I had watched You Tube clips, it never really helps. I know from some Go Pro footage that I had lapped at roughly 1.11, two up in the car and before my current set up. We had 20 minutes to post a time and after 10 minutes, I began to build up some speed, only for a car to lunch it's engine and drop fluid all over about a third of the track. b*******. Many did one lap after the red flag and called it a day. I needed the practice and stayed out. I'm glad I did as I posted my best time on my last lap. A 1.09, with odd lines to avoid the fluid! I was happy with that and 14th out of 29 cars. It was looking like it was going to rain but I held off changing set up and tyres until the last moment. The forecast was for it to brighten up before really starting to rain later in the day. That was wrong. I gambled with the Avon ZZR's (mediums) as they had lots of tread being almost brand new. But.....as we were waiting to go out, it started to rain harder. The organisers gave us opportunity to swap but I kept the ZZR's on and it's a decision I regretted. During the race I had a good start - I was amazed at the amount of spray - it's just ridiculous you cannot see a thing! but then struggled to hold off the chasing pack for about three or four laps and then just lost place by place, finishing 18th. The consolation for me was I couldn't have driven any faster given the tyres and had a great battle with an Elise. We swapped places three times, including me overtaking at Honda which I don't think was expected by the other driver at all. I took a late lunge into the fast right and it payed off. However, I was just pipped on the line and finished 2/10ths behind the Elise having failed a last ditch attempt to overtake on the last corner (Honda again). Close but no cigar. No video as my Wife pressed the wrong button on the Go Pro, we really should have practiced this first as it's a little tricky. For the second race, I changed my wheels and put the wets on. These were much better (by about 1.5 seconds) but the conditions were even worse by now. I didn't have time to dry out my race suit, nor did I have a spare. I was sitting in the holding area and my teeth were chattering...in late August. I had a great start as it seams everyone else was napping again and I overtook several (3 I think) cars and managed to get to the inside for the first corner but again, despite driving to mine and the cars ability, I steadily lost places. Why are the westies not good in the rain?. I tried to be smooth but it was a fest of gradual understeer into snap oversteer. I held station in 18th but then touched the green exit curb at Brooklands, defencing from another car and then....double b*******, I span 180 degrees. Thankfully the chasing two cars missed me. I straightened the car and continued, finishing 20th. Not the result I wanted but I, other then my spin, I thought I drove to my ability, had a few good battles and that's all I need right now to be happy. I even got some good footage from the race...and the spin which I should really edit out! I finally enter the modern age on the 1st and get fibre. Once I am set up i'll post some video. So that's 4 races down with Donny a week on Sunday with the CSCC. That's five signatures. I'll get my sixth marshalling at Combe on Monday - a new experience for me and I'm looking forward to it. Mike
    1 point
  2. My sprint Westfield will do 0-60 in 2.6 secs and 100 in under 6 I'd say that fairly typical of the top Speed Series cars.
    1 point
  3. Great vid What a shame we cant smell the sea air or the fish dock
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. http://www.pistonheads.com/classifieds/used-cars/tvr/chimaera/the-chim-from-atlantis-98-chimaera-450/5859750?v=c perhaps?
    1 point
  6. can't put a price on that.....
    1 point
  7. Okay Bob, Gary, Matt, James, Jim, Dave and Neville - I've received the tickets/passes for Bo'ness! I've sent y'all an email re details for the day John, there's also a wee favour request for you too!
    1 point
  8. Flipping heck... I can remember that exact terminology..! Please don't tell me how long ago it was. And the TEtD is where torquey DERVs win out (don't let Mr Chairman read that) just mash your foot and you're gone
    1 point
  9. Just looked at the price and the size. That's some model Stu!! Will you be starting a build thread?
    1 point
  10. If he is old enough to drive then tell him to get a second or third job. He should be saying. "Thanks Dad for all the years that you have gone without to provide for me. I really don't want you to sell your lovely Westfield. Please don't do it Dad. I don't need an expensive car so I will fund my own small car till I can afford a better one. Please don't sell the Westfield Dad.....please don't do it"
    1 point
  11. Thanks all, lots of good information here. Next stop off Finchingfield!
    1 point
  12. Couple of snapshots from my GoPro having fun chasing Bob
    1 point
  13. Thanks Geoffrey - emailing him now. JulianE - thanks, email him and he responded really quick. Unfortunately they are not cheap, so I'll pass on that one, but the quality does look really good. Cheers
    1 point
  14. Hi, did you say Derbyshire? great, come and have a brew with us anytime. Although for the next few weekends I seem to be piggy backing on everyone else's events but we do frequent the Peak District, honest. Julie
    1 point
  15. Welcome back I think I found one of your old accounts, that is if you did the Blyton Sunday last year in a 240Z. If you had other email addresses that you used previously that I could check, that might help. Thank goodness...and if Dave Eastwood sees anyone use that in a real situation here in the forums, expect a knock at the door and a slap with a wet tuna. Hopefully we can get you back in the fold as a full member once your 30 day trial period is up.
    1 point
  16. Welcome back! I did have a look "back of house" to see if I could find any trace of your old membership - we can merge them into the new, when we find them, but I suspect it's been on the previous to the previous Boardroom and I'm afraid, not got carried forward at some point in time. As Martyn said, Jubilee clips have been a common mod over the years, or if you want something a little more solid, RS Components and others do split collars in a variety of sizes that bolt on (Allen bolts, so nice and tidy, with no added bulk). There's a handy site here, where you can download a lot of the Westfield manuals and some of the wiring diagrams etc. (It's one of the US distributors)
    1 point
  17. Welcome back Jubilee clips can be used to restrict steering lock as you have described. Also you might find lots of useful information on Tiggers website, including wiring diagrams. http://westfield-world.com We are always out and about in the Peak District, feel free to join us any time even if you car is not fixed yet and its just for a cup of tea and a chat at one of our frequent stops for refreshment. Keep an eye on the out and about section for details of when and where we are meeting. Martyn
    1 point
  18. You expecting it to rain a lot then Dave
    1 point
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