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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/16 in all areas

  1. Figured I'd best update this with my happy ending... Had the car 2 weeks now and was lucky enough to have fantastic weather for the 500 mile drive home. Attended first event at the weekend and car was great. Couple of cosmetic things to sort, new tyres going on today and then lowered floor for winter upgrade! anyway, pictures speak a thousand words as they say... On the drive home: At last weekends event: Dave
    2 points
  2. Date of implementation: 1 January 2018 Any Driver competing in a Racing or Sports Libre car of more than 1100cc, or equivalent forced induction, with the exception of a pre’1994 Formula Ford 1600 in compliance with the period Ford regulations, must hold a Speed National A or Race National A Licence (H.16.1.1), unless the car is currently licensed for use on the public highway and competes in the event in a road-legal condition. Reason: To impose a higher level of licence qualification in consideration of higher powered vehicles. Source: https://www.msauk.org/assets/rulechangesjune2016.pdf
    1 point
  3. Here is a picture of the car for sale. How smart is that.
    1 point
  4. You mean this kind?
    1 point
  5. We're going to have a leader board Top Gear style, 10 laps to get your fastest lap I was thinking Snetterton 300 or Brands Indy Circuits as they're the most local?
    1 point
  6. So... how does it compare then? (apart from being evil that is)
    1 point
  7. I think that should do it; this is Tyre used with an XXL IQ Routes Edition, which I believe was the follow up model to yours. The route planned out with Tyre: You can use the Tyre software (or a combination of Tre and Tomtom's Home software) to upload the route(s). Go into the Tomtoms menu, and it should have a version of the screen below, with Itinerary Planning as an option, select it. You should then be able to navigate to a list of stored itineraries on your Tomtom, in my case: Once selected and loaded in, you then get the list of Waypoints, which force the Tomto to calculate your selected route. Once this list is up, you can even tap on individual lines to edit them - handy if you find a problem while driving the route. One other thing - if for some reason you miss a waypoint, and don't want to be directed back to it, select it from the list above, and on the following screen, mark it as "visited".
    1 point
  8. Wow, screw the Lodge, let's play on this all day!
    1 point
  9. my eyes ...MY EYES !!!! ;o) Happy endings are always great
    1 point
  10. When you get into Gainsborough Gary, the second roundabout you get to will have a chippy on the left. Can recommend that one! Have been there when visiting the missus' parents
    1 point
  11. Tyre is brilliant software for this, BUT, only older 2nd generation software Tomtoms and the Rider models have the facility to work with itineraries. Which are by far the best way of doing it. (They basically allow you to generate loads of waypoints, placed exactly where you want on the map, to force the TT to calculate a route from waypoint to waypoint. Pick enough waypoints and you can make the TT guide you down the roads you want.) Tyre generates the itn. Files and then uploads them to your TT. There is talk of a new system on Tomtoms, route tracks or something like that, that tries to do similar, but I've yet to talk to anyone who's used it, let alone recommended it. I've just bought a Tomtom XXL Classic off eBay to replace my ancient and failing Tomtom One, as it still does the itn function. Though one blow is that they've deleted the headphone option
    1 point
  12. Blowouts are normally caused by perished or underinflated tyres rather than punctures. So if you have a little used trailer it's worth storing your wheels inside or covering the tyres to protect from the elements and checking the pressures
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. i wasn't eligible for the classes, apparently I need more hair
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. So have I and your right it's damn heavy. What it can't drill through it will knock it's way through Used a 100mm core drill for an airvent a while ago but took two of us to hold it, once it got going it was easy.
    1 point
  17. I hope she did not get her pussey out I gave got my coat and am on my way
    1 point
  18. I got a quote through Adrian flux, £109. But the excess was £1000! With a relatively inexpensive westfield im beginning to think it's not actually worth it?
    1 point
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