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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/16 in all areas

  1. Slowly coming back down to reality after an amazing weekend at the Saint Goueno Masters Hill Climb in Brittany. A huge " Thankyou " to John Lloyd and his team for another fabulously organised event both on and off the hill. Here's a video of my final run from Sunday at 1'43.36s, not my best run of the day which was the previous run of 1'42.46s, I didn't get this on film as the Gopro battery was flat. A fantastic result for Team WSCC and an unbelievable time set by Tim ( you are a nutter ) Tim Nunn 1st in Class GT7/1 1'34.86s ( New Class Record ) Martin Harvey 4th in Class GT7/1 1'42.46s Richard Kerr 1st in Class GT7/2 1'46.50s Graham Millar 1st in Class FC/3 1'44.04s Paul Morcom 1st in Class DE/2 1'47.65s Roll on next year
    4 points
  2. Yet another delivery to the Turner household That's only four this week, just the Tascan audio recorder to come and I'm ready for Woodbridge!
    2 points
  3. Post 184 is now updated. We all went out today and our party now included Ziplob and his wife Lorna. We had breakfast in the hotel which was better than yesterday. However they still cannot make toast and we had warm bread again. After breakfast we made our way over to Killin via Tyndrum. The roads are through forestry areas and it just reminded me of Switzerland. Roads were really smooth and clear, sky was blue but the sun was so, so hot. We stopped at some traffic lights and Ziplob was at the front. In a field over the road a load of people were waving in the distance. We all waved back and next thing cameras were all out and pointing at Ziplobs car. Bob and Lorna did look the part though as they were wearing proper in car communication and they looked the mutts nuts. We arrived at Killin and parked by the Falls of Dochart Inn. Pub was shut but the cafe next door was open and they make the best carrot cake in the world. I did some filming with my drone here so hope to get some good shots of the waterfalls. It was here we had to say goodbye to Tom and Seonad. Thanks for your company and it was great to meet you both. Thanks so much for joining us and we hope you get the car sorted........ONE FOR ALL........ Next stop was Aberfeldy and we headed down the "track" side of Loch Tay and its a great little road. 14 miles long and just go steady and you will be fine. The banks of bluebells at the side of the road are amazing. REMEMBER THIS BIT..... We filled up with fuel in Aberfeldy which is around 23 miles from Killin and I paid with my bank card...... remember that for later. Next we went over to Ben Lawers via Fortingall and the roads are lovely, especially when you climb up into the group of mountains themselves. The roads are single track and very twisty and they suit our cars perfectly. We stopped at the dam for some arty shots of the cars and the ladies had a wee behind a wall. I just hope that all you Scottish boys and girls do not get ill from drinking the water from the dam. The girls did some sexy posing against the backdrop of the dam and I will post you the pictures later and then it was the boys turn. I will not be posting them as we will end up on bedroom walls throughout the land and we will classed as marriage wreckers so I will only post the lady pics. . We then went back to Killin for drinks...... Where was my blooming bank card......I could not find it so I did a 46 mile round trip to the garage in Aberfeldy and back to Killin. it was not there....Can you guess where it was.....Talk about feeling stupid. We then headed back towards Glencoe and stopped of a meal for Tea. It was here we said goodbye to Paul and Claire......Thanks for joining us you two and I am really pleased that Claire was able to try new adventures.....Are you coming back for more. That left myself and Carol and Bob and Lorna. We headed off to Glencoe, dropped Carol off and then immediately went back out agin for another 2 hours. We went down Glen Etive so Bob could play at James Bond and Lorna could be a sexy bond girl..... WORD OF WARNING. Bobs car sits lower than mine. If you have a low car then it will bottom out going down Glen Etive. It was down the Glen we saw around 40 to 50 deer all feeding and they were right at the side of us. It was amazing. And that was it. The end of another day. We did see a rescue helicopter on the way back that had landed in the Glen so I hope it was not bad news for someone. My face and arms are a bit sore as the sun has been full on for two days and its has been as perfect as perfect can be. Everyone has been so friendly and we have had so many people wave and take pictures of us. This is a FANTASTIC holiday and its a shame that our friends who had to goody could not stay a bit longer....Always next year. Alppecross and Skye tomorrow.
    2 points
  4. I think Mark at Carbon NV must have telepathic skills as he seemed to have known exactly which direction to lay the weave so it matches my steering wheel Another well finished product. Thanks Mark.
    1 point
  5. I’m just catching up after the weekend at Crystal Palace and I’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who came and spoke to me on my stand; so many questions and visitors, and a very enjoyable 2 days spreading the word about Formula IV racing. A few of the highlights for me were a couple of the conversations I had with people who had watched the races back in the 1960’s and seen the cars on display at the Motorsports Show in 1966. Also the amount of people (both children and adults) that were posing by the car for photos, and finally it was fun doing a short interview piece for the race commentary. Here’s a couple of photos
    1 point
  6. Available again now! Might have something come up 'last minute' end Sept but might gamble as Im sure someone will take my place. Will book shortly.
    1 point
  7. Today is now over. Sat on the Isle of Skye watching all the mist forming over the Cullin Hills. Sunshine all day but cooler. Travelled from Glencoe to Applecross and then to Skye. Left the hotel with very little breakfast as I sent mine back.... It was terrible. Really disappointed with the hotel this year. Applecross is amazing to drive too and I know fully understand why people rave about it. The roads are certainly entertaining to drive and the hairpin bends are brilliant. Ziplob has them off to a "T". Mind you though I did hear some effing and blinding when Bob pulled into a passing place to let cars pass that were coming down the hill and a BMW driver just ignored Bob and shot up the hill and ignored the passing points. Fantastic views of Skye from the top but how the weather changed just for going up a few hundred feet. Great food at the Applecross Inn and if you like fish and lobster etc then its the place to go. It was really busy and judging by the quality of the food, I am not surprised. Whilst we were outside we watched 3 Euro-fighters fly over in formation. Bob said he had organised the flypast for us. Bob and Lorna kept us entertained with some great stories and we really enjoyed their company. I had to do another running repair today as I lost a bolt from my luggage rack but a bungee cord and zip ties worked a treat until Bob and Lorna took us to a garage they know and they gave me a bolt and some washers. Tomorrow we are going around the north of Skye so looking forward to that and lets hope the weather continues. After these past few days with no rain, and also travelling with the friends we have made over the past few days, I am already looking forward to my next trip. Tata for now.
    1 point
  8. not saying a word m8 mind you "get back in the saddle is what I would say"
    1 point
  9. Good right up yanto. I'd been particularly waiting on your feed back as no1 you know I'm only down the road from you and no2 need to get issues with throttle position and Tps sorted to which I've already had an initial word with Andrew on. Just need to create a window when work allows to pay AP a visit (next 2-4 weeks). Glad you were pleased with his service, very encouraging.
    1 point
  10. Oops! Toybox mentioned it had a 40 k cost, I'm struggling to see where that is in that car personally. Maybe I should add up all my receipts (or maybe I shouldn't )
    1 point
  11. We now have 10 cars, thanks to all who have put their names down We can have more than 10 cars but we only have 10 free tickets. Each extra car and driver will cost a total of £12 Let me know if you would like to book this and I'll happily take the your money and book you a ticket smile emoticon
    1 point
  12. Well what a day. Did not get back to the hotel until 10.28pm. Big apology firstly goes to Ziplob and Lorna who made a trip to meet us a day earlier than envisage. Unfortunately at Glenfinnan, someone who shall be nameless at this point decided to go back to Fort William for food and they took my car keys and driving shoes with them in their boot and this left me stranded. Higgy said he would take me to Fort William but we eventually managed to get hold of the culprits and they returned. This made us late for a meal so we had to get something to eat in Fort William rather than with Ziplob and his wife. Really sorry guys that you day did not end well but it was a genuine mistake and we will make up for it. This morning after finally managing to get out of the hotel, I did some filming with my drone and the morning was as perfect as a morning could be. Blue skies, still water and no-one about as everyone was still in bed so it was blissfully quiet. We had breakfast which to be honest was not very good and we have all complained about the food and it is no-where near as good as previous years but new managers have been brought in to sort the place out. Next stop was the Three Sisters down Glencoe. There were loads of tourists taking pictures and when we parked up in Buttercup, there must have been 40 or more people taking pictures of her. I hope one of the others took pictures as it was so funny to see. After 10 minutes here it was down to Glen Etive. We did the full road at around 10mph and its a fabulous road with stunning scenery. Big mountains, then forestry and then a beautiful loch at the end. It must be tidal as it smelt so strongly of the sea with loads of seaweed on the grassy areas. The sky was the most stunning blue and this was reflected in the water. PERFECT. Myself and Tom tried to cross a river in this old "mine cart contraption" that was suspended over the river by wire cables. It was all padlocked though but was great fun to actually sit in it and pretend. We did the James Bond photographs at the spot from Skyfall and then a Euro Fighter streaked right down the glen just above us. it was so low and loud and looked amazing...... A bit like a Westfield. Next it was it the famous Scottish restaurant chain run by the Scottish restauranteur , Ronald McDonald for coffees. The roads to Fort William are always lovely and there is petrol and a Morrison's and is a handy stop over. Onwards and upwards we went. To the top of a mountain...Ok... We did use the gondolas. It was now our time at the Nevis Range. At the top we watched a helicopter taking building materials up and down the mountain and we also had a glider flying below us. Ben Nevis was to the side of us with not a cloud in site. The Ben is a massive lump of black rock and it was still covered in snow. It must have been fabulous at the top but that can wait till next year. The weather was red hot and you could see for miles. We loved every minute of it. We then went to the commando memorial at Spean Bridge. Here we met with Higgy. I told him he looked like a beatle. He looked at me really strange until I told him that I meant the group and not an insect. The memorial is a very moving place and if you are in the area then please go. The statues are so perfect and they overlook the old commando training ground and also Ben Nevis. The memorial garden is also very fitting and I spent a few minutes talking to a regiment chap who was looking after his best friends memorial. After here we all went to Glenfinnan where the viaduct that is in the Harry Potter films is located. Myself and Higgy went on a trek to find a path to the bottom of the viaduct and we eventually found a path. However we got a bit more than we bargained for. We had a bit of bonding and in the process we are owed a home made cake and a bar of hole nut chocolate from a passing group of people . I will let Higgy tell the story. That then leads us to paragraph one and the end of our day. It was great to meet Higgy and his silver bullet of a car and the day was spent with a great bunch of people, despite the keys and me earning a nickname of "Well jell Geoff" Big thanks to Higgy for today and it was great to meet you and to also share our "moment" Roll on tomorrow.
    1 point
  13. Good spec for a first time Westfield owner. Your chats with members obviously help you find the rightcar. Happy motoring pal.
    1 point
  14. Last year after seeing a photo of a Caterham stuffed under some Armco on the internet and being horrified by just 4 x 8mm bolts through fiberglass holding my windscreen away from my face I started making some phone call about buying a cage For one reason or another I could not buy one off the shelf, have a delivery date or I would have to trail the car halfway across the country then do the same trip a few weeks later to pick up the car again With this in mind I started looking at retaining my RAC bar for its integrity and adding a forward loop of my own construction DISCLAIMER Don't do this if you don't know how to weld or doubt your ability. Treat it as information I no nothing about the subject and do your own research or just buy the off the shelf item and have it fitted So I leant a pipe bender from a mate bought some seamless pipe and made a start reading the blue book for info and ideas I first started by bending the pipes to shape I made saddle type claps to fit over the box section with spacers to stop the saddle hitting the bodywork or the box section collapsing 1 2 I trimmed the end of the tubing using rolled up toilet paper centres to sit on the saddle stubs 3 I cut trimmed and tacked the roof bars to the rear loop, the put a bit of wood across the tub to support the side impact bars at the right height to tack them on 4 I tacked in a diagonal to give strength and shield the mirror mounting plate from passengers 5 Cleaned old powder coating off with abrasive disc 6 Fresh back from powder coating 7 Fitted to car Costs were £160 for steel tubing £40 for powder coating £20 for cutting and grinding discs, mig wire and bolts
    1 point
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