Date: 20th December
Route: Probably start in chesterfield (Julies base) , back through derbyshire (e.g.. Ilkeston if molestrangler joins us), through Derby, down to Tamworth (so Martyn and Sue have a short drive home for once). I'll fix the route when I know who is joining the trip
Purpose: Drive through the town centres, look silly, make the kids happy
People: Santa suits: available on ebay for £5-£10.. you can use it to afterwards if you want to shatter you kids dreams when they find out you are really santa
Car: fairy lights (12v leds available on ebay for less than £10), tinsel, whatever you want
There will be a prize for the best dressed car.
I'll find somewhere warm to eat on the way, if the heavens open or there is snow (ha, snow in December) i'll cancel it.
Thick clothes (many in Julie's case) and/or heaters required