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Showing content with the highest reputation on 14/09/15 in all areas

  1. I was racing at Snetterton 2 weeks ago, it was 30 degrees in the first race so after the race I was dam hot. Couldn't wait to take my helmet off after park ferme. Drove through the paddock and something flicked in my eye. It really hurt, after a hour the pain was unbearable so I trotted off to the medical centre, but halfway there, the pain went and I assumed the foreign object. The soreness reduced and I completed the second race. Fast forward to last night just sat doing not a lot, and ouch, the same sting, horrible pain, and eyes watering, tried to sleep unsuccessfully. Off to the docs and onward to hospital, all of which I must say we're superb. The eye specialist found a rust string in my eye, the original debris had been metal, yes it had come out but contaminated the scar with rust! This had moved last night and hence the pain. Heaven forbid it happened during my race yesterday! Anyway local anaesthetic, a shiny needle and all cleaned up So to the moral of this story...never ever drive a cycle winged aero screen car without eye protection, even for a quick trip round the block! This was no more than 5mph. Common sense for sure but please be aware.
    2 points
  2. trying to upload/post gopro vids via youtube,.. here is a short one (not mastered file size reduction yet!)
    2 points
  3. what Kev said - he knows what he is doing I have done a fair bit of night time stuff - it's fun learning when to use flash and when not too - you can also on many dslr's set the flash to go off at the end of the exposure which adds another dimension particularly on long exposure shots (allows you to soak up all the light in the background and then freeze the subject) - anyway that's going off in another direction As said using a flash will often ruin the lighting of the shot - to get good shots without flash in low light, you ideally need a prime lens especially if hand held (not critical but it helps), you will need to set the ISO at a high level if you are doing hand held to get an acceptable shutter speed with the aperature set to wide open (i.e. f1.8 or whatever your lens will go to), or if the object is still use a lower ISO setting and a tripod - there are lots of variables so dont quote me exactly on above If I am going to use a flash in lower light on camera I usually go manual and stick the iso up until I get a reasonable shutter speed so that the background is well exposed - then stick the flash on ttl and bounce the flash if possible (this is assuming I am taking a picture of something in the foreground) - this stops the dreaded white over exposed face with dark background shots you often see Must admit I thought the video didn't look too bad, although I am viewing in a small window
    2 points
  4. I don't really agree with this. I agree a decent flash gun it an essential tool for certain situations in night photography, i.e. portraits with a night background, and moving targets at night but to get a decent shot at night with a flash you still need to know how to use the flash in conjunction with slow shutter speeds and higher ISO to get the atmosphere If you strap a powerful flash gun onto a G12 and leave the camera in Auto mode you'll end up with a set of dull and flash lit photos without any of the lights and ambiance you're trying to capture. I was a professional photographer and have a good amount of Pro DSLR gear but when I go on holiday I take my G11 and a speedlight (I also take a cable and pocket wizards so I can use the speedlight off camera but thats not essential) to keep kit levels light! I can get any shot I want to within reason but you need to know how to set the camera up in manual for night time (the G11 is very good for manual control) You can learn the basics on how to do this in an hour one evening playing around, just put the camera in Manual, set the aperture to the lowest setting and adjust the shutter speed to see the effect. You will need to use a tripod or as I do, find somewhere you can prop the camera and then set the shutter release to the 2 second time delay so you don't shake the camera pressing the shutter. Try not to use direct flash on auto mode in the night though as it ruins the photos Hope that helps
    2 points
  5. For this month only... For every £50 you spend on parts get a free £10 voucher to spend on your next order! Valid until- 30.09.15 Not redeemable for cash. Cannot be used against special offers. Offer valid for parts only! ***EXPIRED***
    1 point
  6. Don't think it's the landing thats my problem, it the bit up in the sky I've a problem with...
    1 point
  7. Who has the long arms for the selfie?
    1 point
  8. WOW. I was so hoping you did not catch the wall. Well done.
    1 point
  9. Here's a video of me existing underground car park of the hotel in Strasbourg, fun for all of us especially Wayne!, Paul had it easy (no lowered floor), Terry decided to do the Dukes of Hazard entry but was more careful on the exit! only way out was same way as in so we had to reverse up the ramp and over 'bespoke' ramps so floors/cans/chassishoops cleared the apex. I slipped off the boards half way up on first attempt
    1 point
  10. Hi Julie. I have saved some for the calendar. It really was lovely on the beach.
    1 point
  11. Great video Rab, Show looked a good one, gutted to have missed out on so much this year. The gimble looks good but unfortunetly does not support my old hero 2
    1 point
  12. Fingers crossed I'll have a V5 from the DVLA by then, if so I'll be there
    1 point
  13. That's the best way to learn! Get out and test the settings and see the results. Obviously once you're on a wide (Lower f number) aperture you need to be more careful that you're locked on with the focus but on compact cameras at wide angles this is much less of an issue as you're depth of field (the area in front of the lens that will be in focus) is larger on small sensors and wide angle. Feel free to drop me a PM if you have any specific questions. I used to teach photography so I'm always happy to help
    1 point
  14. Bit like that scene from Wolf of Wall Street - bet the driver had an image in his mind of a perfectly executed trip home.......
    1 point
  15. Bit of a dilemma there , for low light you need either a wide aperture lens which = poor depth of field = poor focus or a very slow shutter speed = not good for moving images = blurred images Using flash would give artificial daylight , but the bike lights are be best seen in darkness Best result will always be a compromise
    1 point
  16. Yesterday, about 8pm was another milestone in the engine swap and general upgrade of my old SE. After waiting for the hosetails for the fuel pump to arrive and sort out the wiring for the live feed, we finally connected the battery and nervously pressed the starter button ! After a couple of slow turns, due to the high compression, it burst into life, then cut, and then another few turns from the starter and she was firing . Remarkably , a smooth idle was achieved quite quickly and then I sat back for a little while to enjoy the sensations produced by the new powerplant.. The titanium exhaust wrap steamed away, but more concerning were a couple of coolant leaks where hoses joined the block etc, some tightening or replacements due there. Blips of the throttle produced a muted roar, enhanced by the Webers no doubt, and more impressive than on the old 1600. So now a period of testing to shakedown the new systems and then we're on the road next week if all goes well.
    1 point
  17. Yup. Just back from doing all 3 days - did the camping thing. Watched the racing from Madgewick with comfy chairs, several bottles of fine ale and two great buddies. Too many highlights to list because it's just soooooo good. I did ask about the factory restored DB4 Volante in blue in the Earls Court exhibit. OIEO £2m apparently. Someone give me 6 good numbers, quick! If you've not been before, give it a go. Even the 'B' Public Carpark for tax-exempt cars is better than most motor shows. You'll never see so many cars you simply must have!
    1 point
  18. I wouldn't be too unhappy about that video i could see what was going on to be impressed. Looks a but like either the setting or the ccd couldn't cope with the extremes of light and dark. I think I had a similar experience with my little point and go camera with my holiday in Burma last year. It's a nice little camera and great for taking pics of a statues but never going to get some other shots.
    1 point
  19. Becoming almost a permanent work in progress on my driveway !
    1 point
  20. First dibs on wind deflectors please pm on the way
    1 point
  21. My life wouldn't be worth living if i were to join the dreaded Facebook. Too many bunny boiling nutters from my past waiting to catch up with me. I have 4 kids that i know about, I don't need anymore surprises.
    1 point
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