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  1. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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  2. Onliest Smeg David

    Onliest Smeg David

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  4. John Loudon - Sponsorship Liaison

    John Loudon - Sponsorship Liaison

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/15 in all areas

  1. Just spent ninety odd quid in the Caterham Parts Store To make it even worse, after checking out, it popped up my purchase history, (or at least the one since they created new accounts and log ins for everyone a few years back), it would appear I've spent nearly six hundred quid in there in that time. Back in the shower now, I just can't seem to get clean!
    2 points
  2. This is why I spent a long time looking for a booster seat that would fit in the bottom of my westfield vinyl race seats. The lap belts pass through a loop at either side of the seat thus keeping it in place. I pop a cushion in behind my son which brings the back of the seat inline with where it needs to be for him when he's sitting properly on the booster. Only thing I'm not happy about is the thin straps currently at a fixed width (standard willans harness). Wider straps with race buckle are on the cards so this should offer a far better setup. Until then, he is limited to a run round the block pretty much. Dave
    2 points
  3. Perhaps this can be a new event for Blyton next year, radio controlled trailer racing!
    1 point
  4. Hello All On the hunt for an original Westfield indoor cover Have looked at all the 3rd party websites and cant decide on which one to go for I want it to fit well and show off the shape Anyone got one they want rid of?? Many Thanks Ian
    1 point
  5. Nice one Dave. I'm Looking forward to it, Blyton seems to have been such a long time ago.
    1 point
  6. They've been on since before Blyton, Same as the Panda lights, Westfields dominator style.
    1 point
  7. I'm booked in for the Sunday event and shall probably get there Saturday afternoon.
    1 point
  8. He He - does Graham know that's what you call him?
    1 point
  9. It was great when Adam bought it.I've followed his progress with improving and seen it in action. Now it's an awesome but still flexible beast.
    1 point
  10. I think this is absolutely essential that the seat is affixed to the existing seat! Sadly, in my line of work, I've seen far too many cases where seats are not fixed/wrongly fixed and the consequences have been appalling! The forces experienced in even what we may consider low speed impacts are quite remarkable. There's been other threads on chassis designs and the standard protection - even there, posters talk of never feeling quite wholly protected and therefore I'm a little concerned that peeps are not fixing seats down for young'uns... Don't just think of front end collisions, but rear, lateral and quarter. These forces can be enough to rip a person out of a seat even when belted in. I guess a crude example to display this is, have you ever seen any of the numerous YouTube videos where a person appears to be properly strapped into a seat on a show ride (and he/she probably is to the best of the safety design), only to start slipping out due to forces during the ride!! Chris, it's good that your seat is fixed but I wouldn't give a rat's a** if the local bobby was happy or not .. it's not his child sitting in the seat plus he's not the expert .. nor am I, but for my first hand experiences. I also think that those peeps that are taking an approved safety seat and cuting/re-shaping/adjusting it to suit may find that their actions would be lambasted should the worst happen!
    1 point
  11. 3.6 or 3.9 on a crossflow will be great and much better than what you currently have. I run a 3.9 with a 4 speed box, 70mph is about 4k revs.
    1 point
  12. Ha ha wants to mate with black & yellow Westy Yellow being a magnet for flying pests
    1 point
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