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  1. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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  2. Mark (smokey mow)

    Mark (smokey mow)

    WSCC Member

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  3. XTR2Turbo


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/15 in all areas

  1. Took my old (effin) heavy CRT 32" flat screen TV to the tip last year, (All 55kg of it). I asked one of four or five younger lads that were working there if they'd help me get it off the tale gate of the pickup and into the container where you're supposed to leave them. - they'd already stood watching me struggling to drag it on to the tail gate, by this point. All refused to help, quoting health and safety and manual lifting etc, which I guess is their right... But the guy that runs the dump came over and apologised, he's been there years, and recognises me, anytime I have "useful" stuff to throw away, I always took it over to him or his older mates, (presumably replaced by the lads) and asked if it was any good to them. I still see them using some of my bit and pieces in the cabins! Anyhow, he said sorry, there wasn't much he could do about the lads, they all knew their rights to the last dot. I must admit, I thought he was going to help me down with the TV, and felt a little bit guilty, but he just winked and said "if they think they know the rules better than me they'd better think on". Then he told me just to kick the TV off the back of the tail gate! It exploded in to lots of little pieces, which with great amusement, he made them all clean up.
    3 points
  2. Got the top gear presenter job?
    2 points
  3. Paid off the mortgage..?
    1 point
  4. Given the track time you're used to make sure you dont blink bernie, you'll miss them
    1 point
  5. I'm working in London tomorrow and could call at Milton Keynes or Northampton on my way home to collect on your behalf.
    1 point
  6. Yes it's me 3 & 8. So watch me go
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Or maybe apply a Vinyl wrap if you can get it colour matched. If you do decide on 4, I can supply an appropriate trash can (otherwise known as my garage) .
    1 point
  10. Ok Graham see you there, anyone else?
    1 point
  11. Here she is : Mounts on a tripod, runs off small 12v battery and has wireless remote control up to 50m David
    1 point
  12. Dear WSCC Sprint School student, I hope you are looking forward to the informal introduction to sprinting that we are running on Friday, 10th July 2015 at Blyton Park. Please arrive in good time and if you plan to use your car then please park near the classroom (an area for parking will be provided). If you are going to drive the circuit then please bring along your driving licence, long sleeved top full length trousers and a helmet (if you have one, if not then we will be able to lend you one for the observed drive). The agenda for the school is: 1) 11:45 Introduction to Sprinting and Hillclimbs 2) 12:00 Equipment needed - helmet, gloves etc. 3) 12:15 Car preparation & scrutineering notes 4) 12:30 Walk the track 5) 13:00 to 13:15 Sprint instruction 6) 13:15 Review, Q&A 7) 13:30 Close We look forward to meeting you and sharing an enjoyable and fun introduction to sprinting. Regards Paul Morcom & Terry Everall
    1 point
  13. I predict he will have a title in front of his name sooner rather than later - the late Monkey Man.
    1 point
  14. Yep I have a 4 speed rocket box, fresh from an SPC rebuild if you want it?
    1 point
  15. Nobody gets out of this alive. As long as you have enough dosh to do the things you want to do, anything else is a bonus. After 26 years in the military and able to get the early pension and paying off the mortgage I'm in the happy position of working as much or as little as I want for myself. The freedom of not being in the rat race is liberating and I have no desire to work for anyone ever again!
    1 point
  16. Wow, you guys worry far too much....in the grand scheme, absolutely everything we do is utterly and totally pointless.....enjoy your time however feels right for you. Just try not to be too much of a dick while doing it and I reckon you've done all you could.
    1 point
  17. Are you working for the BBC now Terry? Starts at 1:34: Personally wouldn't use the kerb on the left on the exit of the first chicane, it really upsets the car and prevents you getting the power down, which is very important at that part of the track. Another one you could look at - slightly different lap format but has all the elements in there if you skip the bit from 0:25mins to 1:30mins:
    1 point
  18. Mine came by email, and Paul now has them by email. Mind you, you need a magnifying glass to read the entry list!!
    1 point
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