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    Stu Faulkner

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 23/06/15 in all areas

  1. My car passed IVA, westfield sent off the paperwork yesterday so I'm getting excited now!!
    2 points
  2. Just thought I would share what I've been up to these last few weeks, having decided to take a break from racing and do some more track days. The idea was to come up with something I could thrash without worrying, was cheap and faster than the race car. I set myself a budget of a grand and a month in which to achieve this... The story started exactly a month ago, with this 1992 UK model car - a good runner but out of MOT - picked up for £500. It immediately gained the nickname of 'The Red Munter': At this point it was 954kg, including some lovely cushions and a selection of CDs: Before I'd even collected it I'd sold the roof for £100, so that gave me £600 to play with. I also forgot that we run a weekend event in May each year, which took a whole a week of my schedule, leaving 3 weeks to do all the work... Fast forward to yesterday, exactly a month later, now 803kg and it was out on track And actually under budget by nearly £20! I've got loads of other pics and blurb which I can post up if anyone is interested, it's been quite a hectic month As I've said elsewhere, the idea behind this car is to show people that you can have a lot of fun for very little money, so if you ever see me out and about on a track day please come and introduce yourself so we can get you in the driver's seat for a few laps Cheers, Adam
    1 point
  3. Thanks OP for posting this thread, and Q for the above link, I've just done mine FOC! Like the OP I had tried to update a while ago but baulked at the quoted £75 to complete it, so left it until now. Great club this!
    1 point
  4. Email sent Mr Chairman
    1 point
  5. Think it was because it was a new event. Aintree is because they dropped the 3 sisters on the Sunday but I have had words about that.
    1 point
  6. Was going to say make a list and then have a look at it in a years time and see what you have done, or still want to do. Hope your to do list gets shorter still working on mine!
    1 point
  7. Looks like their Google search count just shot up
    1 point
  8. I should be ok for the 12th or 19th at the moment - 12th might be better, as it gives a weekend off to earn brownie points before Nev's BBQ? Matt
    1 point
  9. welcome westy buddy :-) have fun
    1 point
  10. Stu T5 Camper and a Westy, sounds like we should get on well :d Enjoy your new toy
    1 point
  11. Hi Stu I have sent you an email Jas
    1 point
  12. Get out in it. If you've got a plate and confirmation. I remember when I got my plates for mine the first time. Ice on the roads but I still had 10 mins ... Great feeling enjoy it
    1 point
  13. Hi |Party Goers Time marches on towards the 10 July and the Blyton extravaganza! I now need to draw the attention of the attendees to Gluten Free Annual Dinner of the obligatory ADMIN: 1) Menu Selection Please go to the Pub Website: blackhorseblyton.co.uk and make your meal selection and advise me accordingly ASAP 2) Transport The Pub don't have Mini a Bus but I have an option on a local guy to provide one for just over £3-00 per head total (tip not included)for up to 16 people from the circuit @ 7-00 pm returning @ 10-00 pm. It will cost a little more if he makes an additional trip if the demand is over 16 I REALLY NEED TO KNOW IN THE NEXT COUPLE OF DAYS IF YOU WANT ME TO CONFIRM THIS OUSTANDING SERVICE! I WANT TO BE FAIR TO THE GUY! Please let me know on this one even if you have not made your Menu Selection. 3) Entertainment Hour Good and Bad News on this one I am afraid, the Pub were very happy for us to have our own entertainment but my 2 alternatives for the Gig have both received better offers (how dare they!) So if any of you out there are able to provide some appropriate entertainment for about an hour after your hearty meal PLEASE PUT YOUR NAME FORWARD ASAP! That's all folks at this time so I look forward to replies very shortly! Many thanks Gluten Free
    1 point
  14. Hope to see you on the 7th stu and welcome again, I assume you got accommodation sorted in the end
    1 point
  15. Welcome, sounds like a great first trip!
    1 point
  16. Hi Stu Reading your intro was like I wrote it myself!! I am from Fareham, bought a Seight, 2 years ago I drove it home 300 miles without missing a beat, I used to have an Audi TT, my brother-inlaw has a T4 Camper and I am a biker too with a Hayabusa Be good to see some pics or meet up. Jas
    1 point
  17. Welcome to the club! Get some pics up!
    1 point
  18. Just had a call from the supervisor at DVLA - who said that she'd talked to the powers that be and "on this occasion" they will allow me to use the Westfield supplied VIN. Common sense has prevailed, though I'm not sure it won't happen again to someone who just does as they ask!
    1 point
  19. Hello and welcome to a great club.
    1 point
  20. Barbon Hill Climb 13/06/2015 Report by Howard Gaskin Barbon is a new event to the Speed Series calendar although it has been around since 1950 and hosts a round of the British Hillclimb Championship each year. It’s the shortest hillclimb in the UK at 890 yards but nevertheless quite fast and furious, akin to Shelsley or Gurston. I arrived Friday evening to find Mark Schlanker already there, and perhaps one other small group. A pleasant evening was spent eating, chatting, walking the course, drinking beer and swatting midges. A note for next year and anyone else stopping over: bring insect repellent! They didn’t seem to be noticeable in the paddock fortunately but certainly made their presence felt in the camping field. Next morning, with only an hour to go before signing on and scrutineering, still no-one else had turned up. However, within that last hour the remaining 90 entrants appeared and the event took on the familiar flurry of activity. John Walters arrived and, unexpectedly, Andy Hargreaves who had been on the reserve list. Mark, John, and I were in class 2B whereas Andy was in 2C for motorcycle engine cars. The event had the usual mix of saloons, hatchbacks, kit cars, single seaters, plus a good handful of Austin Seven Specials.With the largest entry the event had received in many years, the paddock was a little crowded and the classes we Westfields were in was rather bumpy. Unfortunately Mark’s newly repaired splitter was damaged and had to be removed. Practice got underway at 9.45 with all of us taking it steadily as it was new to us. The course has an uphill start and a short dash to a tight left hander called Crabtree, with intimidating Armco around the outside, followed by a long uphill straight leading to a long, off camber left hander with trees either side, called Richmond, then a longer uphill straight ending with a tight, Armco bordered right hand hairpin called Lafone. After that it’s a short sprint to the finish line and then on to the holding bay outside a farmhouse.Talk was mainly around how fast we dare take the middle corner; was it a stab on the brakes, a lift, or could it be taken flat? More so, how late could we brake for Lafone? Second practice and we were a little braver, but Mark was disappointed to record a slower time despite having what felt like a more committed and error free run. For some reason, still unresolved, he recorded something like 3.8 seconds for his 64ft time. First timed runs were slotted in before lunch and, happily, Mark layed his second practice ghost to rest, putting his recently fitted ZZRs to good use by going over 2 seconds quicker than P1, posting a 27.48. I was just 2 tenths ahead on 27.28. John was hot on our heels with 28.22. Meanwhile in 2C, Andy recorded 27.82. After lunch, and fuelled by an 8” Cumberland sausage in a roll, I dipped (just) into the 26’s with 26.99. Mark got slightly out of shape exiting Lafone and recorded 28.17. John’s car bogged down in second out of Lafone and went slightly slower with 28.26. Andy continued to improve with 27.59. A few mechanical stoppages meant there was only time for two runs in the afternoon. I took a deep breath, got a good launch, attacked Crabtree, fought the impulse to lift (and failed, although lifted less)through Richmond and braked later and harder into Lafone, scrambled round and made a dash to the finish line to be rewarded with a 26.71. Mark had a good run but got a bit on the grass coming out of Lafone finishing on 28.25. John showed himself to be King of the Starts with a 2.27s 64ft time and went for first gear instead of second exiting Lafone to avoid bogging. He reported that it was ‘a bit squirrelly’ but did the job and he was elated to dip well into the 27s with 27.52, just 4 tenths off Mark’s best. Andy unfortunately bogged down out of Crabtree and this hurt his speed all the way up the rest of the hill resulting in a 28.23. There were five in class 2B with John, Mark and I taking the top three slots. Andy, in 2C, was in a class of his own. The weather had stayed warm and dry although a little overcast all day despite the forecasts. The event was well organised and very friendly. Two practice and three timed runs was a good turn around considering the 90 entries. Facilities are minimal but that is to be expected as there are only two events each year: the British Hillclimb Championship and the National B Event. However, it's an enjoyable and challenging course, in a beautiful setting and the village is within walking distance with a good pub that does food: The Barbon Inn. Speed Series entries were low, probably because of the clash with Anglesey but I’m really glad I went and thoroughly enjoyed it. Howard Gaskin
    1 point
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