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  1. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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  2. John Williams (Panda) - Joint Manchester AO

    John Williams (Panda) - Joint Manchester AO

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 13/06/15 in all areas

  1. Just thought I would share what I've been up to these last few weeks, having decided to take a break from racing and do some more track days. The idea was to come up with something I could thrash without worrying, was cheap and faster than the race car. I set myself a budget of a grand and a month in which to achieve this... The story started exactly a month ago, with this 1992 UK model car - a good runner but out of MOT - picked up for £500. It immediately gained the nickname of 'The Red Munter': At this point it was 954kg, including some lovely cushions and a selection of CDs: Before I'd even collected it I'd sold the roof for £100, so that gave me £600 to play with. I also forgot that we run a weekend event in May each year, which took a whole a week of my schedule, leaving 3 weeks to do all the work... Fast forward to yesterday, exactly a month later, now 803kg and it was out on track And actually under budget by nearly £20! I've got loads of other pics and blurb which I can post up if anyone is interested, it's been quite a hectic month As I've said elsewhere, the idea behind this car is to show people that you can have a lot of fun for very little money, so if you ever see me out and about on a track day please come and introduce yourself so we can get you in the driver's seat for a few laps Cheers, Adam
    2 points
  2. Good afternoon all, After thinking for a long while I have decided to join the kit car community, and that a Westfield is the car for me. A petrol-head at heart but with most of my spannering being done on single-cylinder motorbikes, I'm a novice in this neighbourhood. There are a few cars out there that fit my target, but I'm looking for guidance on the final choice. So, the lowdown...I'm looking for: A car between £7-11k, but willing to make more simple-ish mods to reach my goals below - Reliability for road, but... - Power and handling for sporadic track days, (trips to Nurburgring are in mind) - Versatility to take the missus for leisure trips (I.E. needs a windscreen and rain gear) I'm pretty set on a 2.0L lump for power with ideal delivery, but at the moment I'm torn between carbs and fuel injection. I have minimal experience with both, and understand the concepts, but I suspect that in practice and for my use cases, fuel injection would prove most reliable in between weekend uses, easy to adjust (I.E. remap on any major changes) and more powerful? I'm not finding many FI 2.0 Zetecs, but have come across this: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201506094170629/sort/locasc/radius/1500/page/1/price-to/12000/usedcars/make/westfield/quicksearch/true/postcode/sn154tr/price-from/5000/channel/cars/onesearchad/used%2Cnearlynew%2Cnew/image-id/3834c11c228f82418c927e2c87099f30?logcode=p ...my main concern here being the real wheel offset and mostly the straight cut gearbox. I'm guessing that will be LOUD and probably in there due to having been raced? Is the engine as reliable as I would hope? Anyway essay over. PLEASE FURNISH ME WITH YOUR COLLECTIVE WISDOM, OH GREAT ONES
    1 point
  3. Currently sat here tuned into Le Mans, and it has occured to me that I've had quite a busy day...! Started this morning with a 62km cycle ride with a friend of mine around Oxfordshire. In the rain. I'm pretty pleased with that, given that it's the furthest I've ridden since the Palace to Palace last year. Since getting back around lunchtime I have: Caught up with Game of Thrones Usual house stuff (cook lunch, do washing etc etc) Set about the Westy - new mirrors all round, bonnet trim fitted, sump guard refitted, earthing problem solved, play in steering rack eliminated, exhaust blow traced to manifold gasket, new gaskets purchased, ready to be refitted tomorrow when I get some gasket paste to stick it all together! Bit of light gardening - we have a row of espaliered apple/pear trees which need completely rewiring, so I've cleared out the old rusty sections to be replaced tomorrow. Finally I nipped down to the supermarket for dinner and a few bits, currently settled in with the 24 Hours on enjoying a nice Bourbon. Cheers everyone! Spot the blow!
    1 point
  4. Car has just come back from blink so under orders to tidy the garage out.... also need to fund the bill... engine now 175bhp, protech all round and very pleased! items for sale battery cover wideband sensor chrome headlamps zetec rocker cover cams, sump and a cylinder head to follow
    1 point
  5. personally i try to run Manchester as a cluster not a town therefore i don't want to be exclusive, as i want the members to get the best from any area
    1 point
  6. Following on from the weight watchers session, we will be heading to the Lodge for the monthly meet. So see you at noon on 14th at the Lodge in south woodham ferrers.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Ideal for JK seats with the longer straps.
    1 point
  9. Yeah these were worn to Stoneleigh and back and an area meet, (mentioned in another post), and that's it! The criputch straps were never fitted at all. The longer lower sections are interchangeable, and suit thicker backed seats. But can easily be swapped via Luke. They are great quality harnesses for the money, and in their one main outing were very comfy! They also have possibly the smoothest running adjusters of any harness I've tried.
    1 point
  10. Lovely car, a real classic and clearly well cared for - good luck with the sale!
    1 point
  11. If it's any help, there's a chippie on the way to the circuit at Gaerwen with space to pull up with a car and trailer. I've used it in the past.. wrap em up in a jacket and they'll still be hot when you arrive at the track. yum yum.
    1 point
  12. Yes my differential is more of square and lots of ribs. Also as Adrian said, if the bolt that holds the diff is from left to right, then its Sierra (which it is). Now, my problem is just the ratio....I need 3.3 or lower but I cannot Identify what ratio. I guess I will try what Jeff said and turn the diff and count.
    1 point
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