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  1. Captain Colonial

    Captain Colonial

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  2. Keith the Teeth

    Keith the Teeth

    Speed Series Competitor

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  3. Mark (smokey mow)

    Mark (smokey mow)

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  4. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/05/15 in all areas

  1. Graham, I do not want to let the cat out of the bag but is the rumour true that Gloria and Bunga Bunga will be the guests of honour?
    2 points
  2. A very big weekend for us this weekend - we are racing in the BRSCC MX5 Mk3 Supercup at Rockingham motor Speedway supporting the British GT series. The racing is being televised live on Motors TV at 5.20pm on Sunday and should see some very close racing with several high profile guest drivers such as Paul O'Neal from BTCC. Will be fun to see how our young drivers shape up to the challenge. Look out for J.Clements (car 88) and J. Munro (car 23). Here is the TV footage of the first round at Silverstone:
    1 point
  3. It s a really big day for me today I collected my chassis this afternoon. It was panelled as requested also I had the brake and fuel lines fitted. I also got enough bit to get it rolling although I have asked for the body to arrive later as I have no space. Soooooo................plenty to do then.
    1 point
  4. Wooohoooo road racing season was back last weekend. Usual battles between the Dunlops and Guy Martin. Two wins for Guy, two for William and Michael crashed (only pride and the bike damaged) Stayed dry, which is unusual, but good. Anyway here's a couple. Any of you that get MCN............... Thats my pic on the back page Any of you of the two wheel persuasion...............more at my site www.aidanplace.co.uk Aidan
    1 point
  5. One of the oddities of the Brits is coveniently using Fahrenheit when it's hot and Celcius when it's cold. "Oooo, it's 90 degrees!" one minute, next thing it's "Oooo, it's minus 2!", not 28F. Same thing with rain - 26mm of rain when it falls, 1 inch less than normal when it doesn't. Use litres but talk in miles per gallon. I will when you do!
    1 point
  6. Hi Folks To keep all the replies together I have agreed for the Gluten Free Dinner Topic to be split off to avoid any conflicts (as suggested by Rory Van Zeller) but it has been moved by Dave Eastwood to the Events Section which I hope all those who would like to again attend the Gluten Free Friday night Blyton get together can find it events section! For consistency I believe it is order for me to ask that the Blyton track-day (Friday) is also moved to the Events section so that all club members and other invited clubs can clearly see the availability of this day. This would allow the Sat and Sun Sprints to remain in Speed Series Section! This get together has never been a Speed Series Only event and I would like as many people who want to come to the GFree Dinner TO COME! John and I agreed to promote both events jointly so lets be even handed on this one please, after all in previous years nothing was arranged on the Friday night and I felt something was missing and I filled a gap in the programme, so far it has proved great fun! Please lets not spoil it! Thanks Graham aka Gluten Free
    1 point
  7. Zetec Engine block install: Exhaust plumbed in, air filter caused problems with bonnet not closing requiring a minor tweek ........and finished : .................OOps wrong pic ! here we go:
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Me and Bertie will be there
    1 point
  10. Indeed and to further qualify Ian's statement, this is in conjunction with the National Kit Car Show organisers, it's a joint arrangement and they will have their own security bods checking on occasion.
    1 point
  11. Gary Yes the security gate team have a list of who is camping. Give them your name and they will give you a blue wristband. Needs to be worn at all times We have told Stoneleigh that anyone without a wristband will NOT be camping in our reserved area and if I find any, they will be asked to move on!
    1 point
  12. I'm looking at two different ones actually, the ones I trust anyway. Saturday should be OK if we get set up by 5 PM, then it will be light rain until 7 AM on Sunday. Might have a few odd light showers Sunday afternoon. Monday looks dry. I've been at much worse Stoneleighs than that! Having said that, I've lost track of the number of times here in the Midlands that they forecast rain, kept the Westfield at home, and it stayed dry.
    1 point
  13. Looks like I'll be at Sandbach services with Andy, ready to tag on as you come past!
    1 point
  14. Or A young captain is being shown his new base by a Major, after his tour the young captain says to the Major I haven't seen any women on camp! in my last post there were several pretty girls working in the canteen, what do you use for sex? the Major whispers in the Captain's ear and says we use the ostriches. oh I see said the young Captain looking a little lost for words. The major tells him that one night he felt 'lonely' and noticed an ostrich grazing 'What a cracking pair of legs' he thought,and temptation get the better of him 'What was it like' asks the captain Major replied 'well the first 100 yards were a bit rough'
    1 point
  15. BLiNK in Winsford have done full Geo on many members Westies.
    1 point
  16. Can you build one in yellow?
    1 point
  17. Been waiting for the northwest convoy to come up. Count me in :-) see you at knutsford
    1 point
  18. Hi Robin. Yes I can meet you there. Is there a postcode or do I just pull straight of the motorway and the garage is straight there? If you can confirm please and also the time that you want us there.
    1 point
  19. Anyone see tonight's Skint TV program? Council trash folk moaning about having no money and no jobs, yet they have 7 kids, smoke loads, most have pets, buy booze and most of the women are fat.. Sorry if you are truly skint then, 1 stop eating so much - food costs money 2 stop smoking- fags cost money 3 go out and try to find a job- be useful to society 4 get rid of the pet- pets cost money God these people p**s me off
    1 point
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