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    Mark (smokey mow)

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/01/15 in all areas

  1. After this years modification, I was dying for take her out for a spin, problem was just spinning, barely made it back to the garage driving. So I had to settle for a photo session and to hear the engine running Contrast to the white snow, one can clearly see that the car is blue
    4 points
  2. You know what that carbon black dog needs before you bring him home? A chrome collar. You know why? Because chrome is where the heart is! Only just over 3 months to Stoneleigh Gary...I haven't forgotten!
    3 points
  3. If someone is in your way, just jump over them. http://youtu.be/yKP7jQknGjs
    2 points
  4. Scott's not the only one that can mess with your avatar :D :D
    1 point
  5. Hello. Great pictures and I love Monsel Dale. I had a drive up in the summer and managed to get in the same spot as you but it was early in the day.
    1 point
  6. Thank you to Barry, Andrew, Richard and Liz (Bioman) for coming today. Although Barry did not come in his Westfield it does not matter. I do not want to discourage anyone from coming, with or without a car, everyone is welcome. We are nuts and love the cold weather, not everyone is the same and if you don't enjoy it then don't do it. But we still enjoy your company and especially so when you have tales of buying Andrew his first car (he is 17 in March). The pictures of the new (very old) Anglia were great and don't be scared to add one to this post! Wait till the restoration is done and you come and show it off to us, exciting times. After a cuppa at The Strines we went to Monsal Head. It's nice and quiet in the winter and you can get a parking spot on the 'front', ha ha I think I am at the seaside talking like that. Look at 'em, a Coven of Dickies Suit's, they only need a cauldron Go on then, I know you are all dying to look over that edge, don't get too close though, you'll fall We drove past Ashford in the Water, er twice actually, the High Peak TVR club were having a meet there, and I needed a drool over the car park. Maybe next time I might dare pull up, do you think they will talk to me? We tried to go to Hassop Station but it was packed full with nowhere to park so we went to Ca**ington Water instead, yeah we finally made it there, this is our 3rd attempt. We went to the cafe upstairs with lovely views over the reservoir, remember this is where Guy Martin mmmmm practiced with his hovercraft for his speed programme. I haven't forgot......the toy? it is a sound level meter, Andrew measured my car 101dB at 3000 rev's, then the wind blew the sponge off the end and it was all a bit too cold to stand about so, Barry, I am bringing it back when we go to the Hulme End tunnel in the summer. Your target.....off the scale. Thanks everyone for a great day, hope to see you all next weekend.
    1 point
  7. Cracking looking Lab Gary ,great dogs Loads of fun to be had in the near future
    1 point
  8. Welcome to the forum Mark There a bit of discussion about the car and it's past damage in this thread http://forum.wscc.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic/111161-help-westy-v8-info-needed/ For not much more money though you could have this http://forum.wscc.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic/111281-for-sale-westfield-39-v8-seight/ And in Essex both Pete g and also Tigger have V8's for sale http://forum.wscc.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic/108138-seight-39-2009/
    1 point
  9. Someone will be along shortly asking about the engine (The S2000 one that is)
    1 point
  10. Good job Lord Quinten of UptonShire.... a credit to you... Long live the mighty yellow cross flow
    1 point
  11. I could say it squirts a set amount of oil on the road to shake of any followers, but with a crossflow I dont need any buttons Its the fire extinguisher
    1 point
  12. get a dog or a gun or ideally both....
    1 point
  13. Have to say I'm a recent convert to the ratchet crimps PoleVolt sell. I originally got a pare of their Econoseal crimpers, as I new Id a load to do on the new build and they're an odd size, a purpose made tool that wasn't too dear fit the bill perfectly. PoleVolt also have the brand crimpers in a range of other styles, I was so impressed with the Econoseal I got a set of the F crimp crimpers, and they've been brilliant. Highly recommended. One of the most useful things about them is that they seem to be setup to just hold the terminal in the jaws by squeezing the handles to the first click of the ratchet. So you can load up the terminal and even put the tool down while you hold the wire and check the end is ready, then just feed it into the terminal - still held in the jaws of the crimper, squeeze till it releases the stroke, and there you are, perfect crimps. Its been a lot easier doing the stuff on the new car with them, rather than my old more manual non-ratchet set. (Which made good quality crimps, but you needed three hands and practice!)
    1 point
  14. We celebrate Burns night each year (although I'm a Geordie not a Scotsman) on the Saturday nearest Jan 25th. Most people like Spag-Bol, some people like haggis..... A few months back, we stumbled upon this Haggis dish that's so easy to make and is superb, well superb if you're a haggis-lover. Put some spaghetti on to boil (? 10 minutes) with a good pinch of salt and a little Olive oil (to stop it clumping). Quick fry (3-4 minutes) a pack of Cherry tomatoes (each one sliced in half) in decent Olive Oil. Pop you haggis in the micro-wave for 4 minutes or so and cook through. Rinse off the spaghetti with boiling water, empty into a pasta dish, add the tomatoes and the haggis, mix well and serve................... There you have it: HAGHETTI Robbie Burns might spin in his grave but you heard it here first and don't knock it until you've tried it.......
    1 point
  15. we did burns night at Agric College years ago... I said to Tom McGrath, "will we be piping in the haggis"..... on he replied "it will be on a plate like last year" :-) still makes me chuckle....... beer at 80p a pint and a happy hour at 40p pint.....
    1 point
  16. At the rate he'se growing your going to need a ladder to feed him soon Nice doggy , love labs myself although I've never owned one but had 2 border collies . My daughter has just aquired one (border collie that is ) for the grandkids , they are going through the same emotions as you , only on loan atm Seems a crazy way of doing things to me ,must be a bit heart wrenching for you and the family
    1 point
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