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  1. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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  2. Mark (smokey mow)

    Mark (smokey mow)

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  3. Greenstreak-Andy D

    Greenstreak-Andy D

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  4. John Williams (Panda) - Joint Manchester AO

    John Williams (Panda) - Joint Manchester AO

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 15/01/15 in all areas

  1. Oh, sorry, yes, there are cleaners and re-oiling sprays for the foam ones too.
    1 point
  2. A Plan have instructed us all as club members to deal through one office, so that they can make sure that the people with the right experience and knowledge handle it and that we get the right club discounts. Other office may be hit or miss, plus I guess it disrupt their normal work if they're having to work out how to do the specialist stuff.
    1 point
  3. Good Luck Steve - Just think of all the positives - the comararderie - the paddock spirit - the jokes and laughter - taping Smiffy into his trailer at Knockhill, Kidnapping Kylie, the carrots and all the good friends you have made - these things last forever. :d :yes: :yes: the other stuff soon fades and disappears back into the dark hole where it belongs and is forgotten. :no: :down: and besides you gotta re-new your WSCC membership to enter the SS - so get it done
    1 point
  4. Not one of our members as far as I know. The car is actually a Road Runner SR2, it's easy to think its a Westfield though since their bodywork is such a close facsimile of the FW nose. I've also been following their tread on MX5Nutz and Locostbuilders.
    1 point
  5. How about an NFC tag function, which automatically puts the phone into silent or flight mode when you get into the Westfield ;p Or something that monitors your GPS location and sends the missus a text message when your nearly home from a blat..... "put the kettle on love".
    1 point
  6. Wherever we would decide to spend the windfall gains of this price fall someone somewhere would object as there idea, subject, charity, department would be more deserving. The theoretical idea of some politicians is to keep the majority of the necessary people happy-ish. Those people being the voters who would vote the same politicians back in, the wheel goes around. Whether we decide or not to subsidise the NHS or whatever is emotive. Have you tried getting a doctors appointment recently. Remember just a couple of years ago everyone was rightly stating that state pensions where not keeping up and winter fuel allowances etc where brought in to help out. Also the furore about bus passes. Oh what a short memory we have, now in times of austerity we have people slagging off the wealthy pensioners and agreed the more wealthier don't need certain allowances but there are a vast majority who do need the cash. Also the baby boomers who are asset rich with houses etc are now getting a slating because the majority have been prudent for 30 years and not walked into a fully prepared house at there first house, they haven't been greedy with lavish and hedonistic life styles. They have carefully had to manage here spending initially by regulation on hp and loans etc not being encouraged to max out credit cards and surf them. So whilst a few vote for one group others wouldn't agree and in the future that would change anyway with circumstance. I agree with the tongue in cheek comments about bankers and financial institutions, but what about yesterdays EON announcement about a paultry 3.4% drop in gas prices. The "Nationalised" industries where started to give work to returning armed forces but became totally overloaded with deadwood, unfortunately that was the reason for the conception. We as a country may be starting off on the recovery whilst the major part of it is in the hands still of the financial institutions who can award themselves massive pay awards and share deals etc etc. What about the minimum wage, what about re-investment in the infrastructure, what about the roads and pot holes, how's about the dole queues - reduced by stats, what about the closeure of the workplaces for disabled folk, what about care for the elderly, what about free University courses for England as per Scotland and Wales, what about increasing interest rates for savers who have sponsored the institutions and the country for years and just get slated for being greedy. Whatever the returns from falling fuel or energy etc you can rest assured it will never all be passed back to the users or needy as someone else will be making a percentage cut whilst sat in a fancy office and driving an expensive company car. A few other opportunities, investment in this country to ensure that it becomes energy efficient, to ensure that we never suffer from the same mismanagement that the bankers carried out, to look after our yoof to ensure that they are properly educated and employed in areas which are beneficial to them and the country. To allow pensioners the dignity of life in there latter years. They should take away from the institutions either financial or industrial the ability to hold our country to ransom. We still have hundreds of years worth of coal under ground, we have shale gas waiting to go, we are an island surrounded by the seas - harness wave energy, we still have such waste which needs to be better addressed. Thousands of tons of misshaped food being skipped every week what's that all about. We have food flown in from thousands of miles away and only this week we have the same old debate between supermarkets and farmers about the 25p/pint reduction. Something needs to be done and the options are massively variable, the politicians can't fix it all at once and we sadly seem to be going a bit better than in previous rounds of government. Its just that the political aims of the parties is always to be suspected as one side favouring big business whilst the other favouring spending all the money and more. Or variations on both depending on which party who is in power and where they are in the electoral cycle. It wont be fixed quickly and we will never recover any gains as there is always someone who will cream off there percentage whilst sat in a nice office with a fancy company car awaiting you use. Lets get back to decency and basics. Rant over and my internet crashed just as I was posting so it could read as b*ll*cks but not going to do all of it again. I've got a hedge to cut. Bob :d
    1 point
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