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Showing content with the highest reputation on 26/11/14 in all areas

  1. Finally I've finished the build table, now to start rebuilding some cars
    3 points
  2. I have a few parts for sale which I got as spares with the car when i bought it 2 months ago. I am just about to put the car in the garage for the winter so ideally would like to free up some space and also a wee bit of cash for upgrades/ fixing before next seasons track days start! Don't really know what things are worth so open to offers ! can mail across pics if anybody is interested. 1 x bonnet black 1x nose cone black Silver windscreen Rear view mirror Doors x 2 Window wipers/ motor Window washer reservoir Number plate holders Padded Door/ sill protectors A oil overflow type thing (silver box hard to explain!) Cheers Paul
    1 point
  3. wow that was quick! will fire you guys across some pics via pm Cheers Paul
    1 point
  4. Yes they do. I don't know why really. (I've not read back through the thread but I vaguely recall the gist of it). Pookies car and its sister car, (there were too very similar ones built) were the opposite of what many, perhaps more traditional owners, thought Seven type cars should be about. A very small number of owners of those sorts of cars tend to be incredibly vocal and utterly convinced that their way is the only true acceptable way. (Graham Chapman quotes will be flung at you with machine gun rapidity if you argue ) I wouldn't necessarily want to own a Westfield like that as my only road going fun car, but if, like Pookie, I had a collection of fun cars, something like that would be in there! The other issue, I seem to remember, was the tale out driving on the vid. I seem to remember a few people seeing red at the time. I also seem to remember that some of that was down to confusion over just who was being passed and whether there was some on track bullying going on, whereas in reality, there were quite a few people out there who all knew each other etc. The most telling thing I remember was that Pookie was in no way black flagged or warned, or even advised of any sort of behaviour issues at what was an event run by one of the stricter companies.
    1 point
  5. What happened to this car? I've seen the video on youtube and just read the build thread on overclockers...? Its mental. Actually, just read this whole thread. Seems a few people got a little upset!
    1 point
  6. Walled Garden website & menu - http://www.applecrossgarden.co.uk/. Looks like a fairly limited (but good) menu. Not cheap but if we get a discount would be ok and they do serve drink! I would happily eat at either place but if we're going there for breakfast, maybe we should spread out custom around between the two? Matt
    1 point
  7. Hi Jeff, why is this not well thought out? Is it because the idea wasn't thought of in England?? I'm confident that you're not suggesting that, mate! I would hope that anyone heading North would do so knowing the Laws of the land. The same can be said for many Laws that apply in England but not in Scotland (and vice versa) ie I am free in Scotland to camp on farmland as long as I follow the time honoured simple code however, I cannot do the same in England. Back to alcohol, drinking outdoors is banned down to areas or whole cities and towns - it is likely that many will fall foul of this by-law unknowingly. syman84 is correct re the legal limit compared with the 'chargeable' or 'acceptable' limit. Scotland should be applauded for taking steps to reduce road deaths and injuries by drink drivers! Food for Thought: It's apparently legal to kill a Scotman within the city walls of York as long as he's carrying a bow and arrow .. f**k that, I'm dressing a cowboy from now on when I visit there!
    1 point
  8. Funny, I thought it must be based in Australia Click
    1 point
  9. It's in Ireland, and it's not an SEiGHT nor is it road legal in those photos, I'd assume it's not actually IVA'd/road registered. It looks to be kit bodywork so pre 2000/late nineties. None of the above make it a bad car of course, could be an excellent track day car etc. You'd need to look and investigate. Which comes back to the "it's in Ireland" issue. It's a long way to go for a casual inspection.
    1 point
  10. just a thought but I belive legal limit is 35mg in England and the police convict after 40 mg are you talking about breath or blood
    1 point
  11. They are nothing more than a bunch of crooks - IMHO of course. Bob :(
    1 point
  12. Did a French hillclimb with pete g for a number of years. On one occasion the prize that we got (for finishing in one bit) was a fresh chicken each!!!
    1 point
  13. Those reports will get no mainstream press and if anyone brings them up they will be shouted down. There are too many people at the top of the greasy pole that is climate change science. None of them could afford to make one slip as if one goes they all go. So even when people do question the theories that are seen as facts, they gang up shout loud and the greedy politicians just hear the loudest voice, with the best trip and that becomes the policy. If climate change is so bad, why do these scientists all insist on travelling to exotic locations to have meetings where technology is there to have meetings from a desk. Well East Anglia university is not as nice as a beach resort in some far flung country now is it.
    1 point
  14. Another vote for Clare & A plan. I contacted them last night via email and the phone was ringing at 9am this morning. All sorted in 10mins and a very attractive premium sorted out very professionally Highly recommended!!!!! Many thanks!!
    1 point
  15. No, I don't believe that, a man of your calibre and standards
    1 point
  16. The Driver of the black Golf just commented on my Youtube actually. He was one of the cars I overtook at highspeed. I don't know him at all by the way. Peterwiv was in the black Golf mk5, you went past so quick! very nice He didnt seem to upset. Nor did anyone that came over and spoke to me in the pits. Lots of people asked for rides and I took as many out as possible. I realise everyone is out there for fun and so as I have said before I dont take the car out when there is alot of traffic. I left the car in the pits ALL day from 9am-3pm!!!! until track was nice and quiet. Hardly some selfish bully am I? I used my little Clio that has under 200bhp and my 100% std ExigeS all day. Two cars that are all about handling and balance. I am not JUST into crazy power cars! I like all cars. I'm not some wally who thinks he owns the track and wont listen to criticism either. Sorry if it upset anyone. It certainly didnt seem to on the day and hasnt it the past. I'm just trying to enjoy the car in one the safest enviroments there is... right at the end of the day rather than being a pest with it during the busy times. Thanks for those with positive comments. I do love the car lots and lots and it thrills me on a level no other car I have ever driven has.
    1 point
  17. I dont get th"looks a load of fun" comments. It looks dammed dangerous to me. Stop spending money on engine mods and invest in the handling. However much the power they can be made to handle properly
    1 point
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