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  1. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/11/14 in all areas

  1. thanks Scott,the rest of the WSCC team and A-Plan - Gracie was really excited to win vouchers for the movies and was particularly keen to bring her older brothers along to see the latest Princess/fairies move
    2 points
  2. Mines sat at the side of the house all wrapped up, minus 25°c. Not bl**** giving up, there got to be a minus five day coming.. Winter woolies and it's tally ho lads!! ;-)
    2 points
  3. think I could build two complete cars .lol
    1 point
  4. You have to have a licence to work in the Gas, Telecomms, Aviation and Electric industries, so why not in the Automotive industry. If you work in Germany the licence to work list is much larger, even to be a Travel Agent. I do wonder what us men in sheds and garages are going to do in their spare time though.
    1 point
  5. and that's when the fun begins (in my experience)
    1 point
  6. Rather a driverless car than anything being driven by my step father.......
    1 point
  7. I get 1000miles a year out of mine fairly reliability, and on some years have got quite close to the 3000miles my insurance is for. A lot of that is driving to autotest events and back, but also summer drives, winter blow outs, and occasional trips to the middle of France, the Ring, etc. Daniel
    1 point
  8. I was a newbie this season and have campaigned a mighty cross flow that proved the mightiest in Class A this season, not that I like to talk about it. Happy to converse on all matters speed series, cross flow, cider. Once you start you won't look back. I absolutely loved this year applying my engineering skills (agricultural at best) to getting the most out of the 8V wonder under the bonnet. My advice is to get your MSA licence done, give anyone of us call especially those local, get a suit and be welcomed into the paddock next year. Good luck and have fun :-)
    1 point
  9. Hi "Thinkturbo" I too would suggest the minimum is a RAC roll bar plus 4 point harness and if possible a fibreglass bucket seat. These don't have to be "in date" so can be picked up for not too much money. Most other things have been covered in above posts. I live near Cirencester and Prescott is my "local" hill but only competed there for the first time this year. I'm happy to advise in any way and also have a look at your car if you want. Hellski also lives locally to Cheltenham and was a new novice this season and I am sure he will be more than happy to share his experience and any car/person based tips. Stu Hill and Adrian Clinton-Watkins also live in the area and are Speed Series regulars and would also help/advise. Drop me a PM if you want to ask any questions, happy to also give you my mobile number if you want a chat. Regards Paul
    1 point
  10. Out in mine 5pm tonight "Dusk Drifting", Hooningan time... Love it
    1 point
  11. Best at way to use them! Always seems so sad when you read those posts that tell you someones road car did ten or twenty miles between MOT's.
    1 point
  12. Afternoon Steve; some cracking photos over on FB...
    1 point
  13. I feel slightly embarrassed claiming to use mine in winter conditions, knowing our Canadian Cousin is watching! I've seen pictures of what "a bit of snow on the ground" is like over in his neck of the woods!
    1 point
  14. I think it is a massively satisfying feeling to be a part of a group that all seem to have hearts of golds, some of the threads of recent have deffo been sad, and it's heart warming to see people offer such support in peoples times of need, such a rare thing to see these days, people being genuine and nice, can always count on something making you smile on here, especially if youre having a day of doom and a feeling of resentment to all of mankind!
    1 point
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