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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/09/14 in all areas

  1. We went to Anglesey sprint this weekend, set off 11am Saturday, by 11.45 we were on the motorway in a storm of biblical proportions, no roof or weather gear. Dried out by ceanarfon. On to Anglesey, watch a bit of sprinting, then 2 hours to find a bed and breakfast. Beer, food and a kip. Up at 8, breakfast and a scenic trip to circuit. Coffee and chatting with other westfield owners. Call to line up for parade. Three laps of the track ( made me feel like a Mr L Hamilton! ). Another coffee then 2 hour journey home. If Carlsberg did weekends away then this would be the one! Best time we've had in ages, thanks to all involved and I must say my westy is the best purchase I've ever made.
    2 points
  2. Bernie...What have you done ? She was dreaming of riding that beast all night.....found her on top of me at 3.30 am..... Going dee dah dee dah dee dah.....
    2 points
  3. It was a beautiful day on one of the best tracks this country has to offer Well organized with great company Great to meet new people too
    2 points
  4. Don't dis' the 250 Villiers Martin one of my single seaters is fitted with a 250 Villiers Starmaker 25bhp was a lot of power in those days
    1 point
  5. I can't beleive it but I found a picture of it for you http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/10/10/article-2047593-0E4AFF2600000578-496_468x286.jpg
    1 point
  6. he may need to modify the trailer too
    1 point
  7. Ever heard of the saying.. "Just becaurse you can, doesn't mean you should".
    1 point
  8. Graham - thanks again for arranging. Great day out. Rebecca couldn't stop talking about it. Great to meet the wives and girlfriend - obviously not just all yours!! Told mine you have 16 motorbikes - she said don't get any ideas!!!
    1 point
  9. O/T there are at least two other electric westfield's I've been aware of over the years in addition to that IRacer for the Now defunct EV Cup. There first (which again appears in the R&B book) was a prototype built around a 1990 SE, that had the motor conventionally mounted in the engine bay. The second I only became aware of recently because of a thread on locostbuilders which was the Westfield WISPER (Westfield In Structural Plastics Electric Roadster) http://www.locostbuilders.co.uk/viewthread.php?tid=193585The hybrid was a project built with Warwick university and last I saw of that it was for sale on ebay earlier this year less it's hybrid system.
    1 point
  10. For a girlies type of programme this has sparked a bit of interest, really had the grenade thrown in the room there. I was outnumbered last night so was forced to sit and watch - honest. Comments from the OH, relating to eye candy & some rugby player ? etc ignored as I didn't fancy the guy at all. Then the professional lady dancers strut there stuff and it caught my attention somewhat. Appreciate a well formed structure, easy on the eye etc etc. Will need to monitor the show in case a certain DJ becomes another BBC icon as he could bat for both sides and would look good in sequins. I had to smirk a little at the allocation of some of the dancers to celebs, fancy being stuck with some of the deadwood "D-Z" listers or indeed who !!!. The faces where commendable not showing signs of disappointment. I guess its light hearted entertainment and surprising when you drop in a one liner in work at lunchtime and a good proportion of the blokes watched it,. probably under great duress, as myself. I think CW has a certain style of wit, quite dry and not daft, lets face it she's dragging in some serious cash for doing what she does. Back to my knitting and popcorn. Bob :rolleyes:
    1 point
  11. A phrase I loathe also. Of course some of them will have an "Amazing experience" by the end of the series
    1 point
  12. BIIIIIIIIIG hole in the bonnet in smokey's link
    1 point
  13. A great day out at Harwich for us. It was a Westfield WAGS day as well, 3 SWMBO's and Tims daughter filling the passenger seats. We stated of with brekky at a garden centre in Bicnacre, Steph and Marissa couldn't resist a bit of browsing at the plants whilst brekky was being cooked and I ended up with some foliage to transport for the day. Met up at the A12 Chelmsford with the massive convoy of bikes en route to Harwich and joined in. There was a big turn out of the public at the side of the road all the way to Harwich, all waving and giving their support. We broke off the convoy for a short diversion to collect Pets's 'Other 'arf, Gail and re joined the bike convoy to finish up in a Harwich parking area set aside for the event. The event arena had many a display of anything to do with Motorbikes and road safety, Fire Police, Ambulance and also the Air Ambulance. Live music from local rock bands played all day on stage. Steph and Marissa couldn't resist sitting on the big butch bikes-------
    1 point
  14. I can buy some "new" units that are shocking. Poor quality castings, poor threads, poorly machined. So Bigg Red do a great job and you will get them back sorted properly. Working in the parts industry, it does beggar belief sometimes the prices people expect for complicated parts. The most annoying is when they are standing in a £200 pair of nike trainers arguing about paying ££12 for a set of pads when the old ones are down to the metal and refusing to buy discs as "they will be fine" when the pad suggests they are not.
    1 point
  15. I've reckoned for a while now that Lewis will be back at McLaren next year. His boyhood hero, Ayrton Senna, drove a McLaren Honda and I'm sure Lewis would like to do the same and repeat history. Watch this space! Ahh, nostalgia! It's good, but not what it used to be.
    1 point
  16. Was indeed a great day ....... At least we know we have 4 members as well. Will try to post the photo of you undertaking us at 120......... Sorry filtering........ KPH of course. I want that sound Pete........you know where I'm coming from. And it's official.....rear R888s are sha99ed....less than 1000 road miles and I thought front would go first !
    1 point
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