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  1. Captain Colonial

    Captain Colonial

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    Mark (smokey mow)

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 24/06/14 in all areas

  1. Took Sophie, our West Highland White Terrierorist, out for a walk last night in the evening cool. While on the journey, we happened past a woman in her mid-forties who had a face like she'd just drank a pint of pickle juice. Sophie is a very affectionate, nosey, curious, and friendly type of dog, and walked towards said sourpuss. "Keep it away from me!", she said with a loud voice when Sophie got within 10 feet. That's fine, I accept some people don't like dogs, so I kept Sophie back from her, explained and apologised in a very friendly, polite manner. That is, until the cow in question carried on with her rant. "Disgusting, filthy creatures! I hate dogs! They do no good at all, just bark and eat and poo! Owners like you are irresponsible idiots as well. If I had my way, I'd put every pet down and the world would be a better place!" I just about lost my temper, but instead decided on calm and polite insult. "Oh, I'm sorry. I've been ever so busy and haven't heard the world news for a week now. Congratulations on your elevation and new title!", I said in a friendly voice. "What are you talking about?", she hissed back at me. "Well, obviously your predecessor died recently, and you've been crowned as the new Queen of the holes. Congratulations!", and walked off, while she stood there dumbfounded and gasping like a fish out of water. Some people - but I was pleased with the outcome.
    2 points
  2. Finally some build progress Well after several months of reading, researching and gathering it had to happen at some point and at last there's been some progress with the build. It's nice when the day finally arrives that brings shiny new parts and nothing comes much shinier than a new set of wheels. Back in the day the JW4 was available with a small number of wheel options; as standard steel wheels were supplied but optionally either Cosmic RW10 or the JA Pearce Magna were offered. When I bought my JW4 it also came with set of magnesium Cosmic wheels but these have been causing me a few problems so I began looking at other options. Minilite's and Revolutions were an obvious choice, as were the Dunlop D1 but none of these to me were really within keeping with the styling of the car and nor were they original fitment on the JW4. It was then that I by chance discovered that JA Pearce had been reincorporated again in 2012 after the companies original dissolution back in 1973 and were remanufacturing the Magna wheel in very limited numbers. Perfect timing for me ! For those that are interested the following links offer some history of the JA Pearce Magna wheels and also the extensive process in casting and manufacturing them. http://japearceengineering.com/products/magna-wheels/ http://japearceengineering.com/general/reinventing-the-wheel/ At the weekend I finally got to see my new wheels for the first time and this is one of my own wheels I'm very happy right now next job is to order some tyres for them
    2 points
  3. Sorry that was for Murray Mint not Barny - in fact all welcome !! ;-)
    2 points
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hCPODjJO7s&list=PLGSOZAHg1yQHU1tc_3Y5MTQg1qjtxA_nq A more technical car project, with lots of skill displayed.
    1 point
  5. Your more than welcome to come round on Sat and help me if you want to Barny ;-)
    1 point
  6. Thanks for the replies, and no, I'm not going in to mass production!! Sorry. But I'll help out if anyone fancies doing their own. got a bit more done to the engine tonight, Moved the plugs to the other side of the engine, painted the block, then thought about the seats. My car has "Tomb Stone" type seats, similar to the Lotus but with more bolster to them. So I had to work out how to shape the backs, While the filler was drying I looked through the parts box for something to make the cycle wings from and found these, Seats from a MGB. With a bit of cutting, Could have been made for it. with some filling and shapeing all will be fine. Thats all for now.
    1 point
  7. I wasn't very good at explaining, but yes HW side, nothing changed that i'm aware of. As top bloke Tricky also suggested (phone a friend) it could be the PRV and or the diaphragm, i think i will change both. Servicing was never discussed at hand over time for the system as it is pretty much sealed for life heat exchanger, with no maintenance safety items to be checked, it is a ground source heat pump, so effectively a freezer in reverse, it's just these additional bits that are liable, and obviously have become unreliable.
    1 point
  8. Got a call from the photographer about the photos - I'll give you the details shortly Robert. He was telling me Paddy was passing himself off as the president of the club, the cheek !. Can't print what Jane said.
    1 point
  9. get some more pictures up team am getting withdrawal symptons
    1 point
  10. Sounds like a non-vented DHW setup...if so, mains comes in to a presure reducing valve, this sets the pressure in the entire DHW and the balanced cold to 3.5 BAR, the pressure vessel is VITAL as it accomodates volume changes as the water heats. Just pop a new one on. It should come pre-charged to 3.5 BAR, but check before fitting it. That way, there will be very little air in the water side of the vessel. Bear in mind you will need to drain down the DHW to some extent to remove the pressure before you swap the vessel. Should say, I'm not a plumber, but am looking into putting in a new boiler soon so have been reading up on this stuff in readiness. I like to have an idea of what's what! The pressure vessel and PRV/TRV are very important safety features - check out the Mythbusters episode where they deliberately over-pressurise one of these things. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68p4ngS-yME And if you ever suffer from insomnia, this site is fairly helpful..... http://www.gasapplianceguide.co.uk/Mains_Pressure_Hot_Water_Systems.htm HTH
    1 point
  11. Hi Barny Was away last weekend, so no time as yet. Hoping that AA Composites deliver the boot box lid this week in time for Saturday (Wifes out all day) so should get some time then to install the roll bar and the boot box and lid. Andy at AA emailled last night to say that hes nearly finished so should be with me in time, fingers crossed. Looking forward to getting stuck in. Cheers
    1 point
  12. Anyone got pics? I took a few on my phone but the ones that I have are rubbish and most of them have disappeared as the bl**** phone crapped out on me. Particularly interested in a pic of the Mini. Ta
    1 point
  13. Nice, Wifes always catching me looking round the kids toys departments for Westy models. Only one I've found so far is this one, but it's a cat https://plus.google.com/photos/113992112805904719213/albums?banner=pwa&gpsrc=pwrd1#photos/113992112805904719213/albums/6025662781423105873 Red, you going into mass production soon? Terry
    1 point
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