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  1. Captain Colonial

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  2. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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  3. Mark (smokey mow)

    Mark (smokey mow)

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 20/06/14 in all areas

  1. No doubt at all they're excellent athletes. Can't complain about how much they're getting paid either when there's enough people willing to spend their spare cash to watch and support them, no matter how expensive it gets - that's called market forces. It's a bit rich that some moan that the national team aren't good enough when they support teams that have a squad of almost enitrely overseas players. However, I won't watch simply because the game is crooked. Like a dead fish, it stinks from the head down. FIFA and Sepp Blatter are like the Mafia. Pro players at the highest level cheat by diving and faking fouls and injuries, and they get away with it, and they also berate and bully officials, encouraging the youth of the world to do so as well at the local level. Corporate sponsorship has priced what is the simplest, cheapest (1 ball) and most egalitarian sport on the planet out of reach and use it to try to get you and I to buy their products. It's not the beautiful game any longer, and I've better and more fair sports to enjoy watching. Don't wish the players or the game ill, but let me know when it's clean and fair. /apologies to anyone offended
    3 points
  2. My son was keen for me to get trackday insurance. I didn't. Why he asked, To help you drive my Westy more carefully I replied.
    3 points
  3. Seriously though. Quicker times come from practice, being smooth, learning how your car handles and spending money. You look like your enjoying yourself though A good open track like Blyton is great to push things in relative safety.
    1 point
  4. No pics here either but I had a great day! Not sure my tyres are talking to me yet though, they're not best pleased with me
    1 point
  5. Enjoyed today good mates good weather, what more do you want
    1 point
  6. Makes me laugh when they roll out Chris Waddle and he says we don't learn from mistakes. He should know I suppose - a complete disaster in an England shirt
    1 point
  7. Winter time these'd be gone in an hour Q!
    1 point
  8. Apologies for the delay in preparing this blog but I have been on a Site Supervisors Health and Safety Course all week.... enough to drive any one insane! Prescott Hill is owned by the Bugatti Owners Club and as such is one of the old classics in the Hillclimb world. Situated in gorgeous woodland on the edge of the Winchcombe hills it really is typically Cotswold's (£4.50 a pint and £12 quid for a burger but more of that later). The weather was set fair for the weekend and the entries for this 2 day event were pretty good with the slick organisation of the Longton and District Motor Club there were over 15 for class 2B and over 9 for class 2A. Paul Morcom was there in his magnificent Merlyn historic Formula Ford with a mighty cross flow in the back end. David Birch (XTR2 turbo) was on a maiden run in his new Busa which was finished with great attention to detail at the 11th hour. Indeed, David had a 14 hour day running in the engine and setting it up on the dyno just a few hours before the start of practice on Saturday. "Rain God" Martin Harvey (Marto) arrived in his sliver bullet SEiw with well sorted Zetec towed behind the lovely VW camper (Silver again) and parked in the shadow of Phil Nichol's magnificently original chip fat burning Landrover LWB. The camp site was filling up quick with Stu Hill joining the parking zone next to me. Dinner was a few ciders and a chat round the barbeque on Friday night before I called it a day to sleep on my "air free" air bed. Conditions were near perfect on Saturday for racing and practice saw some early runs with slow times as we all had a look at the hill. For many of us it was our first time at Prescott and I can only say it is a technical hill that really requires some good car control. Bacon sandwiches were consumed
    1 point
  9. Thankyou Claire - after seeing Dommo's post and contacting you A-Plan were able to match the quote and now I have a single life line phone number for A-Plan for Tin Top and Westfield. And I trust the A-Plan brand more than who you matched with so win win. Thanks - now, what else needs insurance...
    1 point
  10. Had The Wench MOT'd yesterday afternoon, which she passed with no problems - happy days. Nice to have a sympathetic local mechanic at these times. I'd replaced the perished wiper blades beforehand with new leftover excess refill material he had from another job and gave me for free. As I stay in the car during the test and operate all the controls, they only need one mechanic doing the MOT so it gets done quicker and the other mechanics can crack on with other cars, so he takes the time, looks at non-MOT stuff and does a few bits for me for free - this time, it was tightening the seat bolts I didn't know were a bit loose. Just as a laugh, even though it's on a Q plate, he ran an emissions test, which it passed with flying colours, much to both our amazement! Anyway, even though I've a few jobs to do (as usual - this time the carbs, a bonnet latch anchor, and a side repeater which took a rock strike on the way home!), I took a couple of photos afterwards, the first ones with the 13" Minilights I bought. I know I'm biased, but I think they really suit the car - they look right on a narrow and with swept wings to my eye. (Click to make bigger) Not bad for a 1992!
    1 point
  11. Really easy, 4 nuts & bolts plus probably a blade through a silicone bead if your builder used it, then you can clean up the scuttle & re-silicone your new screen in if you want. The older pillars are a slightly different profile from the newer 'rover mirror' ones I recall where they meet the scuttle, so if you're changing uprights of different age you might need to check out if there will be any work ie you might need to drill another hole that'll be covered up anyways
    1 point
  12. Hi Tricky, wasnt taken that way at all, quite the opposite. Thanks for your help loading on the day it was much appreciated... Needing to find the time now to get it mended to make it out again:-)
    1 point
  13. Never had a heater, though do have a windscreen. Just wrap up warm and drive!
    1 point
  14. Title says FW style, I assumed the OP meant one like this. http://retweeter.co.uk/magento/index.php/rear-diffuser-carbon-fibre.html
    1 point
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