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  1. Nick Algar - Competition Secretary

    Nick Algar - Competition Secretary


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  2. Mark (smokey mow)

    Mark (smokey mow)

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  4. Paul Hurdsfield - Joint Manchester AO

    Paul Hurdsfield - Joint Manchester AO

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 15/05/14 in all areas

  1. Phew, done and sent I can go out to the garage now and play
    1 point
  2. I love how i do the Manchester AO report.... Subbed out thank you Mr Bond!
    1 point
  3. This is where a track policy differs to that of a road policy. On the road the market value is the all important figure in event of a payout but on track it’s for you to decide yourself what value of damage you could potentially do to your car and how much of it you want to be insured for. The figure I’ve applied to my policy of £12K is what I’d consider to be a total loss payout in the event of a serious accident or on track fire. This is the sum for me to completely rebuild my car replacing every part (the worst case scenario) Alternatively however a new starter kit from Westfield comprising of a body, wishbones and chassis can be bought for £3.5K so you may happy to insure the car on track for £4K. This is on the assumption that all other parts would be salvageable from the wreck of your old car and could be reused in the rebuild and any additional damage over and above the £4K you have the means to pay for yourself.
    1 point
  4. I think UKIP want the EU to return to being a common market rather than a single state ruled from Brussels and handing out grants like no tomorrow to developing countries and legislation that we have little say over. It's not racism, its not little Britain and all the other tags they get. It's a disagreement on the way the EU is going and where it will go and what this means for Britain and views based on a practical reality rather than a political ideal. I think the EU has made a big mistake by expanding too fast and too far especially when the economic and growth model, especially for the more socialist members, has been proven to be completely unsustainable. It was one thing to include the original 8 countries but the enlarged EU is destined to fail. If the UK wants to lend £10bn to Romania - fine but lets have it secured against assets and paying a commercial rate back to us. That's what we have to do when we look to attract overseas investors to build Nuclear power stations here. All those knocking UKIPs views on Europe would do well to look at Switzerland and Norway. David
    1 point
  5. We hear all about these foreigners who come in to claim our benefits, take our jobs, change our laws, steal our children's tears from sensationalist journalism pumped out by the likes of the Daily Mail. But nobody knows these people, do they actually exist? The only foreign people I know are hard working people and work harder than a lot of native Brits, it's our own people who take advantage of welfare state they have never paid into, help themselves to a free council house for their multitude of children they can't afford, abuse the health service with self-inflicted illnesses caused by smoking and obesity. We shouldn't go around throwing stones at the foreigners if we live in a big glass house. We do exactly the same in the middle east, move out for a few years, rake in the money and go home. We are living in an increasingly globalised society and Farage wants to close us down so we can't see beyond the end of our snooty noses. We don't stand a chance in the big wide world if he gets his way. We feel it's fine to moan about 'Oh, they come in here, forcing their laws on us' but it's fine for the white people to turn up in the middle east, built hotels and started selling alcohol in countries where it is illegal? . We've stomped over the world removing governments in the name of democracy because our system is 'best'. We have a long history of crusades, raping and pillaging, but that was fine, that was a long time ago. UKIP want Britain and British jobs for the British, but who are the Brits? What arbitrary point in time do we pick? Are fresh immigrants allowed to use the NHS? What about second generation foreigners who have been here >10 years? Do we send back the Italians who settled after the war? No, we'll keep them, I like bolognaise. What about the Indians from the 60s? Do we take it right back and all dark haired people can go back to Rome, all blonde people can go back to Scandinavia and all we are left with are genuine ginger celts? Do we have all the Australians and Americans back?
    1 point
  6. I don't have any issues with immigration I welcome those who want to come here to work to better themselves. What I do have issues with is those who just come here to abuse the welfare state, including those who work but then can claim child credits etc to send back home it's just ridiculous. Also I have the same issues with those born here who have no intention of ever putting anything back and just sit on the arses with there hand stretch out. This is the problem that needs solving.
    1 point
  7. http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/oap-offers-armed-inept-man-7114705 ??
    1 point
  8. Great route blue leader. Nice to see you all again. Until next time. Bill
    1 point
  9. Holiday booked, all office work sorted Car loaded, trailer ready, just 24 hours too early what a dangler I am sometimes….Priceless…. see you Friday if I can extend my leave booking
    1 point
  10. It's worth bearing in mind, lots of injectors are often used in lots of different cars, if you know the make and size of the injector, you may well be able to get them second hand/refurbed more easily than just looking for a Rover V8 injectors. (It's not too bad a price though, for eight)
    1 point
  11. Get two black Labradors. They let me know that it is exactly 7.30am, and want their breakfast !
    1 point
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