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  1. Tom Frankland (T3OMF)

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/14 in all areas

  1. seriously people calling for him to be sacked what a joke he is what he is a entertainer ,you cant even fart or burp these days without upsetting some do good joker , i say round up all the mamby pamby do good no lifers and wagon jumpers ,stick em on a boat and set it off on a one way trip to one of the ice caps
    5 points
  2. I agree............ If you don't like it, don't watch him, don't read his news articles or anything he does. Just don't rune it for the real people that enjoy his work.
    3 points
  3. Scenic route now all sorted and in the sat nav for the x-flow. It's the "welsh lane" nearly all the way. http://www.helmdon.com/trail/tier1/welshlane_article.htm I think we are going to need a head start!!!
    1 point
  4. As above, can bring to Stoneleigh Monday £250
    1 point
  5. This is nothing to do with racism and everything to do with rival newspapers. Clarkson writes for the Murdoc Empire and this story was "found" by the Mirror group who have been trying to deal with Clarkson ever since Piers Morgans days as editor. He is target number one as he is not PC, abhors the stupidity of the world we live in. When he speaks sense about the rise of the state dictating what we can and cannot do, he speaks for millions, so there are some who would like to silence him and would see great joy at his demise. I have many black and muslin people I know, they are not offended by casual statements, the Irish I know laugh at Irish jokes, the Jews I know laugh at comments about chicken soup being Jewish penicillin, things that are meant in jest are just that. There is a whole industry that has been built up around being PC, millions are spent each year on training for police, army teachers civil servants to keep up with current offensive terms, this is a money machine like global warming. Clarkson needs to continue being himself.
    1 point
  6. We are not even allowed to mention by name , the fact that very well known brand items have been banned in the past because of so called racist inuendo . e.g. the "Golly" on Robinsons Jam , for pity's sake it was a very cheerful picture of a black doll . century's old Fairy tales have been mutilated or banned to make them PC why don't they do a cull on all the White Swan Hotel & Pub signs we see all over the country , using the same argument surely these are racist !
    1 point
  7. Applecross 2014 the plan ? Not many sleeps now till Applecross 2014 so here's the plan. Thursday 19th June out support van will be in two places this year , 7.30 we will be at the BP garage at the deer park roundabout Livingston till 8 we will then move down to the BP garage at the forth bridge for 8.30 , Kev do we have a driver this year get back to me A.S.A.P . the support van should then be going to Fife . this is a chance to get a very small carry out in the van. Friday June 20th First meeting point will be the Killmahog visitors centre for 10 o'clock in the morning , the support van will be there so that's another chance to store your small carry out and half bottles of vodka next meeting point will be the Green Welly for 11 o'clock there should be room for one more very small carry out, We will head of over Rannoch heading to the Onich Hotel , were booked in for lunch at 12/12.30 . From there next stop will be Fort William for Fuel and a chance to get a small carry out in Morrison's and a half bottle of vodka also some alcopops for kev, Kyle and Jamie.; I think this year we should stop at Eilean Donan Castle for pictures . we should arrive at Loch Carron filling station for 4.30/5 as they have a very nice guy who own's the garage and he will be glad to see us again. Then its off to Applecross we should get to the camp site for 5.30 Friday night we have the ok to put up a gazebo and will start the Barbie, you will only get food this year if you have a wig on there will be no exception to this. At this point we may drink a small carry out that we found in the back off the Support van and party till the wee small hours . Saturday 21st June This year were booked into the walled garden for Breakfast 10/10.30 in the walled garden, its about half a mile from the camp site . if you don't want it then the meeting point for Saturdays run will be the entry road into the camp site for 11.30. Saturday's run will take us to skye where we are heading to Armadale, we are booked into the Clan Donald visitor centre for tea and cakes at 2, and a chance for some pictures ,heading back to the campsite for 5.30/6.00. Saturday night we are booked into the Applecross inn for dinner at 6.30 after that there may be a small carry out left in the support van. Sunday 22nd June 7.30 in the morning its off to the beech for Ziplobs morning swimming class , this year were going to try and beat last years record of no one turning up for a swim , We should be packed up and on our way for 10.30 I can tell you it will be a Fantastic weekend with a great bunch of people but I leave the weather in the hands of him upstairs . we do not have the caravan this year just far to deer but the gazebo will be fine and there is seats at the huts . I will have all the maps for the Saturday run and if there is any changes I will let you all know . Bob Reid {ziplob}
    1 point
  8. Russ your snob now go back to watching TV with the kids!
    1 point
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