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  1. Mark (smokey mow)

    Mark (smokey mow)

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/14 in all areas

  1. I really love the simplicity and style of this watch designed for the visually impaired. So simple yet elegant. It's going on sale soon at $195 in the US and hopefully Europe later this year. Click News click I think I want one...
    2 points
  2. Odd at first glance, but makes sense really. Westfield aren't big enough to hold stock of everything, and I imagine striking a balance between having lots of money invested in items sat on a shelf, against satisfying customer demand is pretty difficult. The website shop is most likely bought in and not 100% fit for purpose, but considerably better than anything they've ever had before. A 'feature' of the system being that when an item is marked out of stock, the website won't allow you to buy it. Westfield would thus have to be psychic and get whatever the customer wanted in stock before the customer wanted to order it to fix that issue. I think I recall some parts having a lead time mentioned in the description, perhaps that's the way to go? On another point, taking a step back, communication from the factory seems pretty good now! I remember a time when people were complaining of not getting items AND not getting told about it.
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. Hi Andy, I am disappointed there are no BMW tyres!!
    1 point
  5. Dave I don't think Westfield need defending all the time. They are active on this club and I'm pretty sure they keep tabs on what is said and goes on as it makes for good business to understand your market. The truth is they never post on here unless it's to promote something or to have very unprofessional public attacks at other traders. This is a public forum where members get share experiences and opinions. To many times in the past when people complain about Westfield they are effectively dismissed by people defending them. Personally I have received good and bad service from the factory and I agree that it's only the bad that gets broadcasted more. But saying that when they get good feedback on a post it isn't followed by people complaining. So let people have a moan as it's them out of pocket and time. Westfield are quite capable of speaking and defending for themselves which wouldn't hurt and would get my respect and possibly more business
    1 point
  6. In this instance no. There are other suppliers of Nylon parts around though, just have a look, I do believe some of the Traders & Sponsors do some nylon parts. :D
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Unfortunately this is a sign of the times and if we want Westfield as a company to survive we must be patient. Having been there and waited it is frustrating but if they went bust due to bad decisions we would or could all be in it up to the armpits. The recession has been on for a few years now and all manufacturers have suffered with cash flow so why do we expect our primary supplier to be any different, they can't afford to have millions lying on the shelf. I'm sure the management at Westfield are well aware of the situation and as long as they are doing there best we cannot expect any more. Unless of course you wish to take your business elsewhere which is a choice you have anyway. The situation should resolve itself in time but who knows how long that will be. So in reality nothing much we can do about it other than order early or elsewhere. Not ideal, but that's life I'm afraid. Bob
    1 point
  9. 402kgs on my sprint blade but there are lighter cars ( well at least one!)
    1 point
  10. I'll be doing mine tomorrow, hopefully there is still spaces left
    1 point
  11. Sacre Blue Gatouille! and a Zut Alors for good measure….. Quest ce que un massive surprise a votre sale of le car so soon. Je suis vraiment désole a le news de votre sale… Passez un bon temp dans le BMW avec le deux cent HP :-) Stop les enfants crying and fetchez un nouveau westfield toute suite!! Au revoir mon et Bonne Chance!! James Alexander (available for A level and degree level french tuition)
    1 point
  12. Car now sold, thanks for all the enquiries
    1 point
  13. Unless you are going to use all year round then I would not worry about full wet gear, if you are worried about getting caught in a shower now and then a half hood and side screens/doors would be fine. I've been heavy showers with just the half hood and wind deflectors and apart from the odd drip it was quite ok. A set of doors and a half hood will set up back in the region of £500 so just take this into account. With the half hood it is more important to have an RAC type roll bar as a minimum for the extra height (head clearance), in fact if you want to track it occasionally I would advise going for the RAC roll bar as a minimum anyway. (first bit of advise I picked up at a local meet)
    1 point
  14. Hi Ben, I was in a similar position up until early March. I was looking for about 6 months on and off, and earnestly looking since the New Year. My budget was the same, i narrowed it down to a well specced 1.8/2.0 on throttle bodies, i didn't want the potential hassle of carbs (waits for flack from the carbs brigade ), I also decided upon a windcsreen rather than aeroscreen as i wasn't and have no intention of tracking or speed series/sprinting. I toyed with getting a V8 for the shear grunt and awesome sound track, and nearly broke the budget by a lot to buy one. In the end I found something that fitted 80% of my want/needs list and bought a Duratec Sport 2000, and I love it. I have to say that I actually viewed and tried 6 different cars all over England before i found mine. There is more choice now but the prices appear to have gone up! Yorkshire is a big county (as a Yorkshireman I know this as a fact), so the local rep/club might not actually be based in West Yorkshire, so it might pay you to look up some other areas meets. If you are in S.Yorks you are more than welcome to look at mine, a bit of a trek but you are welcome. By the way, i took the wet weather gear off mine bar the doors, if it rains while i'm out I will get wet! Cheers Ian
    1 point
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