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  1. Captain Colonial

    Captain Colonial

    WSCC Life Member

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  2. Mark (smokey mow)

    Mark (smokey mow)

    WSCC Member

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  3. RoyH


    WSCC Member

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  4. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/13 in all areas

  1. Terry the WSCC is affiliated to the MSA, this provides certain benifits to all the members not just those competing in the speed series. If the club or members don't abide by their rules then ultimately it is everyone in the club that looses out.Do you want to be the person that spoils it for the rest of us?
    3 points
  2. Can you elaborate further please so we're all clear as to exactly what you mean, Terry? I'd be surprised if any owner of a car park or paved private land would be even faintly dim enough or interested in allowing people to do that, particularly for free. If they allowed it, they'd open themselves up to huge amounts of possible liability claims if someone was injured or killed, or if vehicles were damaged. Disclaimers would be next to useless for the property owner in such circumstances, and the cost of insurance would be astronomical. By comparison, paying £25-£30 quid to do it in a safe, fun and organised fashion is a complete no-brainer in my books. That's the cost of going to a movie (and probably being disappointed), a mediocre meal for two at a less-than-posh pub, or 1/3 of a tank of fuel in my tin top. If you do manage to find someone with a car park daft enough to allow people to do that, give me his details - I've got some scrap green copper on an island off New York for sale.
    2 points
  3. and decriminalise those that don't pay the tax, free the police from chasing them, get tax from non-uk vehicles on out roads and reduce the civil servants collecting it and managing it. I can't think of any downside, can you?
    2 points
  4. AutoSolo is an MSA recognised discipline (in the Autotest section of the MSA Blue Book.) I can only recommend events running under MSA permits for the reasons others have mentioned above. My key point though is that there are Club level events where being a member of the organising Club, or an invited Club, meets the key driver entry criteria and there is no need for a Competition Licence. This has been key to the growth of AutoSolo and competitors stay in this type of event, moving-up into Championships which do require a Competition Licence and/or into Speed events and other disciplines. There will be a demonstration event under the Go Motorsport banner, giving free passenger rides, at Autosport International next January on the Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. There are plenty of Autotests and AutoSolos around the Regions and I'm happy to help people find events local to them.
    1 point
  5. Tigers have been reported before in Hampshire:
    1 point
  6. Having been at the retail end of the 'Hi-Fi' industry for 35 years, I can certainly vouch for the fact that quantity over quality with regard to music is definitely the order of the day for lots of people. With some of our loudspeakers selling for upwards of £15,000, it's a real education job to explain the advantages of a decent system. It also seems age-related; younger people seem less likely to care about actual sonic quality (up to a point).
    1 point
  7. Gents Thanks for all the best wishes. The day passed without fuss ( thankfully) A new Makita drill did arrive though ( thanks to Mrs H) the do make good drills. Roy
    1 point
  8. I spotted a big black cat in Sheffield just now.
    1 point
  9. The Start Line is the perfect place to ask any non technical questions about Westfields. So yes, you could ask the question there if you wanted. There's nothing at all to stop you asking in Stuff and Nonsense either, but of course you might have to take flak about funny shaped wheels and a bit of thread drift and the odd "when I were a lad" type tall tale...
    1 point
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