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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/09/13 in all areas

  1. Thanks guys, hopefully people will find it useful and there's still more to follow
    1 point
  2. Phil welcome to the club mate, good luck in your quest for the right car. I bought a very well sorted cross flow last year (1700) and it is more than enough for my limited skills as an enthusiastic but very amateur driver. I would urge to be prudent in waiting for the right car to come along. If you have to wait 6 months at least you can save a few quid and perhaps get a more modern engine or combo of upgrades - one thing is for sure that when you get your car all of us other geeks on here will help infect you with upgraditis :-) Good luck James
    1 point
  3. My next door neighbour had one of those MOO 744V, brand new. He lent it to me at 18 years of age and I slammed it into a grass bank!! Great car, but the astounding thing is my 3 series diesel Beemer has pretty much the same performance! I'd love to get my hands on one though.
    1 point
  4. The turbo itself helps act as a part of the silencing on the exhaust.
    1 point
  5. Know nothing about turbos Phil so can't really comment. That's gonna be super loud with that tiny silencer though - and decent ones ain't cheap
    1 point
  6. If you are thinking about Sprints or any other MSA event even as an off chance then it makes sense to buy and MSA approved helmet which will also be Fire Retardent. Snell SA2000 goes out very soon, so get an SA2005 or better a SA2010. See here http://www.msauk.org/uploadedfiles/msa_forms/bluebooks/13/151_189_Common_Regulations_for_Competitors_(Safety)_(K).pdf Page 166 Whilst BCF's link is interesting if you are riding a motorcycle, Motorsport car helmets have to meet different criteria which motorcycle helmets rarely meet. Fire Retardency is the most obvious, but also the type of impact is generally different between a car and a bike. A bike normally getting multiple hits on the road, compared with a car helmet, getting one big hard hit, followed by other smaller ones. The Snell Institute looks at Car racing helmets, so my personal preference would always be to go for a Snell Approved helmet. But as with all things it's a matter of personal choice.
    1 point
  7. Good to meet you at Tetbury show today, Phil - as I said we expect to see your car at the October Cotswolds meet. Good luck in finding the right one.
    1 point
  8. I have a Schuberth C3 Pro which is a bikers helmet - not cheap though but I am sure there are similar items for less Highly recommend helmets like this with the drop down sun visor and much improved ventilation, sealing of helmet and noise reduction - brilliant The front flips up so it is easier for me to get my specs on too
    1 point
  9. Don't be daft, Norman. How are you ever going to think outside the box, not to mention execute that paradigm shift, if you need to outsource such trivially simple matters?
    1 point
  10. Although, in theory, you need a motorsport lid at some venues I've never had my helmet checked or heard of anyone actually getting turned away for wearing a bike lid. Buy on fit rather than price/recommendation though. When I got my first bike I REALLY wanted an Arai lid. Turns out I have the wrong shaped head, but Shoei fitted perfectly... Fast forward a few years and I wanted to try a few motorsports helmets, only to discover that I still don't have an Arai shaped head, but Bells are incredibly comfortable. Must be getting to sale time for motorsport kit though... worth having a look at GPR (Silverstone) to see if there are any clearance ones (and work out which brands/sizes fit)?
    1 point
  11. i went to a bike shop and bought one for £50. i only use it a little bit and found it comfy enough. i think if i was to do a lot of stuff that needed one i would spend more but i think it's worth a look
    1 point
  12. "I have an idea" = "Here's something I want you to do so I can take the credit if it works and blame you if it doesn't"
    1 point
  13. I use "to be honest" differently... more of a case of "look, I've been trying to explain why you're wrong in a way that you'll realise before you think I do, but you're really not grasping it. Here it is in an ever so slightly blunter way"
    1 point
  14. There was a fella called Martynas who played some 4 seasons on the accordion, unbelievable.
    1 point
  15. No it's definitely glitchy. I get a white screen, nothing loads. The address / info bar says. " search or enter url ". I'm on phone btw.
    1 point
  16. Hi Phil, No the link is working but takes a second or so to load in some cases. But just for your information, the details you will need for you area are as follows: Where: Golden Heart Inn, Nettleton Bottom, Birdlip GL4 8LA - Bath & Bristol area members welcome! When: Last Thursday of the month at 7 PM Area Organiser: Andrew Reeves Phone: 01684 592277 / 07774 127036 Email: andrew@jasprint.com Website: http://www.wscc.tfwebdesign.co.uk/ Tiggs
    1 point
  17. Send them my way, I'll raffle them off and donate all profit to equally to SSAFA, Help For Hero's and Hound For Hero's! Known about them, but this last week overwhelmed with what they achieve and offer!
    1 point
  18. one employee and 10 westfields
    1 point
  19. Asking price/ colour/ year of registration/ pictures we really like pictures :-) ;-) Also a mobile number always helps Good luck with the sale sounds like a cracking car
    1 point
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