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  1. First meeting point at Kilmahog for those of us from central Scotland. Just as we were about to leave, our world famous internationally renowned rapstar buddy, Snoop "is it coz my Westfields black" Doveedov spotted a bunch of his fans wanting his autograph and decided he would hide, or it may just have been that his accelerator cable had snapped Luckily the headless Steeeeeeeve Smith, had a spare in his car and it was quickly changed and we were on our way. On one of our fuel stops at Loch Carron, Kyle our support van driver had a run in with the local mechanic who had been driving past our convoy. The driver then stopped, turned his car round and chased the van and found us all parked by the Loch. The driver didn't realise the van was with us, but apparently he wasn't very happy with the hand gesture Kyle had given him after he'd forced Kyle into the verge at the side of the road. However, his bravery quickly deserted him when he realised that the 20 guys in the loud cars were actually Kyles mates and 1 small mechanic v 20 Scotsmen gasping for a beer, wasn't going to end well for him and he was quickly sent on his way Kyle, was then known as "Kyle Van Wa*ker" for the rest of the weekend. It was nice to see another orange car in amongst the sea of yellow Friday night in the aptly named "caravan of luuuurve", saw a real bromance starting. Whether it was his fame as an international rapstar that attracted big Fid to SnoopDoveedov or the fact that he was wearing what we could only guess was his wifes blouse that night (Snoop, nobody believes you that it was a mans shirt! ), but the pair were inseperable, the romance between them would have brought a tear to a glass eye, or at least a tear to SnoopDoveedovs eyes if big Fid had got him into the bedroom You can see almost feel the love between them as they gazed lovingly into each others eyes when they held hands. The blast to Skye on Saturday was wet to say the least which cancelled our planned tour of the Island. We just stopped in the first carpark and hit the pub for a coffee and a chance to dry out a bit. Sunday morning saw the heavy rain continuing We had high winds during the Saturday night and big Kev has learned a valuable lesson, that you need to fit bungy cords to your overnight cover, especially if its an aero screened car, or it will just blow off and leave you with your very own Westfield submarine! Despite the bad weather, it was another cracking weekend with a great bunch of guys and good to have a couple of newcomers join us in the shape of Judder and Dave from the North of Scotland. Ian (Telomerase) and especially Craig (Jumpy) deserve a special mention for their efforts to make it up to Applecross after Ians fuel pump died and Craigs car got intimate with a hairdresser in an Audi TT. Their dedication to make it up to camp McWesty after those mishaps, shows how highly regarded the weekend is by us Jocks. Roll on the next one.
    3 points
  2. A bit of background first...... I am fitting a 2nd hand aeroscreen temperarily to enable me to fit the wing mirrors to the aero screen. I will be fitting a playskool cage later on (over winter now probably) and the mirrors fit the the cage. I didn't want to mount the mirrors to my nice new aeroscreen and end up with some holes in it! I therefore purchase a second hand one on here that was in yellow. I painted this and fitted it yesterday but wasn't happy with the finish, even though it's temperary. See pics After my success of making a bootbox cover I though about covering the aero in vinyl. I think it looks quite funky Note mirrors obviously to go back on and the perspex bit of the screen will be fitted after IVA (Wefstfield said to fit after and some people have failed on it)
    1 point
  3. Ayrton Senna didn't think so... This is from Joachim's website... http://www.mog-racing.de/en/inhalt/uber-uns.2 MOG Racing has been involved in Caterham Super 7 racing since 1996. During this time we have successfully taken part in various races and race series. Here is an incomplete list! Overall Championship Winner, Caterham-Yokohama-Challenge 1996 1998 2000 Class Winner, class 3, Open Class 1996, 1997,1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Winner, Caterham-Duckhams Euro Series 1996 Winner, Grand Prix Caterham Ledenon 1998 Winner, 500km Paul Ricard 1998 Yokohama Class Winner, 500km Nogaro 1999 Yokohama Class Winner, TOP Challenge Brands Hatch Festival 2000 Yokohama Class
    1 point
  4. No, we like the competitive premiums.........
    1 point
  5. Jeff, who voted the pillock in? Or maybe the question should be, how many didn't vote letting the pillock win.
    1 point
  6. A rough Brummie??? In my experience many Brummies could actually be aliens! When I first started reading this I thought it was going to be American based, sorry Scott, as most of them are. But if it's got KFC eating Brummie abductee I'm watching it! Why is it whenever alien's collect human samples for research, they always get the worst examples of human? You never hear about a member of Mensa, scientist or an athlete being abducted... Always people that are probably on some form of prescribed or illegal drug. I have extremely realistic dreams, since being on high opioids, a few days ago I was sure I was talking to a guy (I could describe him, but no need to) who was sat on the pavement just down the road, waiting. I asked if he was ok, he had a semi automatic pistol in a holster, maybe a Berreta 92F, which he concealed as I spotted it. He then continued to say he was ok, just waiting for someone... I could go on, but this I know was not real. I admit I've not dreamt about KFC, Birmingham or aliens. Maybe I should watch men in black while eating cheese, just before I take my night meds and go to sleep...
    1 point
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