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  2. Mark (smokey mow)

    Mark (smokey mow)

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    Greenstreak-Andy D

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/13 in all areas

  1. Totally agree with this. I find it especially frustrating when towing trailers on motorways as I have little option other than to go into the outside lane where I shouldn't be or undertake using the inside lane so as to pass them.
    2 points
  2. Hope you live long enough to get mature. Pick your toys up and put the back in your pram.....
    1 point
  3. helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllo driving like a nunney on a public road is not big or clever and admitting you stacked it while doing so even worse imho , what would of happened if you took a biker out while spinning
    1 point
  4. Should have a fine for lorrys taking 10 miles to overtake another lorry too
    1 point
  5. Don't pay it. One, if you check in at the airport three hours in advance, you've a good chance of sitting together. Two, if that doesn't work, buy a big box of good choccies in duty free and make sure you're in the front of the queue to board - collar the head of cabin crew as you board and explain your situation and give them the choccies to share - it works and even if you can't get seats together, you'll get great service and probably some free goodies. Three, once you're in the air, you can walk around. Four, you'll be together for days, a few hours apart on a flying bus filled with farts is not the end of the world. Five, think what you can enjoy with the money you save. Six, the Maldives are beautiful.
    1 point
  6. Whilst in the UK I popped into a Currys/PC World and purchased a set of PC speakers. I asked if they would work on my TV and was told they would be OK if plugged into the headphone socket. I have got the mains into the socket, the light green cable into the speaker socket on the TV. The sound quality is fantastic, I've never heard such silent noise. Anyone any idea on where I'm going wrong. The speaker plug will not fit any other socket on the TV. Thanks ED to ADD: I have sorted it. A little switch on the side that says ON/OFF needed moving from one position to the other. OK, I'm todays muppet! (some would say every days muppet)
    1 point
  7. no im entered wuv I just forgot about it , I was planning on working that weekend but i'll give myself a day off
    1 point
  8. Thing is, a lot of the things mentioned are really a matter of personal preference - for example, I got rid of the original belts in favour of those with aero/turn buckles. I find that less contortion is needed to get into them AND you can undo them easily with driving gloves on... the only solution if you want to delay the onset of upgradeitus is to get out and see as many cars as you can.
    1 point
  9. Any chance of someone bringing a spare copy of the forms along as I'm with the parents who don't have a printer? Cheers Alistair
    1 point
  10. I never listen to the TV speakers, they are all carp. I've connected my TV sound out phono sockets to my Mission Cyrus amp and listen on Ruark speakers and an MJ Pro 50 subwoofer, sounds great on action films and TV programmes too. You'll be amazed how much work goes into producing the soundtrack on any TV programm. I only just added the Subwoofer and a new dimension has opened up, thunderstorms scare me and wifey now.
    1 point
  11. Sorry too hear about your incident with both your car and foot mate! On the plus side its not really Westie weather there is far too much blue in the sky and its too warm at present! All the best for a quick recovery hope the car gets sorted too1
    1 point
  12. Wheezy? I yearn to be wheezy! My car's asthmatic! Nowt like getting the excuses in early eh!
    1 point
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