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  1. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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  2. Mark (smokey mow)

    Mark (smokey mow)

    WSCC Member

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  3. Davep1


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  4. Mark Stanton

    Mark Stanton

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/13 in all areas

  1. Returned home yesterday from a great weekend in the Westy. Went to the Forres Theme Day car show on Sunday where the sun shone all day and met up with some like minded club members, great to meet you guys . Then to top it all off I won first prize in the class I entered . Onward to Aberdeen to visit friends, an early night and up bright and breezy to a full cooked Scottish breakfast. Sun was shining again, and off I went to Ricky Gauld Motorsport in Huntly for a engine set up and rolling road session. All I can say is Ricky knows his stuff, managed to get 165 bhp out of my standard C20XE on 45s, very happy with that. I have to say seeing your pride and joy getting ragged to within an inch of its life on the rollers is pretty scary if you haven't seen it before. All in all a very enjoyable first adventure in the Westy(apart from the torrential rain on the way up from Inverness ) Roll on Applecross Thanks for reading my ramblings David
    1 point
  2. I think it's less of an offence to not even have a front plate as by using an illegal one you are deliberately comiting an offence where if you don't have one it could just have fell off. Asking to be pulled though. I have a full size stick on plate on my nose and think a police man would be having a very bad day to pull you for it. Just stick a proper plate on for the test.
    1 point
  3. I always wonder about this one if members be happy to walk around the show with name badges on ? if so why don't people change to their real names on the forum ? It's a great idea, but don;t forget "someone" will have to be there all the time, so "everyone" can get a badge. We will need some more "someones" :D Goody bag is also a nice idea, but again has to be paid for. As was discussed at the AGM, the club has only just turned around from losing £8K a year for the last 2 years. If the bag could be done by Sponsorship then great.
    1 point
  4. Bless, hope the medical stuff goes well and you get repaired soon. Good luck on the romantic lunch one of you may pull Bob
    1 point
  5. IT LIVES!!!!!!! I can't say thanks enough to those that helped even through moral support and good vibes! Particularly to Martin who came over tonight and basically did it for me, Chris who gave me lots to think about at work (we work in the same office) and pictures of his set up which was invaluable for working out how to line it up and to Norman for sending me the full workshop manual through! BIG THANKS! It turns out anyway that I just had to do a bit of jiggling to get it lined up once I had a picture to reference what it should be like. the ther half of the pin was still stuck in so once that was bashed out we were pretty much home and dry. The replacement pin went in eventually with a big of a struggle, on Martins behalf, and lots of cups of tea on mine. Top cover on, all sorted. Very short test drive in reverse first and second only but all seems good Just need to put the rest of it back together now........roll on some more good weather! :D
    1 point
  6. Evening guys,glad to see so much reaction to my posting.Sorry I didn`t get to meet you all but guess the BBQ in the evening would have been my best chance.However,with Steph not being out of hospital very long I didn`t think it would be fair to stay away overnight. I`ve got some ideas,so will have a chat on Sunday Mark. Don`t worry SlowPoke......you`ll get your high five.Drag yourself down to ESSEX,second Sunday of any month.....do the Burnham Bends then meet the Essex lads at the pub lunchtime.
    1 point
  7. Graham, I guess you and I were looking for different things but certainly I was one who parked and then walked. Having driven 250miles that morning I wanted to see and enjoy the show, do some shopping and take the opportunity to catch up with some friends from the opposite side of the country to our own. Whist I did spend some time at my car I certainly wouldn't have wanted to be stood next to it for the whole weekend (as I was last year) I'd have missed out on so much else going on elsewhere. I was however stopped by several members I didn't know as I was walking around the halls, which I guess was probably helped by our wearing of pink, blue and greay shirts with our names on. For those that stayed for two days the best opportunity by far to socialise with other members was the evening BBQ. Once the stands and halls had closed, we were all gathered back at our marque and had a good chance to sit around, talk, share some banter and enjoy a pleasent evening and a few drinks. I'm sure the events team would welcome you're suggestions on how things could be improved for next year, and I'm happy to feed back to them any ideas you may have if you want to have a chat on Sunday
    1 point
  8. Adam, your number 6 is correct and I've not experienced 2, 3 or 5... Maybe I'm not driving fast enough!
    1 point
  9. Fair enough, but a plod told me they could not be read, suppose it depends on the height and position of the camera as to whether a reliable id can be made
    1 point
  10. The legal issue of different plates has been discussed many times over on this forum to save a similar discussion repeating itself here is a link to the previous topic and Dean's post which Doug mentions above. http://forum.wscc.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic/36757-stick-on-front-number-plates/?p=361767
    1 point
  11. rarely have any problems with other road users TBH I you constantly have problems it is probably your driving style?
    1 point
  12. Round here (mainly small country roads) it seems to be 'certain' 4x4 drivers who think their vehicle is 9 foot wide, and come round corners taking up 2/3 of the road!
    1 point
  13. Sorry, didn't put it up. I'm after offers around £300 for the engine.
    1 point
  14. You're probably right Steve. It's traditionally had people travel from all over. Holland and Belgium have been popular supporters of Stoneleigh in the past too. If you've a long way to come, you can arrive on the Saturday, get a full Sunday in and either do a whole Monday leave late, or just do Monday morning. (The club has it's own camping area) Sunday night we'll typically have a club BBQ and get together in the marquee. But better still, if you sign on to help out you'll get so much more out of the event, yet still have time to wander the halls and have a look round/spend money! Being one of the brightly coloured t shirt brigade is such a great ice breaker and a rewarding way to while away the weekend.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Glad to here all went well, Stoneleigh next year?
    1 point
  17. Just looked at marcusb`s photos posted under.PICCIES FROM STONELEIGH.Nice photos... First photo in colour and black & white.....red Westies on left AND Martyn and wife....with monochrome on right... Have a good look......does it inspire folk to join the club....Mr and Mrs V look like they`ve arrived on the wrong day and the guy with the hiviz looks like he`s looking for his dog. This photo sums up the way I felt about the show. Members please look at this picture and think about next year.My wife has set me a challenge for 2014 show & I`ll rise to it!!!!!!
    1 point
  18. Exactly this; here in Cheshire we have three or four members living really, really close to each other. When the gearbox of the least mechanically minded of them packed up, all the others were round pulling engines and swapping the box out. It's what makes the club the club that it is.
    1 point
  19. I think it is important to not lose sight of the fact that club stands are run by volunteers, The more people that volunteer, the more visibility.
    1 point
  20. The WSCC, is probably one of if not the largest clubs at the show. Large, can sometimes be a victim of it's own success . Having attended the agm this afternoon, I feel confident , that moves are about to be put in place to try and bring members closer together. I hope so anyway.
    1 point
  21. If it wasn't for the fact that I'd seen you there Graham then i'd think reading that you'd gone to a different show to me personally 2 days wasn't enough time for me to get round all the displays and still have time to talk to all the other owners. On every occasion I returned to the WSCC stand I found myself being there for over an hour talking and kicking tyres both with existing members but also potential new owners, maybe it was the blue shirt that helped people to spot who I was and then introduce themselves. Biggest regret for me was not having enough time to get around any of the other club stands to see how they matched up to our own.
    1 point
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