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  1. Mark (smokey mow)

    Mark (smokey mow)

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  3. Andy Banks

    Andy Banks

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  4. Doug Dastardly

    Doug Dastardly

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/13 in all areas

  1. Interesting thread. I went on the Sunday, a Stoneleigh virgin and, well...... It was OK but not particularly inspiring. Part of the problem is Stoneleigh itself, I.e. the hall layout but it is what it is. Trade stands I thought were generally pretty poor, how many nuts and bolts do you need I too was looking specifically for wheels and a steering wheel / boss (just round things for me), I expected to be spoilt for choice, I wasn't. Obviously not part of WSCC domain but a point for the show organisers. I went to the club stand three times, on each occasion there was almost no-one there and those who were ignored everyone, not very welcoming for a newbie. Perhaps Sunday is the day to go - appreciate the club is run by volunteers but I'd hesitate to offer that as an excuse; you're either good or not, your paid or not status is neither here nor there. Easy to critique though so some suggestions for our area; car data sheets on the windscreen so you knew what you were looking at; if your car is for sale please put a price; name badges on those who are manning the stand (pink shirts were great), club marque laid out with clear areas, with people manning them, AO's on hand, club exec on hand with name tags! The cars in the tent looked great but frankly, so what? No-one there to explain, no signs, no data sheets. To be brutally honest, if this was my only experience of the WSCC, it wouldn't have inspired me. Now, I know that it isn't a true reflection of the club but somehow it didn't quite match to the spirit I find on here. All that said, I'm a newbie, so maybe speaking out of turn, need to be around a while longer I guess. It hasn't put me off, I don't know anyone - maybe won't after this post either but I'll keep at it, go to my area meet and promise to do something to help next year. Do we all go to Donnington show?
    2 points
  2. Organise a BBQ at your house. Invite some the local members over and in exchange for a few burgers and (soft) drinks I'm sure many hands will soon be able to assist in getting you back and on the road again.
    2 points
  3. One.....But it took many more to tell him it wasn't straight
    1 point
  4. That sticker looks to be slightly to one side
    1 point
  5. awesomeness wuv
    1 point
  6. Ahh Scott So you managed to sign up your brothers, sisters, cousins in US and Canada, Auntie Flo and Bob your uncle Top job!!
    1 point
  7. Well done on the new members. That's impressive.
    1 point
  8. More than I thought then, thats great!
    1 point
  9. The fxxxing strimmers are out, fxxxing leaf blowers later I guess. It was nice and quite in my garage whilst re packing my exhaust until the B& Q brigade woke up about 12:00.
    1 point
  10. I've not tried it on a larger area, but from using it on wheels it seems to behave just like any other matt or satin spray - quite hard to get an even finish on larger areas. But heck, if it doesn't work, just peel it off! Here's how it might look on a very large area if you aren;t careful, kind of patchy:
    1 point
  11. I think it is important to not lose sight of the fact that club stands are run by volunteers, The more people that volunteer, the more visibility.
    1 point
  12. sorry to hear you were disappointed Graham - and I do remember meeting you I felt fairly similar upon my first visit a handful of years ago - since then I have met members from near and far away and to be honest on Sunday I couldn't go five minutes without seeing an old face (and many new ones that introduced themselves to me) to have a chat with - I had a very busy day chatting despite not actually helping in any official way all I will say is keep getting to local meets and mix in with what is going on and you will slowly find yourself naturally meeting more and more folk - I have not met a single person face to face in the world of westfielding that I have not got on with What can we do better next year... It would be great if all AO's could attend at least one day and make themselves available purely to be milling around the cars to talk with folk - I guess if we had enough volunteers to do the other bits and pieces we could do that ! Most of the AO's disappeared for a good hour and a half to have a meeting Sunday afternoon (and the AGM plus another AO meeting was on Monday) which would have made us look a little void of helpers for a while which may not have helped (maybe times can be changed next year ) We have no control over the quality of the content of the show stalls but I appreciate you letting us know on your thoughts on the club areas - I will forward this post to the committee for them to consider
    1 point
  13. The BBQ fund will be good next year
    1 point
  14. I'd paid five years membership to watch Scott count that many!
    1 point
  15. i was sure i had it in the bag with that guess. it was worth the 50p though just to see your face scott when you saw it
    1 point
  16. great weekend all, really enjoyed it. nice to meet everyone. Ian, I still think that transfer is on crooked also found two look a likes for your car hope to see you all soon. Steve.
    1 point
  17. Evenin' All Not long home and I've just finished packing away the important bits and pieces; some club stuff that I should have left on the trailer when I secured it earlier and some new purchases for me and I've even managed to persuade Calum into the shower! We are totally beat but elated. A lot has been said before in this thread, and the others, and is said every year and it is absolutely the right thing so I won't prattle on, just a couple of lines... Massive, massive thanks to Chaz for sticking with it, for all the background work and for coordinating, organising and passing on his experience to myself and Dave. I know I would not have been as effective without him and the show most certainly would not have been as good as it was. That said of course it will never be great show without everyone helping on the day. I think the names in the frame are correct and I'm sorry if I missed the chance to thank you in person but... Thank You!
    1 point
  18. 28. VDO Water temp gauge (electric), no bezel -£5 29. Racetech water temp gauge - £15 30. CA Water temp gauge - £5 31. VDO Oil Pressure gauge - £5 35. Elring Cam cover gasket for c20xe - £10 36. Seat runners - £15
    1 point
  19. I tried to uplrad photoes but would not go in. Let me know if you want photos and i can email to you. The car is the one on my profile pic.
    1 point
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