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  4. Mark (smokey mow)

    Mark (smokey mow)

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 17/04/13 in all areas

  1. I'm after a black tonneau for my SE.. So if anyone has one spare please drop me a pm. Cheers Mark Ps how do you actually pronounce this word - tonneau?
    1 point
  2. spot on! Thanks for all your help with this - buy you a few beers at Stoneleigh!
    1 point
  3. For xflow and (presume pinto) like Valvoline 20w50 mineral oil - not sure what they call it now. BRB. Here you go: http://www.burtonpower.com/parts-by-brand/brands-u-to-z/valvoline/valvoline-vr1-racing-engine-oil-20w50-5ltr-mineral-valvr12050.html Price has crept up a bit, used to be £20.
    1 point
  4. I too have just removed a full westfield system that will fit all Zetec applications, was going to ebay the lot in a week or so after engine it came of sells..... Regards Mike
    1 point
  5. This has to be the biggest drift off topic ever. One min were on benefits and the next gay marrige I don't mind if two people are happy together they good on them but I cont see how churches can be forced to marry them. Religion is suppose to be based on faith and beliefs not what the law tells you you must do, within reason. Same sex couples adopting I do not agree with though.
    1 point
  6. If you pull the little arrow down next to your name at the top right then click on my profile it's in there. Click EDIT MY PROFILE and change the title.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Some wives are good at stopping a dangler.
    1 point
  9. OK... If she's like Rapideze, is she any good at loosening tight nuts? /sorry //just too tempting
    1 point
  10. terry, I do mine from gopro 2 straight to windows movie maker then upload to you tube and its easy even for me, you can upload in Hd too
    1 point
  11. mines a pint thanks Steve
    1 point
  12. Only thing to be aware of is the hi-vis vests need to be in the car. You're supposed to put them on before getting out of the car. Gendarmes may stop you to check that you have them and the're in the car.
    1 point
  13. Yes Simon, I know I should, I've heard nothing but excellent things about them, and I certainly wouldn't be troubling anyone for FTD - I shall definitely do so when funds allow.
    1 point
  14. Oh THANKS for that mental image...
    1 point
  15. Maybe he was cutting the grass nude, and has a close call with his topper
    1 point
  16. This is pretty much spot on. As you say social housing for some is a lifestyle choice. Bob Crowe head of the rail union over £100k salary lives in a council house in London, is that what social housing was meant for? The 800,000 who dropped their claims, this correct. The residents of merthyr tydfil were up in arms, even the Doctors admitted they were putting people through as disabled as they get more money than unemployment benefit, but the truth was they were not disabled just using the system to their advantage. When faced with a situation that where they would not get the money they had 8000 found jobs. This proves the point if the benefit system is made to be basic so that there were no spare money for luxeries, then people would work. As for the Capping to 24k. If they cannot afford to saty in London move out. If you were employed and could not afford the rent that is what you would do as you would have no choice. I would look at areas like Liverpool and Newcastle and regenerate the two up two down houses that lie empty and then offer those to people who can no longer afford to live in an area as an alternative. Once you say no to people they will take another path. Sounds harsh, but unless we are with some of those who are taking advantage, we will suffer the fall out in the future.
    1 point
  17. Unfortunately folks we are battling with human nature, whether we like it or not, if you make benefits available to people, a substantial number of them will take them, whether they need them or not. This is evidenced by these facts: a) Some 800,000 people dropped their claims for disabililty benefit when faced with the requirement to undergo an assessment, b) 10's of thousands are living in social housing as a lifestyle choice, because it is there, c) Of the people thought to be affected by the benefits cap recently introduced in London (that is, people whose benefits would have exceeded £24000 per year) 8,000 appear to have gone and found work In fact the people whose benefits would exceed £24000 a year represent a tiny percentage of the people claiming benefits, but take billions of pounds out of the economy each year! it is insanity, and it will deprive all of us of something , our healthcare, care for the elderly, perhaps our pensions, if it is allowed to continue.... Assessing and means testing benefits is an absolute must if it isn't to bankrupt us, in which case we all lose out, you, me, and most significantly those really in need. A benefits cap is not something I would generally support, some people in genuine need will be affected, but if where someone lives is driving a need for £2000 a month in benefits then there should be a programme in place to move them to a place where we (since we are paying) can afford for them to live. Balance the books or go bankrupt..Greece style.
    1 point
  18. Thanks Paul Bike engines are the future You know you want one
    1 point
  19. Thanks A-Plan £100 cheaper than my current KC Insurer and over £200 cheaper on the Motorhome Insurance both with better cover and benefits. THANKS!!
    1 point
  20. Possibly the fastest cone on the track? (sorry Thos!) Only just had a chance to download the photos I took tonight, will try and get some processing done later this week.
    1 point
  21. well done Tel. sounds like you guys had some fun out there
    1 point
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