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    John Williams (Panda) - Joint Manchester AO

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 16/04/13 in all areas

  1. Poor,poor woman on TV news .When questioned what she would do when her benefit is capped at 25K. Poor woman said she would try to cut down on gas,try to cut down on electricity and try to cut down on food shopping.....what the devil... Why doesn`t the lazy c@w TRY and get a job like the rest of us. Why should benefit scroungers get more than the average wage and that`s more than anyone who works for me gets ?
    2 points
  2. Oh dear,after reading this topic I can see why the wife gets THE `UMP. I`ve kept them ALL.
    2 points
  3. i can feel a build thread coming on
    1 point
  4. I`m driving similar MK at Blyton on Sunday. Busa engined version,but I can tell her how fantastic it was and every husband deserves one.....that`s what I intend to tell my wife.....
    1 point
  5. I feel if I drove that I'd be joining my grandparents pretty quickly!
    1 point
  6. No need to be fassesious fasseatus sarcastic
    1 point
  7. give me a shout if I can help with anything The goverment new homes bonus is a good incentive to release land for building and the incentives to local authorites are even greater when affordable housing is added to the council tax register.
    1 point
  8. Blimey I wish I got paid £500 each week for nothing. There are about 60% of the armed forces earning less than that
    1 point
  9. It is after all really rather obvious. No one. should receive more benefits than they would if earning min wage ?? Less 10%. The various churches bang on about it causing child poverty, presumably kids of workers can go ****** starve
    1 point
  10. i still cant beleive how people think they have the right to sit at home on their ass and get paid for the pleasure. im sure that there will be some who do lose out that have worked all their lives paid taxes and through no fault of their own lost their jobs. i do also beleive these people will be the minority and its a shame these few will suffer. personally i dont see how some people should have their children and lifestyle paid for by the state when they have not paid a penny in the pot. victorian i know but if you have children and cant provide for them then you either support yourself, live in a hostel or give them up just dont ask me to pay for their blumin lifestyle. see what that would do for teenage pregnancy rates and single mothers. i have more morals than to do this but last year the house next door was up for rent and i worked out that myself and the mrs would be better off if we split up and she rented the house next door. just shoundnt be possible and relax
    1 point
  11. Renewed with A-Plan... half the excess of Flux and better understanding of my needs - thanks Claire. RECOMMENDED James
    1 point
  12. Just renewed with A plan too. Superb service and nice to talk to someone on the phone who asks sensible questions...
    1 point
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