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  1. Mark (smokey mow)

    Mark (smokey mow)

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 13/04/13 in all areas

  1. This a bulk buy with a difference. We are letting the 2 gites to club members at reduced prices. More pictures of the gites HERE Read the whole web site HERE The prices, from 2006 to 2010 were: 6th March to 27th March 2010: £195.00 per week 27th March to 29th May 2010: £250.00 per week 29th May to 28th August 2010: £395.00 per week 28th August to 25th September 2010: £250.00 per week 25th September to 30th October 2010: £195.00 per week The current rate for gites to sleep 2 in the area are £500 per week plus £100 deposit which rarely gets refunded as it's used for “cleaning and breakages” So, what should we set the club “bulk buy a gite for a week” at? I thought a whacking 20% discount of the top price would be good. So how about £315 per week. Doesn't seem that cheap does it? So maybe we should go to 30%, say, £275. No, still too high? Well lets go for 50%, a whole whacking 50% discount, that can't be bettered can it? So £197.50 a week? Half price. No good, OK let me have a think. Thinking.......... Thinking.......... Thinking.......... Thinking.......... Right my last offer, 63.6% off. That gives us a weekly rate of £143.78. That's got to be the best value ever. What? You'll have to speak up, I'm a bit mutt n'jeff. OH, lower. Well we are getting to the limit now, how about a massive 70% off. That's £98.75. Tell you what, as I don't like odd numbers how about we settle on £85 per week. The gites have bedding and towels. We supply the tea and coffee. Also there is bog rolls and soap and shampoo in the bathroom. So, to make sure you fully understand. YOU CAN HAVE A £395 A WEEK GITE FOR £85 PER WEEK A MASSIVE 78.5% DISCOUNT. NOW IS THAT A BULK BUY OR IS THAT A BULK BUY? That works out at £0.50p per hour. And, we'll throw in another special offer on top of that massive discount. Anyone booking before 31st January can pay on the 1st May. After 1st February payment with booking will be required. Just pm me or email Norman@Frenchblat.com to book and arrange payment. Our season runs from the Easter weekend Saturday 30th March to the end of October. We already have several bookings and we have some folk staying in the Lotus suite who are supposed to be out by spring but they were supposed to be out by Autumn then Christmas so I'm not holding my breath. As they're paying more that the £85 per week I'm not throwing them out. There's no catch. We no longer run the gites as a commercial venture so the club members may as well use them. We are paying someone to clean them and do the laundry and that's included in the price. We do not make a profit However,as we are no longer using the accounting system that was written into the original site we do like the money with the booking. I'll make a diary note to remind the bookings made before January 31st to pay. Payment should be made by transfer to our UK bank. I'll supply the details at the time of the booking. This has been a Verona & Verona production. It's both a sequel and a prequel. You can view the HD version on HD-Verona. The 3D version is on 3D-Verona. The catering contractors are Captain Colonials mobile catering wagon. Transport services are provided by Westfield Car loans Unlimited. Copyright is non-existent mainly because no one would want to copy any of this rubbish.
    1 point
  2. Ermmm.... Is it possible some are interpreting the "11" as an "L" ? :-\
    1 point
  3. Thanks guys - it's a big birthday as well. Rather it didn't happen to be honest but we don't get a lot of choice about it do we! Been 'beer tasting' this afternoon, now I'm going beer drinking. Not entirely sure what the difference is...
    1 point
  4. Dont think Fangio , Jack Brabham , Nicki Lauda , Piquet , Prost , Stewart would agree entirely with that . The win at all costs attitude began with a certain Mr Senna , compounded and perfected by Mr Schumaker , even more so when F1 cars became survival capsules rather than the coffins on wheels they used to be . Not to forget the removal of any solid trackside objects that might possibly cause injury to a distance of at least 1/4 mile plus the addition of chicanes and run off areas you could land a 747 on .
    1 point
  5. If you customise them cleggy, think mine should read 'If you are following me, your probably due a u turn shortly'!
    1 point
  6. WSCC Sticker - never had one of them! thinking if I can make up a WSCC sticker for AO's for their cars - what ya reckon
    1 point
  7. Steady on guys....you all know this fella.!!!.....Following a small accident in his Westie just two weeks ago and only six road miles under his belt with the new Duratec engine,the light injury to his head has caused this irrational behaviour.He`s been telling us he`s too busy to even go on this forum,but now the truth is out....... God help the farming community of Essex and Steve D who`s doing the repair..... Yes....it`s our very own Farmer (Jim)
    1 point
  8. That was to silly for me. I would have bailed out before it got too far
    1 point
  9. I'm going to kill her! I told her not to post that video on YouTube.
    1 point
  10. Holy F**k Pickman! :o :o :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Somewhere a H&S man just topped himself after watching that!
    1 point
  11. For whatever reason I can't seem to get my head around this! Help please! And yes, I could just turn the laptop on!
    1 point
  12. peterg


    Helmut Marko was in charge of filling Webbers fuel tank...
    1 point
  13. Ooh it works! Couldn't find the little i to click on though, but just copied the image address and pasted it on the post area!
    1 point
  14. I'm pretty Victor Meldrew as well Norm - that said, I don't mind using modern stuff if it works properly.
    1 point
  15. Hi, I am wanting to do the same,does the Gelcoat come in different colours ie chrome yellow
    1 point
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