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  1. Captain Colonial

    Captain Colonial

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  2. Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman

    Dave Eastwood (Gadgetman) - Club Chairman


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  3. Mark (smokey mow)

    Mark (smokey mow)

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/04/13 in all areas

  1. I have left enough money behind in my will so that all who attend my funeral will drink themselves into a state - does that count?
    2 points
  2. http://i1258.photobucket.com/albums/ii522/tysonsnap/233_zps0e2f36c7.jpg Just a couple of photos from our meeting with the Westfield members in Malta on Monday
    2 points
  3. I think it's great. I'd probably go if I wasn't at work. Due to who she was it could never be a small deal. Even if that's just to keep mentalists away. I really hope it won't be spoiled by some horrible oiks most likely born after she left office.
    1 point
  4. http://i1258.photobucket.com/albums/ii522/tysonsnap/238_zps7c52f73c.jpg http://i1258.photobucket.com/albums/ii522/tysonsnap/232_zps1a7ac66c.jpg Couple more photos from Malta. Really good to meet up, have a drink and talk cars.
    1 point
  5. Tolf, sorry but this is called "stuff & Nonsense". I look at it like chatting to mates in the pub.
    1 point
  6. From an article on Yahoo finance...
    1 point
  7. Don't worry Scott, he's just nicked them off Steve!
    1 point
  8. You're all welcome to our small island
    1 point
  9. I would imagine it will be one weekend later in April
    1 point
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