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    Mark (smokey mow)

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/13 in all areas

  1. I heard Thatchers dying wish was to be cremated! unfortunately there is no coal left! Maybe the reason there is so many people celebrating her death is because she upset more than she made happy?? Fair enough there are alot who are too young and yes general scallys also, but none the less the reason we pay over the odds now for everything is because of her no matter how you look at it! She privatised things and now we are paying for it STILL years on! If you ask me they are making a MARTER out of her now! Sure my new friend deanoecosse will agree :laugh: :laugh:
    1 point
  2. I'm not sure that a state funeral (in all but name) is appropriate. But I do know that independent of the different views on her policies she served this country as PM for 11 years. She gave 11 years of her life to trying to make the country a better place. And it was not an easy 11 years. Not least the IRA trying to assinate her. She also seemed to avoid much of the gravy train that others such as Blair have profitted from after office. So I don't think it is asking too much to in return honour her with some respect and dignity as she is laid to rest.
    1 point
  3. The reason I volunteered to do the translation was when they had a dish...... ........A plate of pig parts.
    1 point
  4. A loud and raucous noise, or attitude, emitted from car and often driver of silly little machine'a, driven by little boys in grown up clothing. Determined to smile like fools till their demise.....
    1 point
  5. I've done Oz a few times and never had much of a problem - flight is so long you are bound to sleep at some stage. Worst one for me is UK to west coast USA - flights arrive c. 4pm their time which is already midnight our time and by the time you have been out for beers and food with mates or colleagues it's easily 8am UK time. Always kiils me for a about 3 days.
    1 point
  6. Jeff, I agree that the unions and Scargill needed sorting out. However it wasn't a governments job to take them on directly and use the police to do it. If she had set the legislation the bosses would have been in a position to sort it out. The reason they hadn't up to then was that the strikes and undemocratic methods used by some of the unions weren't illegal. In my and many others view the closing of the pits was an act of retribution. She had McGregor close the pits and put thousands out of work directly, devastate whole communities and create more unemployment to the shopkeepers and other local services and then import "cheap" coal from Poland. The coal on it's own may have been cheaper, the cost of resultant benefits added to the "cheap" coal made the whole exercise dearer. Many have said how resolved and unflinching she was. This, in my view was the reason many loath her. She wouldn't moderate, if she felt a head on clash using her police force was going to sort it out then that was what she did. No attempt to show resolve and negotiate. Just use violence to push her way forward. Would the UN have voted in favour of Argentina? The US wouldn't, the French wouldn't, Russia and China may have abstained but Argentina was a right wing military dictatorship, not really a friend of Communism. Had she started assembling the task force in a very public manner and gone to the UN I think the war would have had the backing, if not the assistance, of the UN and may have been over without so much bloodshed. As for selling council housing do you think that's why people have to live in 1 bed flats and pay £300 a week for the privilege, mostly paid out of benefits? Rachmanism is alive and well due to the lack of "social" housing. Anyway, the population voted for her, even when unemployment was at 3 million so I'm probably a lone voice in the wilderness.
    1 point
  7. I built a Tot Rod for my son a couple of years back, hopefully here's a link to a few photo's. I don't have any recent pictures but it now has working headlights, red vinyl seat and a few scratches on the body work! It has a top speed of a whopping 5mph but he is only 4 and he loves it! https://picasaweb.google.com/102436259235034659009/TotRod#
    1 point
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