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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/12/12 in all areas

  1. There is a lot of stuff going with the club at the moment.... For all of you that have been forum users in the past and now have the choice pay to join or become "read only" I would personally really like to see you guys around still - so am asking kindly that I hope you consider coming on board For me the £20-£30 has been worth it just to receive the club mag - I have posted the below on our local area Facebook page to try to encourage people to join up... Hi folks - there's quite a few good reasons to pay under £30 for a years membership to the WSCC - one of them is the quarterly magazine - each area has a write by the local Area Organiser. Most of the club events/blats/track days etc that you have taken part in, get a mention and you may even get a picture of your motor in too - so if you wish to become a member and support the club please visit the WSCC site. See sample of one of the two page Cambs area report that made it into the winter edition of the mag :-) ....................... For my local area guys and gals that I have met since joining the club - can I assure you whether you are members or not, you will always be very welcome to come and join in the fun, as has always been the case Sample write up below for those that have not seen the mag - oh and if you join right now you will get the very nice club calender Have a think about it folks before you decide to wave goodbye
    3 points
  2. Interesting 'cos today there is a different Chairman, Secretary Treasurer (I think) and Membership Secretary from 5 years ago. They have new, fresh ideas and a different way of looking at things, so whilst you may propose your thoughts as fact, the fact is it just ain't so. Our first cousin in that scene would be Blatchat. It's been members only for years with no probationary period of any type for anyone. Tell me what there is to learn? Blatchat is as busy as ever it was. I have also heard it said that "people" believe the recent changes will see the death of the WSCC. I've heard that before. In fact there have been disgruntled members who have started their own forums with a stated aim of being better than the WSCC for Westfield owners by putting right everything we do wrong. It died. There was even an attempt by the factory to start a forum but they fell in to the trap of moderating anything they didn't like. R.I.P... Those of us who stand firm, trust the management and put in some time and effort in to the club will continue to reap the rewards, and there are plenty. Those who don't, won't. And to be fair, I am not totally convinced that some of the changes will have the desired effect, BUT I have aired my questions and they have been answered to my satisfaction. All that's left is to see how it goes and SUPPORT those changes. The Committee will recognise it if things are not going as intended and it's not like vociferous members like me are going to be losing our voices in the meantime! As a final thought, this Club has flourished for over 25 years. I think it's safe to say they boys and girls at the sharp end have a fair idea of what to do.
    3 points
  3. A question probably best answered by me (for once) - there have been some unhelpful and unfounded rumours and speculation flying about on this subject for some time, which I am very happy to lay to rest. We are NOT losing members - quite the opposite, in fact. I can happily confirm that since December 2011 (pre-new boardroom), we have gained over 200 paying members and that number is still increasing. We did NOT lose members in January when the new boardroom came online - quite the opposite, in fact. The old system that previous MemSecs had to endure, and which I also inherited until I did a great deal of work and got all club members manually migrated to the new boardrooms, was an absolute nightmare to administer. The new boardroom has greatly simplified joining the club and renewing membership for both member and MemSec alike. Although I cannot put an exact number on it, we have definitely gained, not lost members. Members are NOT forced to pay via PayPal - they can also pay via credit card (through the PayPal site), set up PayPal to take the annual subs automatically, send me a personal cheque, or press filthy cash money directly into hand at any time they wish to delight me by joining or renewing, which is clearly explained in the Membership FAQs. Nothing is going to be to everyone's liking from a standpoint of making a membership payment, but there's sufficient variety to please practically everyone. Part of the reason membership numbers dropped in 2011 was, of course, the economy, as you would expect, but much more of it was because members were living in the 21st century while the club was not. Many members in 2011 either failed to get renewal notices in the good old-fashioned post, didn't look at their membership cards and forgot their memberships had expired, or forgot to fill the forms in and return them with a cheque to the MemSec - as a result, member numbers pre-new boardroom were tumbling at an alarming and dangerous rate. Let's face it, how many cheques do most people write these days? How many letters do you post versus emails? Most people prefer to do things online these days, and the club had to respond. The new boardroom and new online payment system, and I'm not being over-dramatic here, has significantly helped towards saving this club - fact. I would go so far as to say that without it and the other decisions taken and changes made by the committees past and present, there'd be a good chance that you'd all have a long weekend at the beginning of May 2013 with nothing to do, i.e. no WSCC at Stoneleigh - or anywhere else. So there's the facts, and let's not have any more false rumours about club member numbers please. Things are significantly better now than this time in 2011, and I'm doing all I can to keep that trend going. Thanks. (Members can go into the WSCC Members Only section and download my 2012 AGM Report for more details, which has been up since July 2012.)
    2 points
  4. I have to echo about the 8p per day bargain that is wscc. I joined when I got my westfield just about on the road and although not been on that long, feel that it is a bargain. esp as I was a member of club lotus for many years and didn't get half of what is available here, and it was more expensive! They also had the policy that your fees stopped the same each year so long standing members got all the facilities for far less than new members. I don't know if they still do that policy but at the time I thought that was very unfair. With this club everybody pays the same, regardless of how long you have been a member. On an additional note about club lotus I found that there was quite a bit of elitism even in the meetings - I owned the m100 elan, fantastic car but still some members looked down their noses saying it wasn't a real lotus! I started going to the meets less and less and the magazine detioriated into an elise or F1 fanciers club (IMHO). Perhaps its changed, I don't know. With this club its clear even if you own a completely different make of car you are welcomed with open arms. The magazine a a good read and this forum is second to none, with a blend of happy banter, abundant technical advice, and support for when you need it - be it car or none car related. I am hoping to actually get to some club meetings this next year, but often work and family commitments (mostly work) gets in the way. The forum alone is worth 8p per day imho. If you own a westfield then I would say membership pays for itself (even just through insurance) if you don't, well you have to think more about membership.
    1 point
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