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Showing content with the highest reputation on 15/11/12 in all areas

  1. Today was an almost perfect day for a blat, mild, little traffic, dry, no salt, beautiful autumnal colours in beautiful countryside. Perfect. Route:- Gisburn ( to pick up bread), Hellifield, Gargrave, Hetton, Rylstone, Linton (would have been rude not to have called into "The Fountaine Inn" for a pint of Theakstons, great pub in beautiful village, check it out). Then a hasty thrash home before the light faded. Now last time I posted a midweek blat, I got a lot of flak, "working", "lucky b*****d", etc. But I've done my bit and I was only thinking whilst having my pint, how appreciative I am of all you guys working out there and keeping the country going, but, for example, you guys who work in brewing industry, there's no point in making all this ale if there's no one to drink it! right? so by going round the various pubs whilst blatting, I feel as though I'm still contributing to the countries economy, you guys should be thankful there are people like me out there, who give up their spare time to keep you in employment! Discuss!! Cheers
    1 point
  2. Dan, Take your car out for a blat, go home, take spare off, do same route. What I did and I now carry tyre weld and an AA card!
    1 point
  3. I feel a lego 7 competition may be required in the future
    1 point
  4. When changing boxes the 4 speed and 5 speed are different and you will need to drill new holes for central box support If existing plate is long enough thats fine otherwise you may need to fabricate a new plate and bolt or weld it in place Have you checked if your prop shaft is right length I presume speedo is ok
    1 point
  5. With the state of what passes as "music" these days I wouldnt be to concerned about quality ,the main requirement seems to be more for extra loud volume and a dirty great big resonant bass box
    1 point
  6. washing up liquid also does a good job. just a couple of small drops to a cloth then polish the glass with it
    1 point
  7. heheheheheheh - she is 16 and i'm very protective guest..... keep the lads at bay with my chainsaws and intimidating manner :-/
    1 point
  8. I missed out on the ones Mick had for sale, I have emailed Aerodynamix re the Carbon versions as there aren't any prices yet on their website. I would prefer Carbon to GRP as I have that CF addiction that most people on here seem to affected by !!!!!!
    1 point
  9. Was a good 6 foot drop. After the show lee nelson dragged him out the autograph que and took him straight to the front. he was like a hero that night and still hasn't lived it down.
    1 point
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