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Showing content with the highest reputation on 31/10/12 in all areas

  1. I'm in my 40's, I climb trees every day with a chainsaw, I use a chipper, the type of which that 14 people last year, I play first team rugby every saturday, I have small car built in a garage that i drive quickly, and i ride my massive horse that has a mind of a 3 year old child on acid.... (1bhp is harder to control than 200 if he decides to b******* off) a clinical trial cant be that risky can it for a couple of grand??? where do i sign,,,,,,,
    1 point
  2. We have several places with high security where there are many who could be used to further this research! Instead of community service let them do it, lets face it these would probably be the safest drugs they will ever take!
    1 point
  3. Clinical Trial Studies are vital in assessing the risk/benefit ratio for new compounds as the evidence they provide is what is put forward to agencies such as NICE and the US FDA who licence the drugs for use in humans showing that patients will benefit from the new treatment. If these trials weren't conducted then new medications wouldn't be able to be marketed... out of maybe 10,000 new molecules discovered in the labs, around 100 go to first stage trials and of those only about 5 ever get to be trialled on humans and of those just 1 or 2 ever get to be licenced for use to the public, the research cost runs into multiple billions of $$ in the hope of creating 1 new effective (and safe) treatment. A lot of people on CT studies already have the disease that we are trying to treat/cure but early stage human studies are done on healthy people first to check that they won't cause serious problems as concommitant treatments on poorly patients can interact with the new compound and skew the results. ...can you tell I work for a drug company at the end of the day you have to weigh the possible risk to your own health against the benefit of having some money in your pocket and I can't and wouldn't try to answer that for you
    1 point
  4. Only because she said no.
    1 point
  5. I thought this was about trials on a Westie!! You know, trying different fuel under controlled conditions, that sort of thing. Quite disappointed when I got beyond the headline and read the thread!!
    1 point
  6. do it you could turn green like the hulk ..............................................awesome
    1 point
  7. Just a thought , was one of them a Walter 303 in a brown cardboard box ? not necessarily complete and def. a none worker If so the mistery is solved
    1 point
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